Date: 1/11/96
Time 1900UTC
Lat: 122,37W Lon: 21,19N
Log=1,818 C175T @8, 19M last 24H
11PM-PST W-NNE10-25 AT76F ST64.8F B1021Steady
Finally working speed average up instead of down. Scattered clouds and balmy. Passed near a cargo ship headed SE toward Panama Canal and saw my first flying fish of the trip.
Where do I get weather information? A number of sources including pilot charts, weather map fax broadcasts on HF radio, EGC textual weather information received over Inmarsat/Comsat satellite communications system, direct reception of visible and infrared images from NOAA polar orbit satellites and my own observations.
Pilot charts can be purchased at marine chart agencies. There are 5 sets covering the North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. Each set having series of 12 charts, one for each month of the year. Charts are scattered with "wind roses", a symbol showing the statistical wind distribution, direction, strength and number of calms days. Also shown is information on wave heights, tropical cyclone tracks, surface pressure, air and sea temp, visibility, sea ice extents and ocean currents. A wealth of information for anyone interested in weather and how patterns change throughout the year.
John Oman