Date: 1/13/96
Time 2200PST
Lat: 122,22W Lon: 15'36N
Have pointed toward SD. Picked up rpms to 2400. GPS is going nuts, big dither. Have started timing fuel. Deck in order. Seaworthy except for major storm, not likely.
Mast is gone from first spreader up. Radar antenna is damaged. Boom still attached to mast and off to stbd side. All stays are gone.
Minor cosmetic damage to bow and port side. It was a glancing blow. I ran into the ships stbd side. Then turned in same direction as ship. So port side against his stbd, as ship scraped past me. I had full load of ballast in fwd port tank. Made me heal into ship. Near stern of ship, the mast caught on something. Bang. Mast top went over stb side, piointed straight down and remained attached to stub for some hours as I worked to clear.
Big bolt cutters won't even cut the small stuff. Blades that came with Sawsall won't cut this stuff. Hacksaw for hours. Saved all three head sails and lower 2/3 of main. Saved furler drums only. Boat is fine. I am pooped and bruised. Will be very sore tomorrow.