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If CD autorun does not start: open the "dbClickMe.htm" (pr autorun.exe) file by double clicking on it. 
Runs best on PC, at 800x600 with IE and JavaScript enabled.
The entire CD-ROM contains only the six following file types:

.txt-this readme text file.
.htm-which is short for html and allows your browser to display the file as a web page.
.js-javascript page used in conjunction with the .htm page. JavaScript must be enabled 
    for much of this site to function properly.
.gif-graphic file
.jpg-graphic file
.wav-wave music file
plus the CD AutoRun/AutoStart files (autorun.exe, autorun.inf,and .cdr and .ico). There are no 
other file types present, all files have been scanned 
and tested and have been found to be consistently functional and virus-free. 

If there is no "AutoRun" to automatically start the CD, you must manually 
open the "dbClickMe.htm"  (or autorun.exe) file to start. Simply double-click on it.

The links presented herein are for quick and easy navigation within this project only. 
Please visit to navigate through all other links.

There are 4 ways to place an order request: Please read the "ABOUT" webpage first.

1) Visit, and click on either the "Catalog1" button (flat, 2D items) 
   or click on the "Catalog2" button (fat, 3D items), check the boxes and complete the form. 
   For custom orders please go to the "Orders" page and complete the form. Finally, the 
   "Specials" page (a variety of smaller 2D and 3D items) has its own ordering page as well.
2) To order via Fax or US Mail, fill out the Sales Agreement form here: and fax (1-503-646-1548) 
   or mail us the form. 

3) To order via Phone:  Call 1-503-646-1548 (M-F 8:00 AM -6:00 PM Pacific Standard).

4) E-mail us at with your contact information and requests, and 
   we will complete the order request form for you and send it back to you for your approval.


Visit for the latest news, products, promotions and prices. 
E-Mail us at with any comments and/or questions. 
Contact us by phone Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time: 503.646.1548.
All works copyrighted 2000-03, Brooks Design. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.

*Navigation Tips

The Plant Supports part of the site tries to have a consistent layout with navigational aids at the left and bottom of each page.

At the top of many key pages is the "Find" drop down menu. Just place the cursor over the find, it will drop down, go to the area of interest and click.

The left side of all pages (except the "Site Map" page) has 5 simple buttons which take you to the 5 major sections of the site presented in alphabetical order:


~Topiary (in general);

~Orders (general, and specific with two ways to order, also links to our Wholesale Price Sheets and our Sales Agreement/Order form so you can see exactly all the details and fine print...nothing is hidden.);

~Custom Orders (what if you do not see what you want or want to change something?);

~Legal (includes our Privacy statement, Security and Copyright information.);

~Contact (how and when to contact us, email, postal mail, phone, fax and physical location.).


~Image Navigation-navigate the entire site by image selection

~click the image for a larger image view (after download is complete)

~click on the enlarged image to go the Product Display Page

~click the item code text (far right) to go to the Price Sheet

~click on the Catalog or Specials link at the top of the category to order.


The home page lays out the site graphically. Links to the Product Display Pages.


~Catalog 1- 2D items (Arches, Arbors, Pergolas; Garden Accessories; Gates; Screen Trellises; Ten Little Angels);

~Catalog 2- 3D items (Topiary 3D: Animals; Classical; Fantasy; Misc; & Musical forms; Gazebos.)

~Orders: for custom orders

~Specials: here there are a variety of items...old and very new...large and small...and access to our 1997 Wholesale Catalog. (Fuchsia Hats, Large Spheres, Label Card Stakes, Horseshoe "Peony Stakes", etc. See below for the full list.)


~this index page has the whole site in detail, laid out like a tree with branches and roots;

~this index page also has the entry to the Photo Album page (please bookmark first);

~and a number of special links of interest to gardening, art, literature, it, etc.

The BOTTOM of each page provides a series of direct links to the entire site at a glance:

About | Catalog 1-2D | Catalog 2-3D | Home | Orders | Product Display Pages | Sales Agreement | Tree Site Map | Specials | Image Navigation


Now in order for the site to properly function you will need to have JavaScript enabled. On my computer, I have set the "enable scripts" function in the Internet Security settings set to "prompt", allowing me to accept the JavaScripting on sites I elect to, yet allowing me to say no to sites I am unsure of by simply clicking the yes or no on the little prompt window that pops up when a script tries to run on the site. This is different from, and should not be confused with, the ActiveX scripting, which has its own security settings.

Lastly, the three highlighted exclamation marks, !!!, (links) at the top of the Home, Catalog and each of the Product Display Pages gives first time viewers some 20 tips on navigating the site.

I hope that you can see the humor and whimsy in my work! I hope that this helps. When I first started, besides the enormous difference in opinion about site design that I ran across, the one that always sticks out to me is "Whatever you do, don't make it boring!"

New!~Image Navigation~No frills, just fast!...once loaded.
...nearly 200 images...takes about 10-13' on 56K online...

Helpful URLs:
- if offline click the URL address link (left)
- if online click the simple word link (bold).

*************** (About---ordering, contacts, legal) (Catalog 1---2D items & orders) (Catalog 2---3D items & orders) (Home---go to Product Display Page)

More recent drawings of many of the middle to upper scale items found at: (Arches, Arbors, Pergolas) (Garden Accessories:funky) (Gates and Gazebos:new!) (Screen Trellises) (Ten Little Angels) (Topiary-animals) (Topiary-classical) (Topiary-fantasy, myth.) (Topiary-misc. antique chairs, birdhouses, cactus, golfer, trees) (Topiary-musical) (Trellis Frieze Elements) (Orders-for custom orders) (Price Sheet---2002) (Sales Agreement---2002) (Specials*---see below)


If you get lost just go to the Tree Site Map: (Tree Site Map or "FIND")

and some photos can be seen at the link near the bottom of the Tree Site Map, or at: (Photo Album)

Please check out our Specials page for very new items or specials at: (Specials*---new items:

Fuchsia Hats, Large Spheres, and Stands; Decorative Gates; Horseshoe "Peony" Stakes; and, Cones,

as well as many of our under $100 items not featured in the main Product Display Pages like our Small and Medium Topiary Stakes & Trellises:

rings, hearts, celestial bodies and designs, musical instruments and notations, land animals, aquatic animals, birds, candelabras, spirals, pyramids, rose obelisks, hanging, grow-thru and container trellises, and more (including our entire 1997 Catalog of drawings).


Reg Brooks
Brooks Design-Plant Supports
535 NW 107th Ave
Portland, OR 97229-6211
Phone/Fax: 503.646.1548 (M-F 8:00 AM -6:00 PM, Pacific Time)

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