Jorge Luis Borges
Pierre Menard, Autor del Quijote
Pierre Menard, Author of the Quijote
A Silvina Ocampo
La obra visible que a dejado
este novelista es de fácil y breve
enumeración. The visible
oeuvre left by this novelist can be easily and
briefly enumerated; Son por lo tanto, imperdonables
las omisiones y adiciones perpetradas por Madame Henry
Bachelier en un catálogo falaz que cierto
diario cuya tendencia protestante no es un secreto
ha tenido la desconsideración de inferir
a sus deplorables lectores -- si bien
éstos son pocos y Calvinistas,
cuando no masones y circuncisos. unpardonable,
therefore, are the omissions and additions
perpetrated by Mme. Henry Bachelier in a deceitful
catalog that a certain newspaper, whose
protestant leanings are surely no secret,
has been so inconsiderate as to inflict
upon that newspaper's deplorable readers
-- few and Calvinist (if not masonic and
circumcised) though they be.
Los Amigos auténticos
de Menard han visto con alarma ese
catálogo y aun con cierta tristeza.
Menard's true friends have greeted that
catalog with alarm, and even with a degree of
sadness. Diríase que ayer
nos reunimos ante el mármol
final y entre los cipreses infaustos y ya el error trata
de empañar su memoria... One
might note that only yesterday were we gathered
before his marmoreal place of rest, among the
dreary cypresses, and already Error is
attempting to tarnish his bright memory...
Decididamente, una breve rectificación
en inevitable. Most decidedly, a brief rectification
is imperative.
Me consta que es muy
fácil recusar mi pobre autoridad.
I am aware that it is easy enough to call my own
scant authority into question. Espero, sin
embargo, que no me prohibirán
mencionar dos altos testimonios. I hope, nonetheless,
that I shall not be prohibited from mentioning two high
testimonials. La baronesa de Bacourt (en cuyos
vendredis inolvidables tuve el honor de conocer al
llorado poeta) a tenido a bien aprobar las lí
neas que siguen. The baroness de Bancourt (at whose
unforgettable vendredis I had the honor to meet
the mourned-for poet) has been so kind as to approve
the lines that follow. La condesa de Bagnoregio, uno de los
espíritus más
finos del principado de Mónaco
(y ahora de Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
despues de su reciente boda con el filántropo
internacional Símon Kautzsch, tan calumniado,
ay! por las víctimas de sus desinteresadas
maniobras) ha sacrificado <<
a la veracidad y a la muerte>>
(tales son las palabras) la señoril reserva
que la distingue y en una carta abierta publicada en la revista
Luxe me concede a si mismo su beneplacito.
Likewise the countess de Bagnoregio, one of the
rarest and most cultured spirits of the principality
of Monaco (now of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
following her recent marriage to the international
philanthropist Simon Kautzsch -- a man, it grieves me
to say vilified and slandered by the victims of his
disinterested operations), has sacrificed "to truth and
to death" (as she herself has phrased it) the noble
reserve that is the mark of her distinction,
and is an open letter, published in the magazine
Luxe, bestows upon me her blessing.
Esas ejecutorias, creo, no son insuficientes.
Those commendations are sufficient,
I should think.
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