March 2005 NEWS
3/5/05 "new media: what" at Neuberger Museum of Art

"evoë" (the four LCD screens in the photo above) is currently exhibited at Neuberger Museum of Art as part of "new media: what" show which lasts till June 26, 2005.

The museum is located in SUNY Purchase and it's about an hour drive from Manhattan. (I think you can also go there by Metro North as well.) There was an opening reception, so I decided to rent a car and drive to there.

Jacqueline, the curator, and I had been communicating about how the work would be displayed and it came out to be exactly how I was imagining, so I was very very happy with it. In the next room (at the right) there is a great installation work for voice and interactive media called "Messa di Voce" by Golan Levin and Zachary Lieberman. I would like to send special thanks to Jacqueline for organizing such a nice show and taking care of everything so smoothly.

Jacqueline also arranged a live performance event for me and I will be doing a live video mix on May 4th in this museum. I am really psyched about it! I will post more detailed information here soon.