video web log [-\\/] video blog

18.05.02 melbourne remembering bergen (3)

this is the third part of a work that has sisters. or mirrors. or brothers. this is the text storm with interactivity inside the video rather than inside the controller. (yes in number 2 interactivity is still inside the frame of the movie, inside of qtplayer, but they're just buttons aren't they?) (word storm ++). mousing over the video panels toggles the 9 independent text tracks.

this is a vog. the other two are experiments on the way to becoming a vog.

it is footage discovered in a shoe box in an attic in bergen, norway. obviously the work of an unknown nordic documentarist of light. or that dutch guy on holiday.

click to play in qtplayer.

15.05.02 melbourne remembering bergen (2)

this is the second part of a work that has a sister. or mirror. or brother. this is the text storm with interactivity (word storm +). you can control which text tracks are active so you can make the storm or you can try and read.

it is footage discovered in a shoe box in an attic in bergen, norway. obviously the work of an unknown nordic documentarist of light. or that dutch guy on holiday.

click to play in qtplayer.

12.05.02 melbourne remembering bergen

this is the first part of a work that has a sister. or mirror. this is just the storm. because i like the wordsnow over the movie. decided that you - that's you dear reader - don't get to play. you only get to watch. the next one, that's the one you get to play.

click to play in qtplayer.

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