Project Funders:
This collaboration has been generously supported by the U.S. Department
of Education in conjunction with the National Endownment for the Arts,
and through the Arts in Education Partnership of the California Arts
High School Student Participants:
Carlos Alvarez
Melissa Arevalo
Mel Arrozal
Rocio Astorga
Socorro Bautista
Zidartha Boquilla
Lisa Burgos
Rosa Calero
Carolina Cano
María Casique
Ana Castro
Suelem Alicia Chajón
Enrique Cueva
Serena Douzingriseth
Evelyn Fuentes
Dimas Galindo
Jaime Gamero
Rey De Gante
Maricela Gil
Maritza Gomez
Mercedes Gomez
Jacqueline Guevara
Elvis Guzman
Carlos Ernesto Jirón
Oscar Larrainzar
Dorothy Lazo
Guadalupe Lopez
Elvia Lopez
Luz Medrano
Maritza Mendoza
Jamie Molina
Mariely Molina
Isi Ramon
Irene Rodriguez
Michael Edgar Tordilla
Roxana Tzul
Jose Valle
Luis Valle
Luis Vasquez
Jose Villela
Stephen Metts
Juan Devis
Jessica Irish
Juan Devis
Jessica Irish
Artwork (lino cuts):
Artemio Rodriguez
Production Associates:
Michelle Knutson
Gian Derivi-Castellanos
Sound Designers:
Database Programmer:
John Byrne
Dynamic Programmer:
Mark Carolin
Print Designer:
Eric Singley
Research Assistants:
Irene Rodriguez
Lisa Burgos
Outreach Intern:
Jose Torres
Teacher Coordinators:
Yolanda Salazar
Gary Kelly
Ron Melin
Belmont High School Travel and Tourism Academy
Visiting Artists:
Salomon Huerta
Norman Klein
Eddo Stern
Mario Bencastro
Yucef Mehri
Barbara Golding
Los Angeles Educational Partnership
Organizational Partners:
Los Angeles Educational Partnership
LA Unified School Districts Belmont High School Travel and
Tourism Program
Special Thanks: UCLA ArtsBridge Program, UCLA Design|Media
Arts Department, Green Galactic, CARECEN, Dana Whitco, Anne Bray,
Clara Ocampo, friends and supporters of OnRamp Arts.