The Hiroshima Project - References - On Line - Books on radiation

The Hiroshima Project:References:On Line:Books on radiation

  • E. Holm, J. Rioseco, H. Pettersson, 1992 Fallout of transuranium elements following the Chernobyl accident. J. Radioanal. and Nucl. Chem., 156, 183.
  • L. Carlson, E. Holm, 1992 Radioactivity in the Baltic Sea following the Chernobyl accident. J. Environm. Radioact., 15, 231
  • H.B.L. Pettersson, E. Holm, 1992 Investigation of Aerial Dispersion of Uranium Isotopes from a Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility. Waste Management 12 87.
  • O. Olsson E. Holm L. Botter-Jensen 1992.Development of a low level-low-background beta-particle spectrometer.Appl. Radiat. Isot. 43 77.
  • E. Holm P. Roos B. Skwarzec 1992. Radioanalytical studies of fallout Ni.ibid. p.371.
  • P. Roos E. Holm A. Sanchez J. Gastaud V. Noshkin S. Ballestra 1993. Radioanalytical studies of anthropogenic radionuclides in an anoxic fjord.The Science of the Total Environment 130/131,1
  • P. Szefer J. Pempkoviak B. Skwarzec R. Bojanowski E. Holm 1993Concentration of selected metals in penguins and other representative fauna of the Antarctic area. The Science of the Total Environment 138 231.
  • P. Szefer K. Szefer J. Pempkoviak B. Skwarzec R. Bojanowski E. Holm 1993. Distribution and Coassociation of Selected Metals in Seals of the Antarctic.J. Environm. Poll. 83 341.
  • E. Holm 1993 Radioanalytical Studies of Tc in the Environment: Progress and Problems. Radiochimica Acta 63 57.
  • A.L. Sanchez J. Gastaud E. Holm P. Roos 1993 Distribution of Plutonium and its Oxidation States in Framvaren and Hellvik fjords Norway. J. Environm. Radioactivity 22 205.
  • P. Szefer W. Czarnowski J. Pempkowiak E. Holm 1993 Mercury and Major Essential Elements in Seals Penguins and Other Representative Fauna of the Antarctic. Arch. Environ. Toxicol. 25 422.
  • E. Holm J.J. Lopez A. Bulos N.E. Whitehead G. Barci-Funel G. Ardisson 1994. Radionuclides in Macroalgae at Monaco following the Chernobyl Accident. J. Radioanal. and Nucl. Chem. 83 341.
  • E. Holm 1994 Fluxes and Technological Enhancement of Radionuclides in the Forest Industry. In: Low-Level measurements of radioactivity in the Environment.; Techniques and Applications. World Scientific.(Ed. M. Garcia-L5w1on R. Garcia-Tenorio) p.341.
  • E. Holm 1994 Field Studies of Radiocaesium Sorbtion on Ammonium Molybdo Phosphate and Copper Ferrocyanide. ibid. p. 519.
  • P. Roos E. Holm R.B.R. Persson 1994 Comparison of AMP precipitate method and impregnated Cu2 (Fe(CN)6 filters for the determination of radiocaesium concentrations in natural waters. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. 339 282.
  • P. Roos E. Holm R.B.R. Persson A. Aarkrog S.P. Nielsen 1994 Flux of 210-Pb 137- Cs 239+240-Pu and 241-Am in the Antarctic Peninsula Area. J. Environm. Radioactivity 24 235.
  • A. Ravila E. Holm 1994 Radioactive elements in the forest industry. The Science of the Total Environment 157 p. 339.
  • B. Skwarzec E. Holm P. Roos J. Pempkoviak 1994. Nickel-63 in Baltic Fish and Sediments. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 45 609.
  • E. Holm 1994 Radioecology; Lectures in Environmental Radioactivity (Ed. E. Holm). World Scientific Singapore London.
  • P. Strand A. Nikitin A.L. Rudjord B. Salbu G. Christensen L. Foyn I.I. Kryshev V.-B. Chumichev H. Dahlgaard E. Holm 1994 Survey of Artificial Radionuclides in the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea J. Environm. Radioact. 25 99.
  • J.N. Smith K.M. Ellis A. Aarkrog H. Dahlgaard E. Holm 1994. Sediment Mixing and Burial of the 239+240-Pu Pulse from the 1968 Thule Greenland Weapons Accident. ibid. p.135.
  • D. Josefsson J. Hegbrant E. Holm H. Tysell The effect of dialysis on radiocaesium in man. accepted for publication in The Science of the Total Environment.

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