The Hiroshima Project - References - On Line - Chernobyl references

The Hiroshima Project:References:On Line:Chernobyl references


1. USSR State Committee on the Utilization of Atomic Energy: "The Accident at the Chernobyl NPP and its Consequences"; IAEA Post-Accident Review Meeting, Vienna, 25-29 August 1986.
2. Belyaev S.T., Borovoy A.A., Demin V.F. et al. The Chernobyl Source Term. Proc. of Seminar on comparative assessment of the environmental impact of radionuclides released during three major nuclear accidents: Kyshtym, Windscale, Chernobyl. 1-5 October 1990, Luxembourg, Rep. EUR 13574, V1, pp.71-91.
3. Exposures from the Chernobyl Accident, ANNEX D of the "Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation", UNSCEAR Report to the General Assembly, UN, New-York, 1988.
4. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Past Severe Accidents and Their Consequences, 30.10 - 03.11 1989, Sotchy, USSR. "NAUKA" Moscow, 1990.
5. Belyaev S.T., Borovoy A.A., and Dobrynin Yu.L. Information System PROBA: Monitoring of Area Radioactive Contaminations after the Chernobyl Accident". Atomnaya Energiya, 68(3) 197-201 (1990).
6. Warman E.A. Soviet and far-field radiation measurements and an inferred source term from Chernobyl. N.Y.Chapter - Health Physics Society Symposium on the Effects of the Nuclear Reactor Accident at Chernobyl, Brookhaven National Laboratory, April 1987.
7. Atmosphere Physics. Coll. vol. Institute of Physics, Acad. Sci. Lithuania, v. 14, Vilnus, Mokslas, 1989.
8. Medical Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident. Inform. Bull. Ukr. Resw. Centre of Radiation Medicine, Kiev, 1991.
9.Jaworowski Z. and Kownacka L. Tropospheric and stratospheric distributions of radioactive iodine and cesium after the Chernobyl accident. J.Environ. Radioact. 1988 (6), 145-150.
10.Gudiksen P.H., Sullivan T.J., and Harvey T.F. The Current Status of ARAC and Its Application to the Chernobyl Event. VCRL - 95562 Preprint, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Oct. 1986.
11. ApSimon H.M., MacDonald H.F., and Wilson J.J.N. An Initial Assessment of the Chernobyl-4 Reactor Accident Release Source". J.Soc.Radiol.Prot., 6(3),1986.
12.Begichev S.N., Borovoy A.A., Burlakov E.V., Fuel of unit 4 reactor at the Chernobyl NPP. Preprint Institute of Atomic Energy - 5268/3, 1990.
13.Kirhner G. and Noack C. Core history and nuclide inventory of Chernobyl core at the time of accident. Nucl. Safety, 29 (1) 1-5 (1988).
14.Izrael Yu.A., Vakulovskii S.M., Chernobyl: Radioactive Contamination of Natural Media. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,1990.
15.The safety of Nuclear Power Plants. An assessment by an international group of senior nuclear safety experts. The Uranium Institute. London 1988.
16.Gudiksen P.H., Harvey T.F. and Jange R.Chernobyl Source Term, Atmospheric Dispersion, and Dose Estimation. Health Physics, 5, (5), 697-706, 1989.
17.Warman E.Source Term and Emergency Response - Post Chernobyl Perspective, Stone&Webster Engineering Corp., Boston, MA.
18.Begichev S.N., Borovoy A.A., Burlakov E.V., "Radioactive Release due to Chernobyl Accident. Proc Int. Sem. "Fission Products Transport Processes in Reactor Accidents" May 22-26, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1989.
19.ICRP Publication 38. Radionuclide Transformation. Energy and Intensity of Emissions. Pergamon Press 20.Mervin S., Balonov M.(eds.) The Chernobyl Papers, Vol.1, Doses to Population and Early Health Effects Studies. Research Enterprises, Richland, WA, 1993. 21.Chernobyl' - pyat' trudnykh let. IZDAT, M., 1992.
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