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         Ontology is the theory of objects and their ties. existent and non-existent, 
   The unfolding of ontology provides criteria
   for distinguishing various types of objects (concrete and abstract,          
   real and ideal, independent and dependent)
   and their ties (relations, dependences and predication).
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    The picture has the logical form of representation in common with what it pictures.__________________next | back

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<The substance of the world can only determine a form and not any material properties. For these are first presented by the propositions -- first formed by the configuration of the objects.

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Either a thing has properties which no other has, and then one can distinguish it straght3 C$<^` Two objects of the same logical form are -- apart from their external properties -- only differentiated from one another in that they are different.
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VCV83G/ `C%G8C/((</(^:<` The substance of the world can only determine a form and not any material properties. For these are first presented by the propositions -- first formed by the configuration of the objects.
`.`<g//` `83880/(((:((((^` <XX@^^(C0V:<88//<(V~//~3(<:(%%3G3V
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(XC%CXV/^^(/(/VVCVV/VVVV%G%((<<^V<((X(%<(g(</</<<g(~(<G(/(((<V3V//((GgC3%3Roughly speaking: objects are colourless.

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/8 88<V(<<B( @@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@
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``````G V`g/(<<<<<<<< ~<` ` ^`.~g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@VCC
``````8 V`g(/(<<<<<<<<0g.` `` .`.~C@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%CC
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VVV3VV8 C`C$B//<<<((/VV~^ (<<~.```..^^^^ <~^<0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^^VVVC33
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</gB((B<V(....0BCVVVVVV@B^ ` ``` /@@@@@@@@0$@@@@@@@@@@<<<(%C3%GG
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@@@@@@@@@The world is everything that is the case...//~.``.......What is the case, the fact, is the existence of atomic facts._aaaaaaa~^^^^......//he logical picture of the facts is the thought.``````......^^^^^^~~~~~~<
<<<<&lThe thought is the significant proposition.......^^^^^^~~~~~~
<~~~~~~~~~^^^Propositions are truth-functions of elementary propositions. (An elementary proposition is a truth-function of itself.) Y_^^^.^......````(( `3B@@@@@$@@@$B8.......^^^^^~
~^The general form of truth-function is: [, , N()]br> ^^^^^^.............``````^C8%%CThis is the general form of proposition.
^...............```````/88gBWhereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
........``````````````V88@BB033%0$$g( g@@@B0@@%%G@$g@@@@```````....
...`.`````````````` .3GgB@8Gg8<~/Cg0BTHIS_IS_@@@3C/Gg03/V@$@BGG8883/<...
```````````````` `V8G0B8G388(/CB880MY_WORLD@@@8$8/V3C%C/%B@ONTOLOGY@@@@@ONTOLOGY
`````````` ` `GG8g8BCB@GCVC$$gG$@ONTOLOGY@@@@@V80%%BC%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
```` ` .8gBBB$g(^%C/VCG<@$G8.`````````8$gGGG888@@........`<//VV
ONTOLOGY <G80B$$0/<%%VVG8/B8gg<` ``` `$@@@V///VV@@@%....```<///V
ONTOLOGY /%8gB$@@@BgVVVVCG@Bgg83/` 3$@@@@@@@@(<<(@@@@@@@@@$8(</VVV
V8g%8B$@$@$BgVVVC%g@BgB0BThe world is the totality of facts, not of things.
`^/gB$B$$$$@@B$$$.^The world divides into facts.
gB$@@@@@@@@@$@@@@@G@@The world is determined by the facts, and by these begin all the facts.
g$$$@@@@@@@@@@@@$@@@$@@@@8B$(~` `<$$@$B$@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
g$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@$$@@@@@/%/. ` .^(`.8@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
g$$@@@@@@@@@@@$@@@@@$@@@@@$@/~ ^^.^`g$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
g$@@@@@@@@$G@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0<` An atomic fact is a combination of objects (entities, things).
gB@@@@@@@@@gV$$@$@@@@@@@@@@$$$@(~. `@@@@@@@For the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case.
g$@@@@@@@@@@@@$@@The facts in logical space are the world.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
g$@@@@@@@$$@$@@@@@@@@@@@C^<^~~<<< ^//VVGCV@@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@
.^$@@@@@@@$$$$$$$<<(/VV/~~~^~<^<<(~ ```<<<//CG(@g^//@@@@@@@For the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case. `^.^(< .(~(<.. `..<////C@@ONTOLOGY@@@@
````We make to ourselves pictures of facts. ...``.~<<<//@@@@@@ONTOLOGY
gBB@@@@$$$$B@C ` ./^^~~/V/G@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@
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For it a thing is not distinguished by anything, I cannot distinguish it -- for otherwise it would be distinguished.
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The object is simple.$$BB8/X (0$BB$00g0B(VX<((
In the atomic fact objects hang one in another, like the links of a chain.t;< `<<C0g0$$B@$B0B@/808GV@8^ VgX~(BB0B%008<</$%0@g@$0@0@@$$$$$
It is clear that however different from the real one an imagined world may be, it must have something -- a form -- in common with the real world.3@%@@C0$$$@@$@@@@@
/G$%8g@3XCC8/CV `<XVVG <^X/V/V/X%0$0X@$$$B$B@@@$@@
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The totality of existent atomic facts is the world.;
he totality of existent atomic facts also determines which atomic facts do not exist.t;
< ` 3 `` 3 VXVV/g8%%30080@$@$(::(
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<<<(<(` ~<((<^^^^.`^^ ^VV($@@@B$0@@0$ ~://XV
`/`` The existence and non-existence of atomic facts is the reality.
Objects form the substance of the world. Therefore they cannot be compound. The substance of the world can only determine a form and not any material properties. For these are first presented by the propositions -- first formed by the configuration of the objects. (The existence of atomic facts we also call a positive fact, their non-existence a negative fact.)
` <C``. <<<:3~^^^<<<</ 0B8/(X@@@8B@$$/ (<//VC
``:3^^` <<<~<((<< This fixed form consists of the objects. Substance is what exists independently of what is the case.
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.`The fixed, the existent and the object are one./(((/(XX/~<</%C%V
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V%%3g8V `XGg8X//(~<(<< It is form and content.
Only if there are objects can there be a fixed form of the world. /<<^^^/<^~~<<Cg(Xg/<<<//(<(/(:<(%%%G3C
`.`<g//` `83880/(((:((((^` It is clear that however different from the real one an imagined world may be, it must have something -- a form -- in common with the real world.
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