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We cannot think anything unlogical, for otherwise we should have to think unlogically. ^<^.` ` 3:/V^ `/^~
(~<(^ V `(%C `g8C
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`^< ` ^ 3%008Bg0B0 / ` BBB0B0Bg88G%/
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^` ^< :V` `g0000000000BB00
<.`:~^ ^^` <~ `~<<<
` ~^ V/ ^/ `<~<(
<^.V<X` ` X0BBC 80$(Either a thing has properties which no other has, and then one can distinguish it straght away from the others by a description and refer to it; or, on the other hand, there are several things which have the totality of their properties in common, and then it is quite impossible to point to any one of them.
/$3%8g$GCXCV8%0%8gCG0/^X ^ `:X/(8$%8(/3@%@@C0$$$@@$@@@@@
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^<~<</` ^<</^~^.` ^^^ X0<$$$$B@@$@$B <<///(
The applied, thought, propositional sign, is the thought.
` <C``. <<<:3~^^^<<<</ 0B8/(X@@@8B@$$/ (<//VC
``:3^^` <<<~<((<< ^0$0C /@$$g$@$$< ``((/XV/
``X8^^^ /<<<<<((/^ CXB$$B$0 (/@$@$$$@$(` ``V(/XX3
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(<Vg<<((` :<^^^XX/(<</XV0B0$$@B0080$0@gB0%$@$@@$$@8^^<<@$@$@@@@^^<<VVVV%%C
<The substance of the world can only determine a form and not any material properties. For these are first presented by the propositions -- first formed by the configuration of the objects.

Two objects of the same logical form are -- apart from their external properties -- only differentiated from one another in that they are different. The thought contains the possibility of the state of affairs which it thinks. What is thinkable is also possible. ```````^``^.````^^^^^^^^<<<<<<(<<<<(<:<
:/(//////(/////(((<<<<<<^<<<8 ``````````.````````.^V@G%<^^^~^^<<<<<<<~<<<<
(/((/(/(((((<(:::<<<<<<<^^^~% ` `` ` `````/@$80G@$$X8$^^^~<~<~~~<~<^
An a priori true thought would be one whose possibility guaranteed its;^^^^^~^^^<~^
<:::<:(<<<<<<<<<<<<^<~<^^^^~% ^@G88@$%3G80@%g$%^^^^^^^^^^~^
<<<<<:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~^^^(0@@@@@@V` %088$@B3X/%$@@8@0<^^^^^^^^^^^
~<<<<<<<<<&~X@@@@@@@@@0@C X08G@$$@@g$$@@g%G<^^^^^^^^^^.
&X3B@@@%%/<^ `8gG$@$8B0@$0@g00.^.```.^^^^^
.```````````%@@$8$@@@@$8$~ B(/B8$@@@@@XCV/////////VV%V(VC/(((C((/:VXV/(3%
`.` ````````$~ ^ @$ ` ^V@$@$@@g<</(/V(X/(/VXC/////(X/X/%/<(~^^/XG
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````` `%$ 8G8@0G%@G@@03X<(/<//X(V(/VC(/(<///(</((`/<//V
`` XB ($@$%G$0@@BB<3@$0$C08<////((VG<X<(/(//((V<^//V<<<C
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$ @@GB0^g8B@@@ (B8B0$((</(/(3(X/X/(<<(<//(~~`.//.
@ ` %B$BgB 0B@0@^G@<.`^(g0Bgg(<^V~/</%(/(//:((/<//(/<<(:<
@ `%BBB8%.8(@3` .` <<0`<%@V@//<(~X~//C//(:/X(X</^/C<%((V
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$X $ 0 8@gG/ 0:^ `XG3G$/(/V(<3/3C%(/((<<^(%/%<(/////
Either a thing has properties which no other has, and then one can distinguish it straght3 C$<^` Two objects of the same logical form are -- apart from their external properties -- only differentiated from one another in that they are different.
```< /XV3/%3B<<^^( `((X `.`^< ^<<(X/.^<</38GBg$G8X^/X/(((<(<^/
`` `` `` /(/<^</<< ^^`^~^(%/(CV^V/~<`</</(V(8
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` <@@@0 ` (<<<^X<V/$//((<X((/((38@
` `` ~%@% ~ XXC V<(<<(:@8//(V/<V<(///%3/
`` `` /380G% % ^X X:8GG8<(:(^X^:(/((/X3333
`.`` `C/X8GV0 <3C<(/((XX<<<^:^</(<%%CG
`````$<<^^^^^ < V`<:(/VX/G/<</<^^<(%33V
The proposition determines a place in logical space: the existence of this logical place is guaranteed by the existence of the consituent parts alone, by the existence of the significant proposition.
```.`.G ``^0(^^^``^ </(V/:((/X(X/(<<(/83%C
.`^.``3 ^`^0<<<^^% V<~(</(((/(XX/~<</%C%V
`^^`^`C ~`3C~~^^^ `^^/gC(C(<%//VX((/V(<(GGG3
.^`^^^C <`%(~<<^^^~` (^` <<</BVC~C/((VV((/(X<((XCGC
^~^^^^V ^`C/<<^^<^^^^^^G<^```^^ <^(/BXX((/VXX/(/X/^^X%CC3C
^^^^^^X ^`<(<(<<<^^^~<<((<^````^< ~~(X@V/(/(X(/X//(X^~/V3%3C
^^~^<~V ^`^B(<:<<~<<<^~ `(<^````^<( <<X8G(V//(/X/V(^(3^~XVG83C
~(<<<<V ^^^/V/<<:<<(~</ ` X<^^^^`~((` `<(VgX//VV(X(V(///8<^V3%3%C
3G%33GX ^`^V0(/:<<<</< `` C(~^^.^^:// /<:V$<(/X//V///</(8^<XC3%3C
V%%3g8V `XGg8X//(~<(<< /<<^^^~<:// //<^<C3VB////C<//~/((<<3%%3%3
VCV83G/ `C%G8C/((</(^:<` The substance of the world can only determine a form and not any material properties. For these are first presented by the propositions -- first formed by the configuration of the objects.
`.`<g//` `83880/(((:((((^` <XX@^^(C0V:<88//<(V~//~3(<:(%%3G3V
^^/3X//```CG%3g(/////(/(``` <:^(V:C0gX(/V/%/:(CX(//g(/:(33C3C8
`</GXVX` `<^```C/V//:/<(^ (3V<0g//VC <(/X3(<//3<<<<%%%%C%
.~/8VXX^ `````3C/V///(X/` ``` (<(/(///<83//(///(/8<<<<%C%GGC
`<V%((<<``(<<<^G3XX///VV%%< ~<(//B(//%<<3//<%/:/X<(((3%C3C%C
^<C%((/<.^((((:3%CXVX(%V%XG:</<^ /^<<(<X<C//(/(<V/<<((BC//g((/C:<(<V%8%G3C
(g(~(<G(/(((<V3V//((GgC3%3Roughly speaking: objects are colourless.

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<~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^........``((` `` `` .3g$@@@$B(<G.....^^^^^^^^~
~~ONTOLOGY_^^^.^......````(( `3B@@@@@$@@@$B8.......^^^^^~
~^^^^^^^^^...........````` <( <0@@@@@%VV%@@@@$C<.......^^^^
^^^^^^.............``````^C8%%CC(~ @$@@@0V((<(/%@@$B~``.......^^
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...`.`````````````` .3GgB@8Gg8<~/Cg0BTHIS_IS_@@@3C/Gg03/V@$@BGG8883/<...
```````````````` `V8G0B8G388(/CB880MY_WORLD@@@8$8/V3C%C/%B@ONTOLOGY@@@@@ONTOLOGY
`````````` ` `GG8g8BCB@GCVC$$gG$@ONTOLOGY@@@@@V80%%BC%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
```` ` .8gBBB$g(^%C/VCG<@$G8.`````````8$gGGG888@@........`<//VV
ONTOLOGY <G80B$$0/<%%VVG8/B8gg<` ``` `$@@@V///VV@@@%....```<///V
ONTOLOGY /%8gB$@@@BgVVVVCG@Bgg83/` 3$@@@@@@@@(<<(@@@@@@@@@$8(</VVV
g$$$@@@@@@@@@@@@$@@@$@@@@8B$(~` `<$$@$B$@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
The logical picture of the facts is the thought.@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@
/%/. ` .^(`.8@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
g$$@@@@@@@@@@@$@@@@@$@@@@@$@/~ ^^.^`g$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
g$@@@@@@@@$G@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0<` ^<((//B@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
gB@@@@@@@@@gV$$@$@@@@@@@@@@$$$@(~. `@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@
g$@@@@@@@@@@@@$@@@$@@@@@@@@@@@0^ .``.^@@@@%3@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
g$@@@@@@@$$@$@@@@@@@@@@@C^<^~~<<< ^//VVGCV@@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@
.^$@@@@@@@$$$$$$$<<(/VV/~~~^~<^<<(~ ```<<<//CG(@g^//@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@
````%$$$$@$$$@$$/~~~~<<<^^. `^.^(< .(~(<.. `..<////C@@ONTOLOGY@@@@
`````` ``0@@@@@@$$$$$$@ ...``.~<<<//@@@@@@ONTOLOGY
gBB@@@@$$$$B@C ` ./^^~~/V/G@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@
@@@@@@$$$$$@@ <///` %/<(<(30@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@
/(8B@@@$@$$$B@@ (V// g3V@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@
G8Vg$g0@@@$$$BB$/ $@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@
/8V<8B$B$g/<` 88 g@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@
/8 88<V(<<B( @@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@
<G G<%B/<<<^0B g@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@
```` G 3 0B<<<<<$ @@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@
``````Only if we could know a priori that a thought is true if its truth was to be recognized from the thought itself (without an object of comparison).~g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@VCC
``````8 V`g(/(<<<<<<<<0g.` `` .`.~C@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%CC
.....`8 V`gV/((<<<<<<<<g<`` ``.` ^`^<0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`</@%CC
^.^...8 V`%%((<<<<<<<(////.` ``... `~.~/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B.(VVCC3
^^^^^^8 V..gV((<<<((((V~~(((^.`` `.^^^ ^^^<V@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^./VVCC3
VVV3VV8 C`C$B//<<<((/VV~^ (<<~.```..^^^^ <~^<0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^^VVVC33
VVV3C8g %/V%0////(///C<~. <<<<^..`..^^~~///V^^/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^~VVCC3%
VVVCg00` %CCC0C///V3VV3%^` <<<<~^.`.<<3^^^~(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^<VC333%
VVV%gV0^`%3CC80V//C888C%<` <<<<(<(CV~<(V@@@@8@@@@@@@@@@@@~<CC33%%
~(00/<0^`%3C3%BV/////VVg<.` .VCVV(<V3@@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@<~~<CC3%%G
</00((0^.088G8g%VVVVVVVB<.` <////V8@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@<<<<CC%%%8
</gB((B<V(....0BCVVVVVV@B^ ` ``` /@@@@@@@@0$@@@@@@@@@@<<<(%C3%GG
<V0B//$<^G/V((gBCVVVVCC8@@@. `` ~B@@@@@@@@@<0@@@@@@@@@@(((VB%%G88


@@@@@@@@@The world is everything that is the case...//~.``.......What is the case, the fact, is the existence of atomic facts._aaaaaaa~^^^^......//he logical picture of the facts is the thought.``````......^^^^^^~~~~~~<
<<<<&lThe thought is the significant proposition.......^^^^^^~~~~~~
<~~~~~~~~~^^^Propositions are truth-functions of elementary propositions. (An elementary proposition is a truth-function of itself.) Y_^^^.^......````(( `3B@@@@@$@@@$B8.......^^^^^~
~^The general form of truth-function is: [, , N()]br> ^^^^^^.............``````^C8%%CThis is the general form of proposition.
^...............```````/88gBWhereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
........``````````````V88@BB033%0$$g( g@@@B0@@%%G@$g@@@@```````....
...`.`````````````` .3GgB@8Gg8<~/Cg0BTHIS_IS_@@@3C/Gg03/V@$@BGG8883/<...
```````````````` `V8G0B8G388(/CB880MY_WORLD@@@8$8/V3C%C/%B@ONTOLOGY@@@@@ONTOLOGY
`````````` ` `GG8g8BCB@GCVC$$gG$@ONTOLOGY@@@@@V80%%BC%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
```` ` .8gBBB$g(^%C/VCG<@$G8.`````````8$gGGG888@@........`<//VV
ONTOLOGY <G80B$$0/<%%VVG8/B8gg<` ``` `$@@@V///VV@@@%....```<///V
ONTOLOGY /%8gB$@@@BgVVVVCG@Bgg83/` 3$@@@@@@@@(<<(@@@@@@@@@$8(</VVV
V8g%8B$@$@$BgVVVC%g@BgB0BThe world is the totality of facts, not of things.
`^/gB$B$$$$@@B$$$.^The world divides into facts.
The world is determined by the facts, and by these begin all the facts.
g$$$@@@@@@@@@@@@$@@@$@@@@8B$(~` `<$$@$B$@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
g$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@$$@@@@@/%/. ` .^(`.8@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
g$$@@@@@@@@@@@$@@@@@$@@@@@$@/~ ^^.^`g$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
g$@@@@@@@@$G@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0<` An atomic fact is a combination of objects (entities, things).
gB@@@@@@@@@gV$$@$@@@@@@@@@@$$$@(~. `@@@@@@@For the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case.
@@$@@The facts in logical space are the world.
g$@@@@@@@$$@$@@@@@@@@@@@C^<^~~<<< ^//VVGCV@@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@
.^$@@@@@@@$$$$$$$<<(/VV/~~~^~<^<<(~ ```<<<//CG(@g^//@@@@@@@For the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case. `^.^(< .(~(<.. `..<////C@@ONTOLOGY@@@@
````We make to ourselves pictures of facts. ...``.~<<<//@@@@@@ONTOLOGY
gBB@@@@$$$$B@C ` ./^^~~/V/G@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@
@@@@@@$$$$$@@ <///` %/<(<(30@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@
/(8B@@@$@$$$B@@ (V// g3V@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@
G8Vg$g0@@@$$$BB$/ $@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@
/8V<8B$B$g/<` 88 g@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@
/8 88<V(<<B( @@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@
<G G<%B/<<<^0B g@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@
```` G 3 0B<<<<<$ @@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@
``````G V`00<<<<@$ ````~@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@
``````G V`g/(<<<<<<<< ~<` ` ^`.~g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@VCC
``````8 V`g(/(<<<<<<<<0g.` `` .`.~C@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%CC
.....`8 V`gV/((<<<<<<<<g<`` ``.` ^`^<0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`</@%CC
^.^...8 V`%%((<<<<<<<(////.` ``... `~.~/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B.(VVCC3
^^^^^^8 V..gV((<<<((((V~~(((^.`` `.^^^ ^^^<V@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^./VVCC3
VVV3VV8 C`C$B//<<<((/VV~^ (<<~.```..^^^^ <~^<0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^^VVVC33
VVV3C8g %/V%0////(///C<~. <<<<^..`..^^~~///V^^/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^~VVCC3%
VVVCg00` %CCC0C///V3VV3%^` <<<<~^.`.<<3^^^^<VC333%
VVV%gV0^`%3CC80V//C888C%<` <<<<(<(CV~<(V@@@@8@@@@@@@@@@@@~<CC33%%
~(00/<0^`%3C3%BV/////VVg<.` .VCVV(<V3@@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@<~~<CC3%%G
</00((0^.088G8g%VVVVVVVB<.` <////V8@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@<<<<CC%%%8
</gB((B<V(....0BCVVVVVV@B^ ` ``` /@@@@@@@@0$@@@@@@@@@@<<<(%C3%GG
<V0B//$<^G/V((gBCVVVVCC8@@@. `` ~B@@@@@@@@@<0@@@@@@@@@@(((VB%%G88
In the proposition the thought is expressed perceptibly through the senses.


` `

`(V/(.~( ~
` `~V8^ ~%(^
We cannot think anything unlogical, for otherwise we should have to think unlogically. </// %/<
^<^.` ` 3:/V^ `/^~
(~<(^ V `(%C `g8C
~~< ~~<~.` G(G^ ^<<
`^< ` ^ 3%008Bg0B0 / ` BBB0B0Bg88G%/
For it a thing is not distinguished by anything, I cannot distinguish it -- for otherwise it would be distinguished.
^` ^< :V` `g0000000000BB00
<.`:~^ ^^` <~ `~<<<
` ~^ V/ ^/ `<~<(
<^.V<X` ` X0BBC 80$(/< `~<<<
The object is simple.$$BB8/X (0$BB$00g0B(VX<((
In the atomic fact objects hang one in another, like the links of a chain.t;< `<<C0g0$$B@$B0B@/808GV@8^ VgX~(BB0B%008<</$%0@g@$0@0@@$$$$$
It is clear that however different from the real one an imagined world may be, it must have something -- a form -- in common with the real world.3@%@@C0$$$@@$@@@@@
/G$%8g@3XCC8/CV `<XVVG <^X/V/V/X%0$0X@$$$B$B@@@$@@
/8@8B3g%3VX// <` ` <X@00$$$B@$@@$
Vg83B%%V :X@%@@$@@@@$%
8V<%//8VXX$$^ <X/B@@@@@@@VGg
``/CG33X/$$ .8GB$8$$@$$@X<~
8.383G3G3@@ <G0gg$@8$$$$$X%$
.(33G8VXCVX3X </G8g@%@$0G00g0%<<~
< `GCVC ` `XX%/XVg88V0C8G0$0B@(<<~
/ VVCV//VXgG83BB@@@$@(<(<
The totality of existent atomic facts is the world.;
he totality of existent atomic facts also determines which atomic facts do not exist.t;
< ` 3 `` 3 VXVV/g8%%30080@$@$(::(
~ <^ ` ~<g%/G3B0%0$B00$Gg/<(<
~ (` ` g388%$0gXg8B$B8$$C((<
^ <` ` ` G8B%C00GC0000 `VC<((
` . ` ` ` ``^ In propositions thoughts can be so expressed that to the objects of the thoughts correspond the elements of the propositional sign.0$Bg `<<(/<
^ (` ` ` `^ <$g$08$0$0$@0C .~<(//
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<<~<<<` ^/^.`` ^~^ $$$0$g0gBB@B$< <<((X/
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<<<(<(` ~<((<^^^^.`^^ ^VV($@@@B$0@@0$ ~://XV
`/`` The existence and non-existence of atomic facts is the reality.
Objects form the substance of the world. Therefore they cannot be compound. The substance of the world can only determine a form and not any material properties. For these are first presented by the propositions -- first formed by the configuration of the objects. (The existence of atomic facts we also call a positive fact, their non-existence a negative fact.)
` <C``. <<<:3~^^^<<<</ 0B8/(X@@@8B@$$/ (<//VC
``:3^^` <<<~<((<< This fixed form consists of the objects. Substance is what exists independently of what is the case.
``X8^^^ /<<<<<((/^ CXB$$B$0 (/@$@$$$@$(` ``V(/XX3
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(<Vg<<((` :<^^^XX/(<</XV0B0$$@B0080$0@gB0%$@$@@$$@8^^<<@$@$@@@@^^<<VVVV%%C

The totality of true thoughts is a picture of the;<:&lWe cannot think anything unlogical, for otherwise we should have to think unlogically.<<<<^<<<8 ``````````.````````.^V@G%<^^^~^^<<<<<<<~<<<<
(/((/(/(((((<(:::<<<<<<<^^^~% ` `` ` `````/@$80G@$$X8$^^^~<~<~~~<~<^
((((:((((((:<<(<<<<<~<~<^^^^% ` ` ` ` `<$$8G@@@@@$Gg@(<^^^^^~^^^<~^
<:::<:(<<<<<<<<<<<<^<~<^^^^~% ^@G88@$%3G80@%g$%^^^^^^^^^^~^
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` ` ``` /$ 0< (G%$@@%0@$0<(//<///(///V3<V/XX(((/(/:(<3%/(%
Only the proposition has sense; only in the context of a proposition has a name meaning.
` @ 3@08g~%%$@@B@ ^@BGGg0g/(X</XV3VC(/</<((//(/:<<X/<^
$ @@GB0^g8B@@@ (B8B0$((</(/(3(X/X/(<<(<//(~~`.//.
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.`The fixed, the existent and the object are one./(((/(XX/~<</%C%V
`^^`^`C ~`3C~~^^^ `^^/gC(C(<%//VX((/V(<(GGG3
.^`^^^C <`%(~<<^^^~` (^` <<</BVC~C/((VV((/(X<((XCGC
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V%%3g8V `XGg8X//(~<(<< It is form and content.
Only if there are objects can there be a fixed form of the world. /<<^^^/<^~~<<Cg(Xg/<<<//(<(/(:<(%%%G3C
`.`<g//` `83880/(((:((((^` It is clear that however different from the real one an imagined world may be, it must have something -- a form -- in common with the real world.
^^/3X//```CG%3g(/////(/(``` <:^(V:C0gX(/V/%/:(CX(//g(/:(33C3C8
`</GXVX` `<^```C/V//:/<(^ (3V<0g//VC <(/X3(<//3<<<<%%%%C%
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^<C%((/<.^((((:3%CXVX(%V%XG:</<^ /^<<(<X<C//(/(<V/<<((BC//g((/C:<(<V%8%G3C

         Ontology is the theory of objects and their ties. existent and non-existent, 
   The unfolding of ontology provides criteria
   for distinguishing various types of objects (concrete and abstract,          
   real and ideal, independent and dependent)
   and their ties (relations, dependences and predication).
The thought contains the possibility of the state of affairs which it thinks.
What is thinkable is also possible. "An atomic fact is thinkable" -- means: we can imagine it.@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The totality of true thoughts is a picture of the world. The picture has the logical form of representation in common with what it pictures.__________________next | back @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@





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