W.W.L.B.D? TAKE BACK DA RAINBOE TOUR Pburgh Played in the basement of a foreign exchange art exhibit. 1 encore. The crowd turned the lights on. Good or Bad? Awesome DJ on the 1s and 2s. Chicago Almost missed the show due to semi-truck accident. They projected burning dollar signs and George Bush on us. Goood or BAD? DJ Spin Laden made a gue. app. and mixed it up limp bizcuit style. Longhaired raver stole the show with CDR dancing. Kentucky Went to funeral in Kentucky. Cousin proposed and then withdrew possible record deal. Asheville Met up with Ground Monkeys and Monster Attacks King Noise Machine. The Show was relocated to a vegan restaurant. Met up with drummer from our high school band "there is no M Card." Our bloodiest show to date. Drunken older African American gentleman entertained the crowd with GNR and metalica on an old six string. Played a new song that got a quasitrancerave going. Chapel Hill Monster Attacks King noise Machine started the evening off with an orgy after Dan from the wooly mammoth took a nap and a shower. Host threw beer cans at performers and lived the phrase "the freaks come out at night." Charlottesville Sara sliced her finger open at 4 in the morning. Used ground monkeys mega amp system. Played another new song. Dan from the wooly mammoth tour almost got in a fight over some audio gear. Baltimore Extreme animal crowd surfing. Hot Bmore breaks. Providence We were sick. Mamal and Viki get cat from Chippendale. Hadley George pours a box of coco krispies on us at climax of heavy solo. Played salt and peppa mix featuring the gaynerd on drums for sisteršs birthday. Def neg rocked the troll. This is the best place to play. Dream Troll. Boston Lost Battle against Gold. Awesome backpack amps and triangle. Shout outs to all the friends that showed up. Dream Troll. "This is our time."