Elise|edieron1@aol.com|Sexism, because I like sex. jackie|Post Modernism Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|I can't say that I put much thought into isms. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|My favorite "-ism." I try to avoid all "-isms." at all costs. Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|My favorite ism is prism and too much of any ism makes my blood boil Tim|nutsbedragon@aol.com| Darwinism, all though i would rather hope my hair line decides to stop evolving to the back of my head. My Favorite "ism" though would be Hamburger(ism), and Fries ..errr (ism) The "ism" that makes my blood boil, would be feminism( in the burn your bra we hate men sorta way). "and thats all i have to say about that.." alex|khaos1313@hotmail.com|Darwinism, when i see a reatard crossing the streat, man i just wana nail him. because really, we dont need that. Feminism particularly pisses me off. I just think its a load of shit that they try to be the same thing as men. they were created to bear children whereas men cant, obviously there will be some cultural differences and if they want to recreate a whole new culture, well I say they can buy an island or buy themselves a penis. Eeddie|communism frederick murphy|i am an ism.. frederick murphyism... doesnt make a good name.. but hey.. i must say that im a bit biased in respect to the question... being a conglomorate entity is a bit less rewarding when u find out you cant have "favorite" things or "blood" %^( asia pickle|theoneyouserve@hotmail.co|I like those glass prisms. Very pretty.
I hate feminism, because if a man acted in the same manner then he's a pig. |anarchism
liberalism shiva|probably poetic terrorISM wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|ismism. Is there such a thing? a|you "suckmajorism" RobO|robo@wastedplanet.com|my favorite ism is pragmatism
or jism
my most hated is socialism kaos|weedism Nate|My favorite ism is botulism.
conservatism makes my blood boil. fuzzybutt|nepotism and hedonism Jewish Bastard|Necromantic Sex. No "ism" that I'm aware of. Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|Egoism, and egoism. Self serving stuff both drives the world and drives it into dust. Che|Favorite - Anticapitalism
Eurocentrism psifer|jism god|existentialism
stupidism Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|individualism is my favourite

fashionism makes my blood boil (if that's a real ism word)
|Sexism. For both questions. Orlock|What the fuck is this? Why do you care what my favorite doctrine is? That's possibly the most inane question I've seen online - and the fact that I can say that without a trace of hyperbole makes it even worse.

Unless, by "ism" you're asking about my favorite suffix.

Then the answer is "ive". Definitely. "ive" rules. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i feel that individualism is where its at.

nazism sucks a big damn ass brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i feel that individualism is where its at.

nazism sucks a big damn ass panDaemonia|nihilism |Most "isms" make me uncomfortable.

My favorits "ism" is no-isms-ism." shaytana|i dont have a favorite ism the worst of them all would be hateredism Max|egotism no way|no@way.com|pimpism leify|my favorite ism is jism
least is christianism bluestone|My favorite "ism" is "knownothingism."

Ignorance makes my blood boil. bluestone|3rd tryism
3rd try danccbc|danccbc@hotmail.com|jism al|hmm, i try to keep a chasim between me and ism. Drew Garner|snakish@hotmail.com|Communism. The idea, that is...not the flawed human practice. Tom|Schism
Racism pjroo|hedonism, as i understand it, it is the persuit of pleasure above all else. Polas|Polas@drunkenbastards.com|Polas is a major beneficiary of capitalism. andrew|favorite: idealism
boiler: racism turd|turdism

all hail the great turd benjamin|i like buddhism.

i dislike facism. grasshopper|simmk@swbell.net|That my dear is a song by James Brown, for soul music does a body good. The best is when I saw a liscence plate that read"ISM." Ism should be used as a word on its own. Mad isms to all the wanna be white boyz out there poop|escapism

nothing billy wang|billy@thewang.com|Billy Wang does not believe is "isms". Please do not ask billy wang any additional questions as foolish as this or billy wang will be required to depart from your company. Remember, just because billy wang is here today does not mean billy wang will be here tomorrow. |Pointellism

Fauvism |jism?
1|There is no ism that I enjoy the most or is my favorite as I am muchly ignorant to ism and find the study of them boring. Except feminism, I hate that...why would women want to change language? to womyn, that's silly. Seriously when does equality become power? Clifford|humanism
capitalism David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|"isms" tend to make me kinda cringe in general, but hmm...

I'm much more of an "ist" guy myself.

Cynicism <---one of my favorites

Materialism <----well, duh
|speciesism Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|My fave ism...how bout chocolateism??
I HATE racism |prism, this is a fucking waste of bandwith. aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|my favorite ism is prism.
i hate strychninism. |Individualism. aaron|jism is fun. webart experimentalism can produce some really embarassing shit like this. |Chameleon--
Individualism is my favorite "ism". I like... no, ...more like NEED to be free to be myself. (sigh)
My least favorite "ism" is cynicism. Especially the pretentious, "Oh, I'll say that I don't like it to jump on the bandwagon" brand of cynicism that people often employ in an attempt to appear intellectual. Please....if one can't come up with a worthy opinion of one's own, one should steer clear of discussions of anything more significant than oh, say.... the weather???
(wow...that was cynical!)
peace/love/hugs *me* |avacadoism Habib|dork@dork.dork|jism robertdee|favorite - schism

unfavorite - nepotism |andysm! gabriella|xsmansonx@aol.com|favorite "ism" - masochism
blood boiling "ism" - i am not sure
|Love rationalism
Hate multiculturalism |"ism" means someone is going to kill, multilate, slander, libel, expose, and genrally cause mayhem upon some one else for their own good. Curious|Makes my blood boil in a good or bad way? asdf|favorite: n/a
blood boil: narcissism bombastique|antidisestablishmentarianism is my favorite. it also makes my blood boil. sven|boom@bombdiggity.com|jism