todd||swimming neked Rob||Luxury is having the freedom to do whatever, whenever you want. I haven't that luxury. Living well is living within your means. Yes so far so good :) PSCHLUGO||Luxury is when i get to put my feet on the coffee table and not have to worry about anything. in today's materialistic world i suppose finances would be the most important luxury that i dont have. Dustin||I'm doin alright....nobody's hungry....we got some stuff...and we find time to hang out and spend quality time with friends and family. Tim|| A couch with a cooler built in to the center cushion, sitting in fronT of a widescreen projection with surround....Although wine and cheese sounds ok too. Don't know 'bout that there Duck Liver Plate(dont worry i fixed your typo ;) )kidding ofcourse benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c|my idea of luxury is to spend the evening in the comfort of loved ones,
as far as living well, i do very little of that, which shows how little my true fears manifest in my day to day life asia pickle||Luxury is anything above and beyond basic human needs.
Im on a computer arent I? Of course im living in luxury. wooP||greed is luxury. and i'm living well at others expense and yes i am aware of this Bob Dobbs|Mankind is the statutory ape. al|to not have to think about money. a nap in the sun on a cool day. i'm far from it. fuzzybutt|the ability to do what I want,when I want. Like maybe putting caviar on a Mc Donalds cheeseburger. Dave||Luxury is too much information, living well is thinking there is no such thing as luxury. Yes, I am. John|love and laughs god|not having to worry about anything, no, no i am not Bryan||fast computer with an adsl line is a luxury.
At the moment I am living well
Josh||My idea of luxury is not having anything to complain about.
My idea of living is not having the desire to complain about the lack of luxury.
I'm working on geting there. I'm furhter along than some but still behind other, a good place to be. Orlock|Ahh, the finer things in life. A pair of rattlesnake-hide cowboy boots, a nickel-plated derringer, and a slightly chilled bottle of Chateau Briand '86.

Oh, and a hat made out of tinfoil and barbed wire, to keep the Freemasons from stealing my thoughts. Now that's luxury. brendan||living well is good friends, a ferret, and a bowl of microwaved popcorn foleosko|there are only several certainties in life. The major one being that we shouldnt live like slobs or cretins. Greg|I've never been asked what my idea of luxury is and I'm not sure how to respond. shaytana|luxury and living well are not connected idiot ppuh|Living a luxurious life is living a life without worries. jt|sex Drew Garner||If you're having fun, that's luxury. If you can eat, that's living well. I'm doin great. pjroo|living well is living happily. yes, i am happy. andrew|being creative without worry about anything else. i am very far from doing it. benjamin|living well is being worry free. and i am. grasshopper||Boat drinks. That my friend is living well. These are large alcoholic drinks that you drink on a boat in the tropics whilst fishing with your friends. You dont even have to have a boat or be in the tropics as long as you have good friends. Luxury is overrated just be happy with what you have and don't worry about keeping up with the Jonses. Fuuten||Having all that you need and all the friends you want, but unfortunately, I'm not. poop|Being able to call in a repairman to fix a blown hot water heater without having to worry about the cost.

No. billy wang||Billy wang drinks only water, other items are overly oppressive and I think you know what I mean. Luxury is what billy wang deems it to be. If billy wang states drinking water is luxury, then drinking water is luxury. If billy wang states drinking champagne out of a hub cap then so be it. However, billy only drinks water so that is luxury so please ignore the hubcap thing. also, duck liver pate does not please billy wang, you should obstain from indulging yourself with duck liver pate at once. Don't make billy wang tell you again. David Earl|| Wine, bread, pasta, coffee.

Good conversation is a plus, if there's no view. If there's a view, mutual staring could be nice. Jamee||I figure im livin well. my idea of a luxury is to just be able to sit around and do whatever i want. And to be able to eat as much as i want..but since im trying to keep my weight down i cant do that *hangs head* Graeme|Thousands of eununch slaves constructing a massive pyramid in my name while I drink exotic wines from conquered lands. aaron burke||my idea of luxury is being able to live without thinking about money.
living well is doing everything that you would want to do.
sometimes i live well. Brandon|Security. Inevitable financial growth. No, I am not. Ron Simmons|Luxury is having the things that you need, and having a few of the things you want with in your grasp. This is something I am definitely not doing. anotherperson|Luxury- icecream
Living well - sleep
I ate some icecream and I am on this site because I cannot sleep. (I think I'll go have somemore icecream). bubba|I don't like the idea that people are dying everyday because of hunger...yet I have enough money to replace my lost Lakers ticket...humanity sucks...there should be no such thing as luxury. A good quote from Ben Harper "when you get to heaven it is not how much you have that counts, only how much you gave" |Good friends, the few creature comforts I desire, a good book. And yes I am doing it |Having the people I hold dear close to me, the few physical possessions I desire, and a nice warm bed and good book. Thats almost what I'm doing right now Curious|Yes and no, my idea of luxury and living well is to be able to live day to day and have enough money to spend without having to worry wether your bills are paid or not, I think living well would be between 50-80K/year. Others have a higher level of living because they want a certain name brand car and clothes, I just want to be debt free with money to shop and travel with...