James|jamesfry@aol.com|I live in a three bedroom apartment in SanFrancisco. I have two other roommates,three cats, one hampster and two fish. My environment is crowded, smokey, and not lit well. However living in SanFran can be expensive so I am not complaining. Sammy|sam@netscape.com|I live in a single serving home with blue walls, Pottery Barn candles, and freeze dried chicken. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|freedom Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|A livable one. |what? |do you have any pictures to show? PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|ive not yet had the opportunity to create my own environment. my environment is a product of my parents right now (im a 21 year old male still living with mom and pop.) Christopher Hollett|rsdr Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|A stressful one. Tim|nutsbedragon@aol.com| Lemme see here. Well to my left is an ashtray, heaping with cigarettes, to my right..well i am not quite sure exactley what it is, but i am sure it tasted good once upon a time. In front of me, could only be described as a temporary form of amnesia. I click a button, and i forget i am bored. Also, i have nice little apartment with a sign hung on the door that says no mean people allowed."and thats all i have to say 'bout that" shannon|ssims@machinedreams.com|A comfortable chair, soft lighting and moody music are all I ask. benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c|i live in chaos, newspaper clippings and random quotes decorate my walls, intermixed with paintings by friends, candles every where, and a giant american flag hanging upside down over my desk, why upside down? because it reminds me of all that is wrong with this nation, it reminds me of all that i hate about this nation, i truly love america, but there is a lot wrong with this once great country. music, also creates my environment. jess|A wierd one asia pickle|theoneyouserve@hotmail.co|An enviroment where i am not scared 100% of the time. Harry Q airconditioner|an angry one wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|a negative one. There is no dissapointment when there is no hope. fuzzybutt|An environment of collections. Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|I live in a small environment. It is nice here. If I change my mind about what's nice, I also change my environment, and if I can't change my environment I at least change how I see it. Mike Rosst|i have created a fuzzy, furry environment that smells like pickles! god|not a good one Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|a very odd environment.
Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|A stable one filled with things that I want to be there. Still, half my bed remains empty. Orlock|The environment I have created for myself was, in fact, originally created by the Texas State Department of Corrections. But I suppose I WAS the one with the knife that night outside her house, so I may bear some culpability for my current situatation.
brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|one with neon clear walls and cubical balls all around the room. the air is pretty heavy here. foleosko|one where I try to understand the complexities of civilization. I spend my days trying to figure out why we do the things that we do to each other. This is my cubicle in life. shaytana|furry riffle|A lonely one.
Facinating and interesting,
but lonely. Beefy|A crappy one
crust|c@thecrust.org|www.thecrust.org Joe|joe_mcintosh@hotmail.com|a complicated one in which I manage to have no sex whatsoever Bunghole|uhhhh al|i must say, you've done a wonderful job. mine is much messier. Drew Garner|snakish@hotmail.com|I've established something with my girlfriend here...and other than that no environment...ever. pjroo|i have created an environment that gives me as much freedom as i can take as fast as i can take it. Kain|KAIN46@aol.com|something dark, something sureal, a break from the world... It reflects me as a person, a dark exterior with a great warmth inside... andrew|messy, cluttered and covered with dark ink scribbles. brywalker|What a tough question. I guess it would be a self destructive, loathing, troublesome environment. benjamin|beyond choosing friends, none. Bruce|A safe one where I'm # 1 in my life. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|One in which the walls should be padded and the drugs are free. christophegerbault.com|christophegerbault@hotmai|I live in some kind of an exhibition room, i think i live in a white screen, but while i'm into it's no longer a white screen because my life, just like a movie, is played. David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com| So far, my environment has been a tumultuous evolution. My environment used to be anything and everything away from home. I was looking for myself in everything...and everyone... else.
It was narcissistic, in a way. I was looking at my reflection in everyone else to see what I was about. Most people can only reflect facets, though, and so I ran around, looking into the faceted reflections of as many people as I could. I was dissatisfied, so i decided to slow down and stop making everyone else do the work. I started calming my own waters so I could see what was REALLY going on in there...
It was scary at first, but I've grown comfortable with being there. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|Id like to say positive. Im almost always happy, but on the other hand im kinda lazy when it comes to school and stuff aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i have created a dry 72 degrees in my apartment - my computer and i are the hottest things. hmm|cluttered. Curious|Physically? Or mentally? Or geographically, since you're in a glass sphere, i would assume geographically...the environment I have placed myself in allows me to grow, mentally and it's not the fast paced corporate world like NY or CA...nice and easy with morals still... anotherperson|a dusty one hgjgj|wtf? |Only the one created in MY mind, not the reality that has been created by other expectations and demands. |My own Jesus-The other white meat|I have created total chaos, and am on the fine line between suicide and life bombastique|One that inspires me and, hopefully, others. Pleasing to the eye, pleasant to the ear - a place where the pettiness of everyday life falls away.