James|jamesfry@aol.com|Vocation: Guitar playing rockstar. Job: Office clerk. Elise|edieron1@aol.com|Vocation: Sell beautiful home accessories. Create a lovely world for people to accessorize their place of peace. Job: Psych doc to people I sell crap to. Seri|seri97@aol.com|Vocation: Kraft cheese food taster. Job: unavailable. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|sleep todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|problem solving james|jamespero@hotmail.com|Graphic Design, and Website Design PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|I work customer service at Circuit city. it gives me much insite into human nature. i love the job for showing me what i hate in people. Materialism. Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|I am a multimedia professional. I own a multimedia business. shannon|ssims@machinedreams.com|Interesting distinction. My job is making web sites. My vocation is as yet undetermined (my job and my vocation used to be the same thing, then I quit.) benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c|my vocation... well i must say that i fancy myself a poet, a thinker. something along those lines,
my current job is that of a cook/manager asia pickle|theoneyouserve@hotmail.co|beauty. washing dishes. wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|Consume
Consume Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|My vocation is my job, fortunately. It's fleeting, but it pays the rent, so to speak. god|n/a
n/a Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|my vacation is playing games and rollerhockey.

my job is nothing right now. Jeremy|to ride bikes, to talk to people about riding bikes. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|I'm el presidente and a lifegueard foleosko|i work for a meglo manical conglomo corporation slaving my days away like everyone else. I spend the weekends of this life having fun and wondering if I can ever do enough during this short two day span to make up for all the time I have lost working. The answer is no. We take the small things we are given by large instituitions such as the government, or the companies we work for and then continue making the honey like the good little bees that we are. I wish that I could free humanity. I hope that one day all the work is done and we can live out the entireity of our destinies. shaytana|being a geek riffle|A vocation of hypothetical thought would do for me nicely.
My job is a student.

The two don't work together nearly as well as you might think. Hugh Jass|Electrical engineer Beefy|Student.
My job picture framer adam|student al|my vocation is ever changing. my job is carpentry. Drew Garner|snakish@hotmail.com|Music. Music is my vocation, and currently music is the most suited to my "job" right now. pjroo|i do not have a vocation, as the traditional concept goes, yet i believe that my vocation ultimately is to serve others. andrew|my vocation would be something like "scribbler and noisemaker".
my job is not worth mentioning. MusHHeaD|Student benjamin|my vocation is learning.

i don't have a job. billy wang|billy@thewang.com|billy wang is particularly suited to be billy wang. billy wangs' job is to BE billy wang. Somebody has to do it and billy wang just happens to be the right person for the job. Others have attempted to be billy wang but alais, thay just can't pull it off. As you read this, billy wang sincerely hopes that you are not getting any funny ideas like maybe YOU can be billy wang but believe me, this type of work is not for you. Only billy wang can pull it off properly. Enjoy billy wang while billy wang is in you presence, study billy wangs' writings & learn from billy wang. Being billy wang is both a vocation & a job. It is, at times, not easy being billy wang but it just som happens that billy wang is damn good at it. Nick|my vocation is making money, and i also like honeybees David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|I'm a composer/producer/engineer/artist

I'm also doing music for commercials, which i loathe, but make good money, and i work in S.F. at a place that distributes music making computer stuff to all the music shoppes in the U.S. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|My vocation...Probably computer graphics or acting.
my job..well im only 16....i work at McDonalds *hangs head* BabelP|I read one language and write another diskore|cultural revolution, web development aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|my vocation is music.
my job is welding. anotherperson|vocation-to make neat stuff
job-to make neat stuff and have people tell me to change it. |my vocation is mercenary swordsman
my job is network admin Jesus-The other white meat|My vacation is messing with my friends when they're stoned Jesus-The other white meat|My bad...vocationà bombastique|Music, photography, furniture creation - and every permutation, combination and excision thereof.

My job is selling dreams (or so my boss says...).

In case you're wondering - yes, a price can be put on a dream...