Jo||Liberation Theology. Karl Marx is dead. Jenny||what?todd||heh todd||wuh? Rob||Liberation, people need to decide for themselves what is best for them. Never count on someone always telling you what you should and should not do. james||Religion is is the wool we pull over our eyes to make us believe that we are not alone PSCHLUGO||Im more into individual beliefs are the core truth to one's self. All of Reality is Relative Dustin||I'm with the individualism thing. Religeon is always plagued with corruption. The only way to honestly answer the question of who you are is to answer it yourself. Tim|| Doesn't Karl Marx play for the Giants? I guess some jocks actually do get edumucated. I must be slow, i only see one idea on my screen. But, i will say that without something to fear, there would be no order....and without hope there is no future. this is from an atheist " and thats all i have to say 'bout that.." wooP||Karl Marx's theory. Bob Dobbs|I am a large, mutant fruit. A tomato, I think, though I am not sure because I cannot see myself. I live in. poop|relijun is dumb. ewan||eh? WTF? fuzzybutt|Religion is between a man and his god(s). There need be no intermediaries nor ritual. One of the worst things man ever did was take a good Idea and build a belief structure around it. Dave||The idea that appeals more to me is that I will be more proud of the next thing I do than I was of the last. What was the question again? Bryan||Ummm this one.
Jon|Religion is a crutch for people who need a reason to live. Josh||Liberation theology.
Personally, I hold my faith within myself. pwong||well.. one would be foolish to dismiss either or both forms of dogmatism...

I think people should just play games and dance a little... pwong||praise bob sdtj|neither. each person should "worship" as they see fit. god is different for everybody. brendan||i have to go with marx, sadly. organized religion sucks foleosko|religion is a wonderful idea to help those who are lost live a decent helpful life. Most religion preaches goodwill to our fellow man. it is a good thing. Unpractical as an explanation for the creation of this universe, but wonderful in helping people to cope with mortality. shaytana|Religion is just another means of controlling the masses, you dont need to be controled to have faith riffle|Both.
I find both to be equally appealing and true.
And why not. Isaac Johnson||Opiates.. actually any drug will do al|karl marx didn't have t.v.
what is liberation theology?
organized religion gives meaning to the word "sin". Drew Garner||Karl Marx...religion easily is the opiate of the masses. It's a sedative that keeps you happy. If you CAN believe, that is Mike|As a twenty-one-year-old having been raised Roman Catholic, I can say that I am probably far more cynical about religion than most people. (It's true...for some reason Catholicism breeds more agnostics than devouts.)
I firmly side with Marx in this line of thought; human beings do not need to be attributing their achievements to some ephemeral force that cannot be explained. Instead, as a species, we need to give more credit to oursleves and our own ingenuity. pjroo|i feel that all people should be working together, but by choice. the liberation theology appeals to me more, as religion is very much a misleading institution these days. andrew|i have no idea what liberation theology is. my father was a promise keeper minister and i am an atheist. benjamin|neither. they're both true. Fuuten||Religion is something I cannot relate to, as though I am a very spiritual and open-minded person, I prefer to be referred to as an Atheist. God is too busy to deal with our pathetic problems. billy wang||Billy wang is in no way into Karl Marx. billy wang perfers Carl Sagan, DR Carl Sagan actually. ( even Carl Rogers ( but especialy Carl N. Karcher ( billy wang transforms lives and empowers communities on a daily basis. Via billy wang! Nick|i dont like organized religion at all, whatsoever David Earl||It's hard for me to say that either appeals to me more. There is truth in both. This is to black and white. It's difficult to subscribe to either, but i'd have to say the latter 'feels' better, even though the first comment seems more 'true'... Jamee||ummmyeah....i dont get it alvion|Liberation theology has transformed lives and empowered communites. |I'd like to think that theology has freed people from fear which has allowed them to accomplish more amazing personal feats than they would have otherwise. It can have dangerous effects, of course, but my feeling is that people, in general, are mostly good and that belief in something larger than themself has made individuals and communities the better for it. aaron burke||religion is the opiate of the masses appeals to me more, but both statements are true. aaron||religion is an opiate to the weak, truth to the less weak. liberation theology sounds kinda opiatic too doesn't it. robertdee|second one. ed||Old Karl boy he had it.

I think people should free themselves from dogma and dress up as women |Karl also thought socialism a viable concept. As which idea? Both apply admirably, which one applies to you? |Both are equally correct, but which you belive personally depends on your worldview. Johnny B. Goode||Religion is the opiate of the masses... asdf|people who are capable of thinking outside of simplistic dualities and either/or's bombastique|Jung once said that religion was created to prevent people from experiencing an act of god.