Elise|edieron1@aol.com|Smoking and white lies. I can't think of any others. I am pretty vice-less. Jenny|jenny@aol.com|1.Smoking 2.Sleeping too may hours 3.Having promiscuous sex 4.Messy 5.Scratching obscene body parts 6.Not spending enough time wih friends 7.White lies 8.Negativity 9.Not cleaning out the cat litter on a regular basis 10.Nose picking todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|work Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|I am a smoker as well. Another one of my vices is chocolate milk :) james|jamespero@hotmail.com|Staying up late at night sitting in front of my computer trying to obtain as much information about anything i can PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|Breathing is a Horrid habit that ive developed over the years. Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|My vice is advice. I should really stop giving it. long hair|Gummy bears Airman|smoking is nasty. you should quit! Tim|nutsbedragon@aol.com| Now this is a good question. My grandfather always said, never trust a man without a vice, ofcourse he died from emphysema, hopped up on drugs at the age of 60. My vices are smoking, drinking ... and my fave, masturbation. Yes i am emberassed to admit to one of the vices, because everyone knows its not good to talk about smoking. "and thats all i have to say 'bout that..." frederick murphy|i am forced to accept reality to a certain extent.. knowing that its a bunch of rubbish... setting myself up for a nasty karmic backlash at some point.. however food and shelter seem soo important... what're ya supposed to do? Harry Q airconditioner|I am a machine al|i gave up my vices. i'm just lazy. fuzzybutt|smoking, anime, sleeping, lethargy, and hard work. Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|Independence. Tom|I smoke too god|cassandra Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|Don't blow smoke in my face
Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|I take to the bottle every once and a while. Profanity, porn, and a pissy attitude toward the world around me are my favorite vice. Brian|quit.. Orlock|I'm not sure you'd call it a vice - I prefer to think of it as a hobby, really.

Anyhow, I'm stalking TV's Emmanuel Lewis - for his flesh is the key to worlds beyond mortal imagining. Once I craft my Webster-skin suit, I'm pretty sure that I'll be invincible, and the Godhead of our Multiverse shall be laid bare before me.

It's a pretty rewarding way to spend my free time, once you think about it. p-track|introspection, smoking, and caring what people think... and wandering Mike|Too much sex Mike|Too much sex brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i'm a sadist foleosko|love and ideas Argyle|owenn@engineer.com|Drinking riffle|I think too much.
coke (a-cola)
the internet bob|smoking, drugs, alcohol. Mike M.|mikem@qualcomm.com|Drinking. John|Smoking, some light drinking buttfuck|samehere pjroo|i smoke marijuana casually. andrew|pornography and noise Benjamina|crowbe@hotmail.com|Well I used to smoke a lot of pot. It got to me after a while so I stopped. Now I drink a lot and have other drugs every couple of weeks of a weekend (ecxtasy, speed, pot). These things have always been a social thing-- the drinking is entrenched in my culture (Australian) and everything else is part of my subculture (innercity 20-something) Freya|i smoke, but i dont think you should be a shamed about it. benjamin|cordial, fresh air, marijuana, detachment Aaron|Surfing the Internet endlessly
and spending too much time on
beautifullly designed but
ultimately confusing websites. jade|Drinking, smoking, being mean and target practice with my guns at pictures of Buggs Bunny. I have a dog named Sex. The dogs keeps me busy. She ran away the other day and I went around the hood yelling for her. "Here Sex, come on Sex." A cop showed up to help me find Sex. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Sleeping too much. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Cursing. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Lying. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Thinking perverted. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Saying too much. Mourn|mourn@hotmail.com|Love. troy|troye_22@hotmail.com|used to smoke...dont anymore. smells bad now 1|N/A sergey|i procrastinate David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com| The internet.

I smoke 2 to three cigarettes before bedtime. I like the way they take up time. I like where my mind goes when it knows it's got a couple of minutes to blow with the cigarette. For me, the cigarettes aren't as bad as the internet. When I log in, I go nuts with the overflow of information. It's exhilarating.

I smoke a lot more when I'm composing music. two or three more cigs in there, at least... jp|sex Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|I hate smoking Im allergic to it. My dad used to smoke but he quit. Im trying to get my best friend to quit right now aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|what are yours? Curious|Hrm...I would say too curious and open to sexual experiences. aaron|aaron2k@swbell.net|smoking sloth and web porn! Ron Simmons|I smoke,
I hate,
I am self destructive in that I constantly sybvert anything that could make me happy,
I lie to myself robertdee|eating bananas anotherperson|RobertDee,
I like bananas, and banana pie, banana pudding, banana bread, banana yogurt, banana ice cream, and even the word banana... lou |blue-lou@usa.net|living is my vice, only because I'm not sure that I'm supposed to quit anything at all. everyone tells us how to live & what their ideal ways of life are but no one ever truly knows or has had the idea of what happens when we're no longer able to be here & explain anything of where we were or what we are then |I'm a lying, cynical, cold hearted bastard with no regard for the feelings of other before my own and an inablity to trust my own heart. Oh, I also will give you my honest opinion about soemthing if you ask... |I will always tell you the truth, no matter how much you may hate it, but I will alwsy give you the option of having me lie. Jesus-The other white meat|saying bad things
mean things
ruining good relationships
screwing up my life bombastique|Ugh! Uck! Ick!

Smoking? A shame, that is.

I guess you know what mine is now - intolerance of vices that I consider repulsive.