Elise|edieron1@aol.com|I am not a Gucci girl. I pick and choose clothes that suit my personality. I love the colors burgundy, deep sea blue, olive green, and various earthtones. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|vermilion Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|I would have to go with green. Anything earthy is also high up there on the list. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|Red. Black. Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|My fashion statement is always this...."This is what was in my closet and found it's way on my person"...color=purple.... Airman|gun metal blue? Tim|nutsbedragon@aol.com| My favorite color is green. Although i never feel quite right when wearing anything green unless a t-shirt. What colors i feel more comfy wearing are the earth tones, brown, grey, and dull greens and reds...nothing bright.My Fashion statment is not really a statment, its moreof an allegation. I dress comfortable. sweaters jeans t-shirtsand sandals"and thats all i have to say 'bout that..." boodah|silver benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c|i would have to say my favorite color is white, only because it is all colors, and i like all colors,
though i am mostly attuned to dark shades of blue, purple, green, brown, and of course black wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|black = peace poop|YOUR SITE COLORS ARE UGLY AS SHIT. I LIKE BLUE NOT UGLY ORANGE. LAME ashley|blue fuzzybutt|the purple of twilight Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|Absolute comfort, in any color, is always in fashion. That, and good shoes. Mike Rosst|red ?===Di|Blue
god|no Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|Blue, Green, or Red
Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|Greens, blues, black and lethar tan. carlos|blue
chou|grey. noncommital, beautiful. Orlock|Is "deranged, homeless sociopath" considered a fashion statement? 'Cause if it is, then baby, I'm da BOMB! p-track|gray brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|my fav color is neon clear

i'm the kid that wears anything. most famose for the tiger fur trench vest and the forest green druids cloak
shaytana|Dark Green and Blue.
and i dont make fashion statements riffle|Beige.
I don't know why.
Maybe cuz it reminds me of muddy.
Trees grow in mud.
I like trees. shuka down|blue John|blue alex|khaos1313@hotmail.com|My favorite color is red, because it is the most decieving color of all. Red can mean love, but red can also mean danger. Red is the color of a rose, and the color of blood. And actually sending someone a boque of 12 red roses means you want them to die. Ya, what a great color. jl2525|fuck you al|blue, there is a particular shade that gives me a sense of nirvana. it is familiar. pjroo|my favourite colour would probably be orange, as it is not a usual colour in regular life. my fashion statement is casual, without brand names, and bright colours. Kain|KAIN46@aol.com|dark blues and black-I make the smae fashon statement every season- that to be a goth does not necessitate excessive amounts of makeup or looking creepy- a goth can be beautful, too- this always draws stares, as I live in the deep south (Alabama) and there is no style other that plaid and tight jeans... andrew|my favorite color is brown, like the sweater i am wearing right now. if i am making an fashion statement it's the same one i've been making for several years. benjamin|green. but i'm not trying to make any fashion statements. Bruce|I'm quite partial to the colour green. I've decided to clean up a bit this year and go a little more up market. I'm going to do all my shopping at Boss and Armani. I'm sick of wearing jeans and T shirts all the time. jalla|none|green Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Blue. Mourn|mourn@hotmail.com|To make the clothes I have last just that extra bit longer.

Blue. billy wang|billy@thewang.com|oh please, I am insulted by such a question. You know as well as billy wang knows that billy wang is what glamour is all about. billy wangs' fashion statement IS billy wang & the world cannot wait to see what billy wang will do next. billy wangs' favorite color is always evolving to what pleases billy wang. today it may be red, tomorrow yellow, the next day orange, then black, then grey, then purple, but NEVER EVER gold. Gold is the color of all evil & don't forget you heard it here, from billy wang. eric|red Alan Thicke|Jason@Seaver.org|blue
David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|My favorite colour is ultramarine.

My biggest fashion statement is my completely new wardrobe I'm buying to add color to the almost completely black attire I wear now. I like black. It's a very creative color, because it absorbs the energy from all the other colors. I'm feeling more comfortable with wearing reds and bright blues, though, and enjoy the different effect they have on how I'm percieved. I just bought red towels, and a friend of mine was pretty shocked to see them in da bathroom. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|My fave color is blue. My fashion statement was my big thick glasses but since everyone has them now they arent really...i guess im a trend setter. I guess now its my sailor moon t shirts mike|pink aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i like aquamarine right now. aaron|aaron2k@swbell.net|blue is my color. i am searching for a new fashion statement. in the meantime i'm anti-fashion -- pale jeans and ugly shirts with old white tennis shoes and white socks. i'll sell you my eviable collection of funny/ironic thrift store tee shirts. red|Yes, green. It's the color of parsley. anotherperson|Red- Who ever eats parsley? What's the point of parsley? Why does parsley exist? |I find the concept of fashion ludicrous, I can't imagine anything really LESS important to my daily life than "what shall I wear?" |Argh...fashion, not a consideration in my life. Jesus-The other white meat|neon clear bombastique|You would love my bar - and my curtains.

Color is what it's all about - I do not see enough of it. Bright, vibrant, distinct colors. I think many people are afraid of color - especially ones that stand out. Those are the ones I go for. Why be drab?