Elise|edieron1@aol.com|My sign is Capricorn. I believe in sliding doors - I make a consious decision to make a left or right, to take the train or walk, to introduce myslelf or stay quite - and then fate decides what will develop from those decisions. Guy|greenbean@aol.com|My sign is Scorpio. I believe we make the ultimate decision on how we live our lives. Our choices determine where we end up and the environment we exist in. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|you make your own destiny Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|Taurus. No. james|jamespero@hotmail.com|libra, fate? destiny? I don't believe in the fact that i don't have control over my own life PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|I am a textbook Libra. Most things that apply to them apply to me also. Ive always felt that i was destined to do something big one day.... Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|I am a sagitaruis but I'm right on the border to scorpio. I used to be a sagitarius....I wonder what happened? Guess I had to grow up and trade in my adventures for a house. Tim|nutsbedragon@aol.com| I am a leo, my moon is up and to the left, finger nail moon tonight, and i can never quite seem to locate my venus. I am typical leo born 7/23/74. find my venus!!! Fate or Destiny....hmm stop and look around, then put one foot in front of the other, and soooon you'll be walking out the dooor shannon|ssims@machinedreams.com|Gemini. I don't believe in destiny or fate. al|you are joking, right? fuzzybutt|I'm a taurus on the cusp with Aries. Fate is like a computer, g.i.g.o (garbage in garbage out). The circumstances we encounter are processed through our perception and we tend towards what we feel in the deepest part of our brains to be inevitable, whether it is or not. Jewish Bastard|Fate is the path of fools. Destiny is their demise. Walter|Cancer. I believe that life is what we make it. This is a question that I have pondered my whole life - here's what I've come up with: I believe that everything we do affects, to one degree or another, everyone around us. Things that we do now, no matter how insignificant they may seem to us, may affect events far in the future. To me, that means that there very well may be a Grand Plan - but we'll never be able to grasp it, or even begin to conceive of it. Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|I believe that... belief in fate or destiny is a choice. It's not a choice I've made often, or easily, but when I have chosen to label something as such, it has made all the difference. god|scorpio
maybe Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|Capricorn
not really sure, but I would go with Destiny
Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|I'm a gemini, which fits my rollar coaster emotional state well.
As for fate and destiny I'll deal with them as they meet me in everyday life. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|piscese

i believe in destiny, but not fate shaytana|Aquarious ... and my not being able to spell it should show you how much faith I have in it. shaytana|I guess I should have read the question first ... no I dont believe in fate or destiny, we make our own choices and there is no omnipontent being or force behind our live guiding us or a pre writen role for us to fill in this world. You are responsible for your own accomplishments and failures and to think otherwise is to cheat yourself. riffle|I don't know what my sign is.
I believe is a loose preconception of the future.
Think of it like a string fixed loosly between two points. The string can move, but it moves in one direction. pjroo|i am a leo
i do believe in fate and destiny, because we are ultimately all one person, and we all determine what happens to ourselves. andrew|i think i'm an aries. i'm not sure. i believe in free will. OvarE|my sign it auquaries (spelling?)
i don't believe in fate or destiny. However i do believe in Karma benjamin|i'm a cancer, that's all i know.

sometimes i really do believe in fate, but other times i think it takes all the fun away. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Taurus. Fate is dependent on your actions. Sandra|Leo. Yes.
Fate David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|I'm a Cancer Sun
Picese Moon
Aries rising
Mars in Ares (conjunct ascendent and moon, square sun! Oy!)
Venus in Cancer
Pluto in Libra on the descendent.

Capricorn midheaven

What does this all mean? It means when I enter a room, I burst in like a fireball, but all my good friends see me as a still lake. Lotsa energy because of conflictions in my chart that cause me to have complex facets.

I believe in Synchronicity. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|My sign is taurus. and i believe people make their own destinies....is that a typical thing for a taurus to think? *lol* aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i am a gemini.
i don't believe in fate, but i wouldn't be surprised if it existed. aaron|aaron2k@swbell.net|i'm a scorpio or so i've heard, and i just know i spoke with you briefly at the coffee house and made fun of you later. Habib|dork@dork.dork|cheesecake |A libra. As an Asatru I completely believe in the concept of fate, but it is best to to seek your destiny lest you find it. Destiny is a burden you can neither accept nor cast off. It is not simple predestination, all paths follow a similar route, but the trail..."wanders" for each of us. Jesus-The other white meat|Aquario-fate has its way, but there is a balance to everything in life bombastique|I'm a Virgo, on the cusp of Libra. I'm a neat Virgo, though. Those that do not know me see me as aloof - I believe I am merely observant. Those that know me know better. I do not reveal who I am to just anyone, as too many are fickle and flippant.

Fate and destiny are what what you choose. From what I can tell, our subtle nature is often overlooked and our true talents go unused. We are indoctrinated in the ways of 'life' - birth, school (then work), marriage, death. Any deviation is abnormal.

Why aren't you married by now?