Elise|edieron1@aol.com|Yes, I love dancing. I have not gone in a while, but I would dance in the park, in the rain, and in the snow...usually with shoes, but very comfortable ones. James|jamesfry@aol.com|I don't dance - in the park, in the street, in the shower or even my underware. I DON NOT DANCE. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|i like to tap my feet Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|I am not much of a dancer. When I do dance it has to be with a lady. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|ido enjoy cutting a rug now and again. only if the atmosphere is right and if i dont have to dance alone. Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|I don't dance....I sit and meditate on the music....I'm thought driven and therefore physical interaction distracts me. shannon|ssims@machinedreams.com|I love to dance. I have a greater affinity for a nice house beat than drums in the park. frederick murphy|im the guy who's playing the big green djembe in the park... so i guess its good to make people dance... spencer|yes. no. me|maybe derek|i like to dance, but i'm so shy that i don't dance very often. bunnymud|You evil person......I HAVE NO LEGS!!!! fuzzybutt|I do not dance, to me it feels foolish and wasteful. However, I've no problem with other people dancing I enjoy watching. I remove my demons in another manner. Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|Hell yes. I dance all day long, even if you can't tell by looking at me in my chair, typing into the void... The drums are actually in my head. Mike Rosst|i do not like to dance much. god|no
no Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|sometimes I like dancing.
never heard drums in the park before, sorry.
Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|I enjoy dancing to bring smile and laughter. Being as white as they come I seem to be good at making people laugh with my steps. lana|dancing feels good- it's a release, it's free and wild and everything your parents warned you about. Orlock|If by "dance" you mean "violently rape" then, yes, I love to dance. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i dance like a scared white boy, but i do it whenever i can al|yes and no pjroo|i do enjoy to dance, yes. yet i do not hear drums in the park, and rarely take my shoes off outside. andrew|i dance alone at home, badly brywalker|Unfortunately, although I LOVE music, I can't dance. benjamin|i do. turd|what are you talking about?

turd? c|no Freya|i love to dance, im not that good at it, but i dont think that matters, because it is more of an expression of ur emotions Benjamina|crowbe@hotmail.com|I like to dance, but I usually only enjoy it if I'm either in the mood or pissed (that's pissed drunk, not pissed grr). Otherwise I feel to selfconcious to move properly- white guys aren't brought up dancing where I come from. Benjamina|crowbe@hotmail.com|...Oh and I highly recommend Ecstasy. Get some friends together and try some taking all precautions you can find on the web (taking half at a time, not mixing with anything else etc...). Its VERY safe and a VERY worthwhile experience if done properly. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|No billy wang|billy@thewang.com|I am Billy Wang. Billy Wang does NOT dance. I repeat Billy Wang does NOT dance. I did Dance once but I would rather not talk about it. It was an aweful, terrifying experience. I highly recommend that the rest of you abstain from dancing as well unless you enjoy acting like a trained monkey. Remember, I am Billy Wang & you can never be Billy Wang. biff|I like to dance yup
biff|I already told you! David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com| I prefer to play the music, but when i cannot, and the music calls for it, I dance.
I lust to play, but if the people around me and the mood is right, I'll dance with abandon.

When I hear people drumming together, it can be an experience that drives me crazy, because most of the time the people who are drumming do not understand the essence of losing your ego in a group of musicians. Percussion is not about showboating. Music is not about showboating. Music is a beautiful language that can be expressed in a group by losing your ego to what the song wants, or losing your inhibitions by danceing and communicating with your body...

Blah, blah, I know. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|*g* well not to the drums in the park. But i do like dancing. and i do it as muuch as i can diskore|yes, no aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i like to dance.
no, but i have never heard drums in the park. Curious|There isn't a park near me that has drums, but I like to take my shoes off and go outside and dance in the rain, does that count? aaron|aaron2k@swbell.net|oh my god, you are insufferable. lou |blue-lou@usa.net|i am the drummer i am always dancing in my thoughts in my words when i sleep when i walk my dog he has learned to dance from me |Hate to dance. The closest I come to dancing is when I fence an able opponent, Joy, fear,anger mixed together with the elegance of cold steel Jesus-The other white meat|I dance barefoot in park under the moons pale glow in the shadows of my demons bombastique|Dancing is meditation.
An out of body experience.
If music doensn't literally move you to dance, you aren't listening (and I don't mean just with your EARS...).