Elise|edieron1@aol.com|I am female and only attracted to men. I have close relationships with both men and women. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|male-towards female Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|Male. I am attracte to women. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|I'm a Fairly Shy male when it comes to initiation. I love women. They are a domineering force in the universe Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|I am male and am attracted to females....one in particular. rusty|jensen1@telusplanet.net|i am male i like women jj|male,
women benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c|i am male, i am deeply attracted to women, i have more women friends than male friends, i relate better to women than to men, i find i have very little in common with most men, though i have my fair share of them as friends. Hijinks Bojangles|I'm a male.
I am attracted to women, and men sometimes. Willy Horton|Male
Women derek|i am male and i am mainly attracted to women, but i'm starting to change my mind. poop|male attracted to women fuzzybutt|I'm a male and attracted mainly to females. On rare occaisions I have given some men a considering look. Beauty is not restricted to the opposite sex. bob|breasts Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|There are levels of attraction. I'm attracted to vivacious people regardless of gender (but women are special).

I have better relationships with the opposite sex than with the same one. god|male
women Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|I am Male
I am attracted to women Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|Women mostly but I've been known to enjoy simply petting a hard bodied man. They usually get angry when I don't have an interest to do more. Orlock|I am made of ham.
I am more attracted to eggs. Jeremy|I'm a dude, and I prefer good looking "womens." Tim Hammond|Male
women brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i'm a male and i am attracted to females.. they arent as stupid, although they are confusing Beefy|Male attracted to females Mike M.|mikem@qualcomm.com|Male. Women. al|male, i'm attracted to women. can't help it, it's genetic. pjroo|i am male, and attracted to mainly women. brywalker|i am male and i am attracted to women. benjamin|male. attracted to women. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Male.
Women. Mourn|mourn@hotmail.com|Male.

Women. troy|troye_22@hotmail.com|male attracted to women billy wang|billy@thewang.com|I am billy wang. all females, including yourself are attracted to billy wang. billy wang is attracted to billy wang. Relationships are allways good with billy wang. I am billy wang, hear me roar! 1|I am a male. My attractions are towards women, I do not have many friends, a few females and a few males and one girlfriend, it's easier than having a shit load of friends and I'm really close to all of them, the women are probably the ones that fuck up friendships the most, but I'm forgiving David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|I am male.

I'm attracted to women, and have never had a relationship with a man where I felt sexually attracted, although I have had intimate relationships with good male friends where they were so close and important to me, I had to ask myself if I was attracted to them physically. This was not the case, though, when i really looked at the friendships. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|Im a chick and i tend to lean towards men. aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i am a male.
i am attracted to women a little more than men. Chris|I am male and I am attracted to women. |Male and attracted to women, and have far better friendships with women than men. I don't get along well with most men. Jesus-The other white meat|I'm a male and feircely attracted to women Curious|Male...and I looooooove females!! bombastique|Male and I'm DEFINITELY attracted to women, though there was this guy that I saw on a train in Vienna that grabbed my attention. It wasn't a sexual attraction and most of my attraction to women isn't of a sexual nature at first. It is more a curiousity or wonder. Unearthly or other-worldly my be the term.