Elise|edieron1@aol.com|Yes I have loved in that fashion. The idea is to step out of your own mind and expectations. All the things that you cared about before no longer exist. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|yes, love is nurturing. Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|I am sorry to say that I have not. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|I loved once. It led to total betrayal. I'm dumb enough to give it a try again because when it's good then it's the best. Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|yup cody|oh hell no Seb|seb@funnybrasska.zzn.com|Yes, though I am still confuse on wether that is a good thing or not. art|Nope, sorry bobby|nope wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|nope shiva|sure al|nope TIASIAN|No, I haven't... Nor do I believe that there really is such an emotion as romantic love. Familial love, yes. Fraternal love, yes. The sort with Cupid and his arrows? No. roger|no Steve|Yes fuzzybutt|In retrospect, I have done so since seventh grade when most people are giggling about "going steady" god|i hope so Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|Yes Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|I have loved like that many times, and each time, I think I have gotten it right. Yet in hindsight (and only then) each time I have made some error that has kept if from being so. And still, I try again... Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|*laughs*
Never in my life, but open to the ideal. 12154|no pwong|pmlwong@hotmail.com|about freedom?... yeah. MindCtlAltDel|Yes Dick|is this some kind of a test?
boba fett|No, I try to avoid wearing mink while engaging in coitus. Bob|No I just love to fuck like crazy, that is true love to me. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|yes, i have felt that love, and feel it for many Argyle|owenn@engineer.com|Nope, cannot say that I have fdg|yes
Will|modusop@hotmail.com|yes riffle|No.
This saddens me greatly. boo radley|Yes. I try to be a better person and bring out the best in others. But anger is everywhere in New York. Mike M.|mikem@qualcomm.com|Yes. boddy ventura|NEVER cghmgh|zzzzz , fuck me|NO pjroo|yes, i have, but not anymore. andrew|yes, and i regret it Kain|KAIN46@aol.com|I am right now- my girlfriend is a wonderful person whom I care deeply about- I am a deeply solitary individual and I never thought I would feel this way about a person- It goes to show that one can never think they know what to expect from life... Bennyboo|No. Fuck "Spiritual Growth". What a wank... benjamin|perfectly. turd|no grasshopper|simmk@swbell.net|I have been in love that way, it is the only way to be in love. Being in love with someone that spiritually harms you is a bad thing. People seem to do it everyday where they are hurting their own selves just to be with someone for fear of being alone. To quote the movie beetlejuice-
"I am so alone...(no,scratch)... I am so utterly alone. By the time you read this I will have thrown myself off of the Wintercreek bridge. Falling.. (no, scratch)...Plummeting to my death" and if you ever need a smile read that to yourself a few hundred times and giggle about it no one is alone. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|No...it sounds like a good thing, though. troy|troye_22@hotmail.com|maybe billy wang|billy@thewang.com|Let billy wang tell you something, billy wang knows a bit about love. billy wang spreads love whenever and where ever appropriate and billy wang deems appropriate. As far as love changing as we evolve, the world should be so lucky to evolve into billy wang. after all, billy wang is what it is all about. billy wang is spirituality at its finest. Nick|that fashion that you are referring to doesnt exist to me, so no, i havent Jim|Some else first, then yourself ben|no 1|To find someone whos heart beats for you and your soul breathes for them is my true feeling of my everlasting love with that one...for those that think they have experienced their own love look deeper for there is no thought in true love Alan Thicke|Jason@Seaver.org|Fuck no. That bitch ate my soul. David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|Compassion is the most important thing in my life. It is the deepest love. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|Hell no! Im only 16! The last boyfriend I had i thought i loved for a while and he turned out to be a blatany piece of shit..god that was a mistake, i dont know what love is yet and im not ready to find out right away either. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|I spelled blatant wrong....just thought id say that bob|yes diskore|yes aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|in that fashion, i love almost everyone. Travis Meadows|t_man_14@hotmail.com|i dunno, i think so....no, i know so, altho, it has only happened once pedro|i have Curious|yes aaron|aaron2k@swbell.net|well, i'm happy for you that you've discovered the most evolved concept of love. sheesh, stick to graphic design and sew your mouth shut, please! i'm dry heaving at this point! red|Yes, I met a woman in a supermarket. I noticed that she had parsley in her teeth. Well, my heart started to race and I got really flustered. See, I eat parsley too.

I didn't get up the nerve to introduce myself. Still, when I'm alone at home I fantasize about her. Her and parsley. jack|laughingman@disinfo.net|as harlan ellison once said,"love ain't nothing but sex misspelled" robertdee|no rachel|Truly loved? Yes. But I don't agree with the spiritual growth per se. More of an evolution. bubba|I am one of the lucky few to have found my true soul mate. I am of competent mind and spirit to truly understand what I have...so yes I have love in that fashion in my life.

I may not spell good lou |blue-lou@usa.net|to the best of my ability everyday aimed at all whom I do love. |You can never love two people the exact same way, you can be in love with more than one person at a time, and 2 people either grow closer or further apart over time Curious|Yes...have you? bombastique|Absolutely, without question.