Elise|edieron1@aol.com|NO I DO NOT. The idea of sitting at a computer all day means that I missing out on the outside world. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|it brings information, images and ideas to me that i would normally have never seen Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|Sitting in front of the computer for some of the day is a jog requirement. My exploring has brought me into contact with things that I would otherwise be oblivious to. But getting closer is something accomplished by contact. It removes me from one world but takes me to another. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|It's a cutaway cross section view of the world and culture that i dont get elsewhere yet it lacks the benefit of face to face human interaction. Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|of course....but sometimes I waste my days outside too. Seb|seb@funnybrasska.zzn.com|Well, no, since it allows me to talk to people I truly care for. It definitely brings the world to me, as
I tend to open up in an easier fashion on the internet (Ie: As I am doing now) then I would in real life. It also allows me to meet more people, see more beautiful and aweful things.It takes me that much further. vune|vumonkey@hotmail.com|removes me from the world. i spend my time staring at this damn screen, when i could be out socializing with real people. it's like my friend vig told me. if i spent half the time tryin to get my dick sucked as i did in front of this damn computer, i'd have more pussy than i could handle. bobby|it removes me from the world due to the fact that it lessens my social interaction; fortunately, I feel that i get a satisfactory amount of that regardless, so i'm pretty much neutral. i'd guess that most people here would say that it "brings them closer" in an attempt to justify the time spent on here, but maybe when I click submit, i'll be surprised and feel like a pretentious ass. bobby|nope, i remain unsurprised. 14241241|adad@kdjf.com|yes wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|yes i have wasted many hours infront of the the pc.
Information is an addiction Bob Dobbs|Visualize black, unholy death. Then consider your genitals. Now you are a writer. al|absolutley, the internet affords commercial free entertainment. so far. it removes you from the world as it informs you of it. bunnymud|fine fine chief horny buffalo|It does both, but excessive computer use can lead to a skewed reality. You can learn many things on the computer that you would not usually learn. If you are dependant on your computer it can leave you socially inept, unable to deal with others. jimbo|no fuzzybutt|It makes me aware of how stupid and ignorant many people are. However the media keeps them docile. I'm content to preserve my own little pocket of sanity. james|neither, it's some sand fused together to amuse us sad pricks who can't deal with the real world. Dave|I don't know. What I do know is that your spelling sucks.
god|little bit of column 'a'
little bit of column 'b'
your guess is as good as mine Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|I think it removes me from the real world, but puts me closer to a different world. Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|I spend many of my days that way. Only time will tell if they wasted. In the moment, I feel like the world is at my command while I'm at the computer, and then each time I step away I am surprised by how small a world I command and how large a world is beyond my reach no matter what my tools are. Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|Well I'm at work right now so I feel like I'm wasting my employer's money, not my life. I do most of my websurfing here, since I have access to a faster connection.
At home, the time I spend in front of a computer focuses on personal projects that I would do with or without the computer.
I still make it a point to talk to people. pwong|pmlwong@hotmail.com|yes.
uh|no|shit Dick|HUh? bob zygala|deeblite@home.com|What is this, an essay question? Bob|I just stopped doing that by canceling my Everquest account, picking up painting again, and getting into Muay Thai (or Thai Kickboxing). I also recently met a very attractive, nice girl. So I sure as hell only spend time in front of the box at work. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|it does both... it opens up new circles of people that you would never ever meet, but it takes time away from other people you might meet but wont because you are at home Argyle|owenn@engineer.com|Yes and No, Mainly because I work on one. And no cause beer takes precedence Will|modusop@hotmail.com|yes boo radley|It is an extension of my eyes and ears, it shows and tells me all types of new things but in reality I am still sitting in the same old place. ben smith|no, no. Mike M.|mikem@qualcomm.com|Yes. Both. My job, and sometimes other endevours, pull me away from my immediate world. At the same time, the computer has opened news ways of viewing and learning about a much broader world that I might not have encountered much of otherwise. If used wisely it also can enrichen the "tangible" world I spoke of before. Michael|Both. It's all about getting the best out of both worlds. alex|khaos1313@hotmail.com|The computer can be usefull for some things, but I feel like i get trapped on it for too long and when I can finally pull myself a way I've wasted a ton of usefull time. Maximillain van der Holt|gonzo@crazygrandpa.com|Colour, multifacets
Obfuscate beauty beneath
Bringing me closer to reality
by hiding it from me
Must needs I make myself clear?
It is only by going further away
That one can come here. Mike|I'll freely admit that I am an iformation addict. The Internet, while not exactly bringing the world closer, has helped me to expand my sights about the truly bizarre forms of human behaviorisms on a sociological scale. I look at some of the things people do, or have done in the past and can only shudder to think about what the next big thing is. That said, I don't feel that any of this should be censored to protect the weak-minded. If anything, the graphic and strange needs to be even more to the forefront than it already is, so as to show people the depths of depravity that can be plumbed in the human mind. pjroo|It brings me closer because I "speak" mainly to those I know from "real life" and gain information about them from them directly. Kain|KAIN46@aol.com|I am an isolated person, so the computer brings the world, that I hold at arms length, a little closer. benjamin|it brings me

to other people. bloody vagina fart|fucking bloody vagina fart cock sucking asshole motherfucker fuck cunt cunt fuck cunt.

intelligent, eh? Benjamina|crowbe@hotmail.com|We're not designed to sit down all day and I ache from it... I animate all day so find it quite rewarding though. The world is getting closer, hopefully america is working out that there is a "rest of the world". Its just way easier to meet up with someone with all the anonimity and ease of the web. soi polloi|ur-vile@searchalot.com|I don't hang out online as much as I used to. I am far busier now and when I do go online I don't usually contact anyone so now I would go with the latter answer : It removes me from the world. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|No...Neither; it becomes an entirely different experiencs sometimes... assfuck|Dwalsh@kes.ns.ca|no billy wang|billy@thewang.com|Let me tell you a thing about Billy Wang because you are apparently not getting what billy wang is all about. Here goes... billy wang makes the world go around. The world is billy wangs' playground, it is here for billy wang. Please do not insuly billy wang again with such nonsense. Nick|well, i could give two shits about the rest of the world, because it dont care for me. i guess i could be outside in the freezing weather or maybe doing a little breaking and entering to keep busy, but for me, being on the comp lets me experience things that are legal, and things that are not so fixated on certain activities that are acceptable or even existing around where i live. does it bring me closer to the world, not necessarily, but it sure doesnt take me away from some great world that you are somewhat alluding to Nick|also, define wasted. i know people that watch 6 hours of tv a week, easily. they watch an hour or two of it a night. i consider that wasted time. i may spend ten hours a week in front of my comp, but i am at least learning and pseudo-interacting with either people or information. i think watching tv is wasting time, but thats just how i define wasting. be more specific gwynith|definitely, it is monotonous your|@adumbhoor.com|i would say that it makes me closer to myself and ouside of the world .. there is a point after 36 hours of cocaine and masterbation that i reach clarity and i see what i am doing and a soloution ... usually that is more coke and cum ... but oh well ... thats life. Solomon|My computer is merely an extension of my phallus. 1|The world of false hood maybe for reality exists in the trust of the truth of others, if I stayed in my basement all day and someone told me it was raining or snowing, I get the idea of it in my head and that is the reality of the world...get off your asses and look for your own goddamned selves asuming you believe in a god. David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com| I make my music with a computer. When I'm using it for music, I feel better after being on it for hours. The internet, on the other hand, can suck me in like arcades used to in my teens. Hours of internet can sometimes make me feel like I'm wasting my time. Especially when I could be doing something creative with the computer I'm surfing on. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|Yeah I guess I do... At least my mom says I do. but i have a great time and hope to make a career out of it someday so i guess technically Im not.. And if i enjoy it, what better way to spend ones time? bugbbq|boo@boot.com|poopie rando|closer, it ties us all together sure|it removes me from the world while making me feel closer to it... without it i'd die aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|my computer is the only friend that will be there for me when no one else has anything to say. fgdf|YOUR A FAG aaron|aaron2k@swbell.net|yes; and both at once. better to live in a cave with another human than develop some advanced though false abstract of the [wired] world. red|Sometimes I sit in front of my computer and eat parsley. robertdee|I feel that I am wasting my days more when I'm sitting on top ot the computer.

As for the second question I thought the world was just something I walked on so I suppose the answer is it all depends wether I'm sitting on the computer or not at the time. bubba|I don't spend that much time in front of the computer. I only really "play" on the Internet at work, and I hate my job. It is only until I finish my degree, then I will concentrate on Rugby. So I cannot truly answer your question. I will say that the Internet seems to be the basis of a good idea in the ways of: communication, research and education. It is still in its infancy, so that is why 70% of all pages contain porn. lou |blue-lou@usa.net|my days are full, I do not spend much time on a computer. I think it examines the world closer & scarier @ times possibley a distortion of who or what people are or claim to be. |Computer bring disparate elements together, like fondu. But allow for no personal intmate interaction, I gain more and more information about things I do not care about and am drawn further into it the more I try to tune it out. Jesus-The other white meat|Computer*waste
...so evil=computer Jesus-The other white meat|Computer*waste
so...computer=evil because of the reflexive property bombastique|Nope, not wasted - the computer is merely a tool to be exploited, implemented and, sometimes, abused.

I don't think it's removed me from the world yet, no matter how much it's tried...