Elise|edieron1@aol.com|I think you are asking all these questions because you are trying to understand people and the way they think. No, most people do not think independently. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|half of one quarter of 1 percent of people think for themselves. Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|Why are you asking all these questions, who are you working for? Who have you been talking to? Ok, really. You may like to see the different answers that people give, thier differances and likenesess. I have thought of a few of these things before. And as far as how many people think independently, everyone does. Everyone is responsible for the choices that they make. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|aproximately .01% of all people think truly independently. i'd like to think that im one of them but in reality...im probably not...And someone who clouts themselves as a "free thinker" are just trying to elivate themselves above everyone else... Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|0% Tim|nutsbedragon@aol.com| At first i thought you were asking these questions because you wanted a date, now i am not sure. Maybe its a project for your psyche class..who knows who cares. The questions are fun. Yes i have thought of these things before, but ofcourse acid is bad for normal thought. As to independent thinkers...i think the percentage is 100%, its just unfortunate that people fear releasing the thoughts they have. Besides that, everyone is different. Each thought is independent , according to the enviroment....example, a banker, and a person with autism "and thats all i have to say 'bout that..." frederick murphy|interesting sit here... err... jess.. not sure how i got an email from u but hi... nice to see some stuff thats a bit pointless on the web. i like it. uberente@hotmail.com cody|u are scary frederick murphy|as to the question above this html... Jungian... duh. Seb|seb@funnybrasska.zzn.com|You're asking because either you care or just as lost as the rest of us. I think about things like these more often then my taste tells me to, and next to none are thinking independantly. kissii|kissii3.0@home3.0.com|More than the cynics would have us believe, but fewer that need to be. asia pickle|theoneyouserve@hotmail.co|Everyone think independantly. Its just very scary that so many people think alike. Harry Q airconditioner|10% 14241241|adad@kdjf.com|5 wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|0% thing independantly. Society molds how we think and what we accept. Bob Dobbs|500 Jason|couse your a jew Jason|cause your a jew al|you either have to or want to. this is the stuff of life. more than i imagine, less than i wish. yoink|fjfg TIASIAN|I would say very few people actually think independently. Especially in the US. chief horny buffalo|1% maybe dave|60 Jewish Bastard|I hate. Jewish Bastard|... fuzzybutt|I think you are asking these questions in order to get people to think about themselves since most are devoted to external difficulties. I think of many things.
People... Thinking independently... that's a rare thing probably no more than 10% do so consistently. ether|.99% god|sure
not a large Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|haven't thought all that much about this stuff, I think some of your questions are way ahead of me.

I think a good percentage of people are thinking independantly. Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|The are all questions I've asked myself before. I'm more than willing to share my answers with anyone whow would ask. As for the people you'd have to ask them. pwong|pmlwong@hotmail.com|cuz bob made you. Bob makes people do everything. Praise Bob and slack.

But sure I've thought of it before...

and who cares what percentage of people are thinking independently. That question wasn't spawned as an independent question... people have asked that before... so independent that...
Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|I have several theories about why you're asking these things, but in my best attempts at the preservation of uncertainty I won't offer them in public.

But have you ever seen a twig in a whirlpool? It may begin as an independent, atomic item in the stream, but given the slightest hint of a partner or something to share its looping journey, something to cling to, its path stops being its own. Eventually it joins one, than many, others, and in time, they all are much more vulnerable, much more subject to the tossing and turning of the water, and they all are pulled farther down the stream... Brian|i dunno..
Mercy Killer|mrkiller@whacked.net|no, we are all slaves to the system like it or not Dick Rivers|drivers@power97.com|I have no clue jay stile|what the fuck are you talking about? Mike|Not enough Tim Hammond|75% Bob|I don't care as long as I retain the ability to. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|because those who ask are fools for a few miniutes, but those who never ask are fools for a lifetime riffle|I just assumed that you are trying to make an interesting website by asking provacative questions. however I haven't really done enough "quests" yet to really have a grasp of what kind of questions you are asking. The question of independant thought and self awarness is one I have often give thought to, but any conclusions are irrelevant for obvious reasons.
Or maybe not so obvious. It depends how you think. Beefy|0% Alex|0%. unless you are a hermit or something. society affects us all in at least some ways. why do you think people are social? they want to be accepted so they act diffrently. Only people who are truly antisocial can say they truly and completly think for themselves. Mike M.|mikem@qualcomm.com|Curiousity. Many times. A very small percentage. Michael|1% thomas|independently of what? We are all bound by something, be it out language constraints, our culture our genes... leify|five percent...the percentage of people who dont believe in god.
sgdg|none! norrin|norrin@ncs3.com|5 henriette|mathieu)@123india.com|me by exemple cghmgh|xfhgmxfgh cj|10%
Sean|Does it matter? pjroo|I think you're asking them to see what kinds of responses you will get, much like an experiment. I doubt many people think deeply, often, as we live in a shallow world, which acts much as a negative feedback system. It's only going to get worse. Polas|Polas@drunkenbastards.com|Polas knows that no one truly thinks independently. Polas uses this to his corporate advantage. andrew|you ask for answers. i think about whatever interests me, and sometimes i think about this stuff. Benjamina|crowbe@hotmail.com|I think about stuff like this all the time. Its great to get other opinions and angles on it all. 100% of grown people think independently to some extent. I think you need to provide a threshold on that question. I wish more people would educate themselves if that suffices... benjamin|why do you ask these questions? to obtain knowledge. asking of others allows you to learn beyond your own experiences.

have i thought about this stuff before? yes.

everyone can think independently. unfortunately, a lot of people have forgotten how, in their aging. turd|sucka fart out of my ass, bitch Bruce|Because you're bored with life, just like the erst of us and you're trying to amuse yourself the best way you can. grasshopper|simmk@swbell.net|I think that nearly 0% of people think totally independently, but probably not even that. This is beause of the fact that everyone is programmed in some way to care and react in the norm of their own programmed belief system. I do not think that total independent thought still exists in the world it was all used up when the light bulb was invented. As to why you are asking the questions you obviously are curious what kind of minds are wandering around out there. There is nothing that is being done now that has not been done before, you are just rediscovering it. It is good to be on a search for the things that lie beneath everyday thinking. Most would be too apathetic to look for the awnsers. Poopface destroyer|Coz you lick fish more than chicken sometimes.
Well yes, coz I have to choose between chicken and fish sometimes.
the percentage of people think right now is 50%. bob|What? ...Far out.... Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Why? Because it invokes me to think. But nobody can think independently. We're all puppets of society. billy wang|billy@thewang.com|I think 42.7654% of people think independently. Sandra|5% Nick|i dont know what the shit you are askin me Nick|you obviousley dont think for yourself, because you are wanting countless strangers to tell you what they think about. your|@adumbhoor.com|your a dumb nosey whore and i am going to fuck you in the ass untill my penis bleeds like a stuck pig inside your raped and violated cunt. 1|To further humanity's evolution we must destroy independant thought, for independant thought is what causes arguments, without independance perhaps humanity will benefit for billions of minds working as a cooperative being David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com| From the questions you're asking, I assume you're getting a cross section of the internet community to see how many people are thinking outside the lines, and checking out the common denominator.
I'd like to know what you consider independent thinking. From what I've seen so far, I think you may be asking a lot of intriguing questions that hint a life examined. Good thing.
gas huffer|gas thinks all think like all others cause we's all the same eh? live and let live now huh? what? Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|ive thought of some of it. i cant say ive thought of all of it...especially that freudian thing....seeing as i dont know what it means. From my point of view there arent too many people out there who think independantly. though id like to say im one of the ones who does. jkljljjk|klklk fuckass|gf enzo|2 dog sprog|dogfuckcuntmuncher@penistitpoo|yes 20% diskore|yes, 10 aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i have thought about this stuff before.
around my area 2% of the people are thinking independently. cooplege|Yes. Probably a very low percentage Luke|What?!? your mom|1%
Brandon|I think your not who anyone coming here thinks you are. I think I am you. You stupid cunt. Brandon|I think your not who anyone coming here thinks you are. I think I am you. You stupid cunt. Curious|You're curious, you're searching, looking to see how people think...seeing if everyone fits into one or a few particular molds...and meantime, you are also making people look at themselves perspectively and maybe helpin them in some small way red|I think that people who eat parsley tend to be free-thinkers. People who suck on Bay leaves are cautious and people who eat water chestnuts are despicable. damike|24 robertdee|you're a naturally inquisitive person.

No real brain-benders here, mind. Here's one for you :-

What is the answer to this question ? Lucifer|furos666@hotmail.com|lots dan|dansnodderly@usip.org|That which I know will not submit bubba|Well, they are pretty deep qeustions. Based on the surreal site you have hear, I would say you spend or have spent a lot of time thinking of these questions yourself. You are either looking for answers, wondering what type of people visit your site or wonder what other people have found for answers. lou |blue-lou@usa.net|you're asking these questions for a response - new, old, different, similar, safe, frightening, intelligent, unintelligent but probably just for information. So very, very, very few and not out of choice but out of programming & results from misconceptions of ideals. Etc. ed|jgm@appleonline.net|Mmmm> MAybe you are a very interesting person or else you are fed up with everyday life and want to discover the true meaning of life. I walk the hills as sun goes down . Once I got lost and found a river in the darkness. There were dead farm animals floating past bloated and pale in the moonlight. That night as I struggled to find the road I freaked out when I thought I was being followed by some mental axe person. So I was running and I ran into a barbed wire fence. then I tried to climb over but I was so scared I got snagged on the way over fell and smashed my head on the quiet country road that I had come across. I remember rain falling on me and then nothing. Next thing it was daytime and I was under a bush christ knows where and my face and upper body was all sticky with thick dried blood. It made me feel all queezy.
But that was living... |A man/woman should not think overly too much lest the weight of all the questions without good answers crush you. As was said in Candide, you still have to tend the garden. |The worst thing for most people is to think. Many people would rather die than think, in fact they do so Jesus-The other white meat|i have hardly thought of this before, this site expands the mind...and 0% of people think independently, because someone influences their decision bombastique|Your Virgan tendencies compel you to question the world around you. I think about things like this all the time - sometimes to my benefit, sometimes to my detriment.

Most people don't think.
Some people think they think.
A few actually think.

Who are the great thinkers of our time?