Elise|edieron1@aol.com|I think you are revealing a part of yourself, but it is up to the users of this site to determine who you really are. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|aren't you asking more about us than telling us about you? Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|A crative outlet perhaps? Maybe just an experiment. I am seeing only what you are allowing me to see. I really can't make any assumptions. I never like to assume anything. But if it means anything, I am curious. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|you are revealing very little of yourself directly to us yet by proxy we can guesstimate a bit about you. i think you're searching for people that are much like yourself. you might feel lonely and are seeing if there are more of "you" out there Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|HMMMmmmmm....lol....not really sure. joe|ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO ME a|because you suck. wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|an experiment. to create content for a book. to learn. i have no idea. can you please tell us? Jewish Bastard|Kill. fuzzybutt|I don't feel you are revealing yourself. These are testing questions, the spyinx's questions. Mike Rosst|to make me dizzt and barage my intellect with inane questions!

and i like it! god|why, i have no clue
no Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|I couldn't tell you why your revealing yourself to me.
I think you are revealing a side of yourself to me.

Fred Johnson|I have an itchy scrotum. It is red and flaky. Is this normal?
Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|It feels like your revealing a mystery to me. Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|You reveal nothing -- yet.

You will.

Won't you? Orlock|Are you insinuating that this isn't a message board for my personal delusional ramblings?


I'm waiting.

Think you're too good for me, don't you, bitch?

You know what you are? A tease. A damn, dirty tease.

Where are you going?

I'm sorry baby.I don't know what came over me.

Come back to me, I know we can make it work.

Really? Well then fuck you too. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i think you want to understand people.. we all want to find ourselves in others... then we know us better... you have revealed very little to us.. just enough to wet our tounges Argyle|owenn@engineer.com|I have absolutely no Idea, got bored one day?
Insidious medical research? d. snuts|i haven't a clue leify|the purpose of this sight is to confuse hjgjhg|Because You Are Trippin
al|either to gather information or to stimulate enlightenment. maybe just for shits and giggles. you have revealed nothing. pjroo|The purpose of this site is to find others that actually do THINK. I don't actually think you ARE revealing yourself to me, as many of the statements you make just lead in to the questions, possibly to see if you can direct the type of responses you get. brywalker|I think that this site is here to open a portal to the mind, heart, and soul as long as the participants can be open and honest. benjamin|perhaps just an interest in the thoughts of others, or maybe some sort of assignment, psychology maybe.

you are revealing yourself through your questions, the images, and the styles of the site. you reveal yourself possibly because it increases the likelihood of response. robk|one more design major with little else to do Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|I cannot fathom the rhyme or reason behind this website...and as far as I can tell, you have revealed yourself, but not by much. Mourn|mourn@hotmail.com|The questions asked so far are no more revealing that what could be found out in a typical conversation with a person you have just met. billy wang|billy@thewang.com|billy wang thinks the purpose of this website is to meet billy wang. You obviously wish to reveal yourself in hopes of attracting billy wang. However, much like a streaker, sometimes revealing onesself turns other off. Now, billy wang is no streaker but he is also not afraid to reveal himself. To be honest, billy wang do not know if billy wang is falling for your little trick, perhaps the streaking thing may work better for you than this website. "everybody have fun tonight, everybody wang billy tonight" Captain Obesity|what the fuck
you are obviously high on some kind of methanphetamines
jesus christ 1|Fuck, I just asked the answer to this question in the last...question i guess. Anyway you are not revealing yourself to me or us as I don't believe you are one person or the questions did not originate at just one persons thoughts. The purpose of this site is not for you to reveal yourself of to have others reveal themselves to you it is for individual people to open up to themselves and answer question about themselves that they could not have pondered or wanted to ask, if not why are they writing responses? David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|I think you're looking for something...

Are you looking for connection? Or are you doing an anthropological ethnography of internet users? Sometimes, I can't tell here. I am intregued, though, and will keep answering these questions.... Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|I dont know why you are. but me, its cause you asked . and really what harm could getting to know someone do aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i think the purpose of this site is to find out if there is anyone else like you out there. you can't lose. laxi|well, some art project again, i guess, that in fact doesn't give anything wether to you nor to the audience Emelius|It doesn't have a purpose, other than to fulfill your need for attention and creative expression... aaron|aaron2k@swbell.net|the purpose of this site is attention and validation. and you won't get the latter from me, sorry!!!!!! red|To give me a venue for parsley adoration. Jesus-The other white meat|you are only revealing what the blind man sees Curious|No, you tell a little about you, but you mainly ask questions. You give your opinion or statements, but don't really reveal anything personal about you. The statements may reflect something about you personally, but that can be easily mistaken... bombastique|I'm sure you're revealing yourself to me, but only those parts you deem revealable.

I want to see the side that you're hiding. Only when we know both halves of someone can we say we KNOW someone.