Jo||I love my mom. She had me. What else could I ask for. Elise||Yes I do. She is my best friend. todd||my mother has become less nutty as i've become less nutty. Rob||I think so. We often talk to each other about what is going on in our lives. We see each other almost every day. PSCHLUGO||not really close. hi, bye. not very distant either. we just dont talk Dustin||Sometimes..... rusty||of course shannon||Very close, actually. Your mom doesn't dislike you. Gayelord Foker|ihaveaveryintimaterelationshipwithmymotherveryintimate nix|yep mike|eh. Jewish Bastard|... fuzzybutt|I am very close with my mother. I can speak with her about anything. god|no Bryan||I like my mom, she is really cool.
Josh||My mother is a long distance truck driver who doesn't fit any sterotype of a mother. We get along rather well. Orlock|Yeah, I've got a close relationship with your mother. So long as you consider the relationship between a victim and her hatchet-wielding-assailant to be a close relationship.

Oh, you meant MY mother. Well, she still writes the parole board every month on my behalf... Dave||I try as well. What more could I do? Often it works, though I suspect she might also say she dislikes me at times. brendan||i love my mother dearly. its kinda weird though because we both go to karate so we spar a lot and beat each other up gay||no janky maloon|you have a strnad melmog al|yes, fairly close. the most you can do is try. pjroo|I love my mother, yet we are not close. benjamin|not particularly. i am unsure if that is good or bad. Benjamina||I'm very lucky in that my parents are young and have many of the same opinions that I do. This makes it pretty easy to stay close to them. I truly love them heaps. Fuuten||My mother...I have been a "little bastard"...but that does not justify the cruelty with which she treats me. I cannot even attempt to start a civil conversation with her without getting bitched at. I just avoid her nowadays to avoid needless conflict. She needs to be placed in a mental institution. Seriously. Nick|somewhat close. she probably dislikes you for being annoying. did you have to make me scroll through some monotonous background to answer questions that i have to find by sliding the mouse all over the screen, making me have to find the invisible question? these are the same reasons your mother dislikes you... you are annoying and i can tell you think you are above everyone else. you're also probably a cocktease billy wang||billy wangs' mother wishes she could be billy wang. Although billy wang does not fault her for it as everyone wishes they could be billy wang. ...Including you. bill gates||psychotic break? David Earl||My mom and I went through some REALLY rough times. Now that I have established myself out here on my own, though, we've become more like peers. Occasionally, she'll visit me, and I can see her restraining her obvious judgement. I appreciate that. In the place where I grew up, almost nobody counts on doing music for a living. Our values are very different....

...She's also got this conditional love thing going on I've never figured out...

Jamee||I do but occasionally we fight. diskore|yes aaron burke||no, i don't. she tries, but she has empty nest syndrome right now. MonkeyMan|She is dead aaron||everyone's mother is like that. even yr friend's mom who you THINK is cool is a nutjob. yo just have to love em and hug em and pray to your god you do better. rachel|My mother died four years ago. Jesus-The other white meat|I love my mommy-and she loves me asdf|sorry to hear that bombastique|Why is it that you believe your mother dislikes you?

As a rebellious teenager, I didn't like my mother much, but now that I have had time to reflect, I know she did the best she could. I can't say I'm really 'close' to her, though. She's a very reserved woman and a tough nut to crack...