Elise|edieron1@aol.com|Not highly influenced, but somewhat influenced. The media creates an ideal of what we should aspire to, but I try to trust myself. James|jamesfry@aol.com|Yes. I feel we are all highly influenced by the media whether or not we admit to it or are even aware of it. How could we not be considering it bombards us in almost all moments of life. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|absolutely. Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|Absolutely not. I feel that the media treats us like idiots. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|I watch them when i dont want to think about anything. i use it as a small form of escape. other times i write about what makes me sick about it (which is most things). people whore themselves out everyday to it. Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|nope.....unless it's a representation of what I don't want to be. alex|khaos1313@hotmail.com|Yes, but not so much now. When i was young TV could have told me to kill someone. But now I can see through any commercial or radio add and just laugh and recognize obvious bullshit techniques they try to use on me. I know it works on millions of stupid americans though. Now that I'm intelligent enough to think for myself almost all the time, the media doesn't really sway me with whatever slant they take, because i can see the slant, and see what they're trying to do and its sort of a nullification when I see its there, so then i just have the information and i can make my own slant to it. frederick murphy|i think the question is a bit spiked here w/ the quote and all... i dont own a television for the very reason this page is here. I would suggest burning all manner of media, myself (as i sit here on the web) benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c|no i am not influenced by crap like that in the slightest. and when i do end up buying something i take and distort it, make it into something that it isnt. norreip|i try not to be influenced by the media, but i think whether we know it or not, we all are in one way or another. it's part of living in the environment we've created for ourselves: it begins to create us. Eddie|No. I am not inflienced. wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|everything we see hear and touch influences us. People taking advantage of these things asure me that i'm nothing more than a consumer. Consume, Consume, Consume, Die. al|go to adbusters.org to see how i feel. why do you think you smoke? Jewish Bastard|crack whore. fuzzybutt|The media mostly makes me less docile. I gotta go watch my show now. james|sometimes Walter|Eventually, everyone is. Especially in Urban areas, you just can't get away from the media - advertising, the radio, even TV - it's everywhere. Eventually, you are going to start acting on the info that is seeping into your subconcious, whether you want to - or even know it - or not. Tom|soytainly god|no Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|no, i don't really like those.
I prefer scantily clad women trying to sell men's underwear on TV
Fred Johnson|penis
sillydogs|influenced to throw up maybe. Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|I'm not entirely uninfluenced. I like to think I have distilled what I consume into who I am and what I think about it, in a unique way, but the context is always the same - I'm an "escaped midwesterner living in the mid-Atlantic USA, having come of age in the last quarter of the 1900's", so there are some constants that are woven into me.

Yet "status quo" is not a term many would apply to me. bob zygala|deeblite@home.com|Does diet Dr. Pepper taste more like regular Dr. Pepper? Crack Junkie|I think everybody is highly influenced by images in the media. I believe that people cannot help being influenced by the maedia. There are so many t.v. commercials, billboards, and radio ads that people are subconsciously being influenced. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i know that movies influence me. some movies can define me, but i dispute the power of other media. i see smoking and guns on everything, and i hate both of them Mike|no ab|cd|boobies Mike|I'd like to think not, but yes, I more than likely am. I'm mostly hoping that others are more easily influenced than I am, primarily because my aim is to make money in the field of advertising and marketing. joe|joebloggs@joebloggs.com|nope Black Betty|I think we all are, we live in a society filled with images and ideas. Newspapers and Television tell us what is happening in the world through their lens. The only way we can see something else is by going to another media, or instead actually going to the place where the news originally took place, but it is impossible to do that, you cant be everywhere at once, and even if you went to the place where the news story occured, you will still see it through the eyes of all of the propaganda you have imbibed over the years, whether you like it or not... So we are all influenced. Highly influenced. Whether we like it or not. pjroo|I am not, as much as i used to be, yet i am actively working to denounce corporate advertising and controls. andrew|i don't think i am, but i'm sure i am anyway. if that makes sense. (the subliminal man, who wrote that story?) Kain|KAIN46@aol.com|I am inflenced little if at all- I understand the media is biased and I see through that bias-I am not what the media would consider beautiful or conformist, and I take great pride in that... Benjamina|crowbe@hotmail.com|I don't know about "highly" influenced but it definitely does at some level. I know I think of a lot of it as bollocks. benjamin|in a way. but i'm quite concious of it when it happens. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|No...I don't give a damn. billy wang|billy@thewang.com|The media, billboards, magazine ads & movies are highly influenced by billy wang. After all, ask yourself, isn't it all about billy wang? Besides from billy wang, what else is there? ...Thats right, other than billy wang, there is little else interesting. Just remember, you're not billy wang, billy wang is billy wang. ben|yes David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com| Yes. But I recognize when i am by the knowledge that I may want something that I didn't want before. I haven't had a TV for 15 years, so I guess i can be a bit more sensitive to ads...maybe it was my upbringing, too.. I don't know. I loved TV as a kid. Transformers, GI Joe, Robotech, Bugs Bunny and pals, Knight Rider. I remember asking my parents for a toy I saw on television once. I remember in the midst of my asking for it, I knew it was odd, since I never really asked them for stuff without Christmas or my birthday coming up. They didn't get it for me 'till my birthday, and it was actually a relief. That was one of the first times I could actually feel like I was being manipulated.
I'd much rather be manipulated by a work of art. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|Yeah if i watch a show too much i start to talk like th peole on it. and the models and actresses really influence the way i look. (my weight etc) aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|yes, but negatively. Jesus Christ|jesus@heaven.com|I have seen heaven. The images portrayed by media are nothing more that mans inability to come to grips with the truth. Heaven is out there. But I hate to say it, Earth is better (although X-files comes very close). Sean|xxfiredawgxx@excite.com|no Silence|i myself am not.. i buy what i think will help me or give me knowledge.. Brandon|delomeb@home.com|Not particularly.. lou |blue-lou@usa.net|no, NO, no, NO, no, NO. pop information is like pop anything - for the moment, yet it's based on very old thoughts & writings. Only it is usually misinterpreted for an immediate valueless goal. Johnny B. Goode|jbgoode31@hotmail.com|Yup... Your image has influenced me... Curious|No, just because I see images of drinking and smoking and fast food doesn't make me want to go out and smoke or drink or eat. I don't drink or smoke and I avoid fast food at all costs...I think people just use that as an excuse for their "weaknesses".