Elise|edieron1@aol.com|Yes, I have a hard time not being honest with people. Jenny|jenny@aol.com|I'm lying about everything. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|as far as i know Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|Yes, I have no reason not to be. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|yes. its easiest to be honest online because you dont have to actually face thsoe judging you. Its harder to be honest in real life Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|probably....you're not really there visually judging everything I say....therefore it''s easy to answer truthfully....of course that also makes it easier to lie...guess you'll never know. benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c|i have no reason to lie, it is hard enough to live a life and be true to yourself, why muck it all up by being dishonest with everyone you meet and whatnot joe bob|joebob@aol.com|possibly |yes i am wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|sdfsadfsaf wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|yes. One thing that is good about the internet is anomyaninity. It would help if i could spell. Jewish Bastard|What is honesty, in this place. Jewish Bastard|no. |yeah i supose bunghole|bung@hole.com|yah sure fuzzybutt|I'm always honest, not necessarily straight forward but honest nonetheless. god|suprisingly, yes randy|i love you Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|trying to be, but some of your questions I just don't understand.
Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|Yes, are you? X|never
sam|never Brian|whast is honesty
Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|I'm usually being honest with everyone - but not always.
Mike|yes voodoo hologram|can you breathe in your sleep?
brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|Why would i lie to you. you dont know me, you probobly never will know me or respond to any of this. i feel safe adam|Only in the sense that my honesty would not reveal myself. nvgggf|no jimmy hat|absolutely
al|compleatly, why bother otherwise? bob|yes ali|aatlas@flashcom.net|absolutely not! pjroo|as honest as is possible. Kain|KAIN46@aol.com|I am never dishonest. It's a fatal flaw of mine. blarg|that's up to you to deliniate benjamin|yes. why should i lie? grasshopper|simmk@swbell.net|I am honest because I think that is a good trait to have in life. I am honest with myself and others even if it tends to anger some in my honesty. Nate|I'll always be honest with you. Mourn|mourn@hotmail.com|Of course, there is no need or want to lie, there are no reprocussions to my comments or actions. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Yes. drrr|no Jim|always
billy wang|billy@thewang.com|Billy wang thinks a more important question is are YOU being honest with billy wang? But then, billy wang thinks why wouldn't you be honest with billy wang. puzzling, isn't it. It is like that old saying..."if a tree falls in the woods and billy wang is not around to hear it, does billy wang hear it?" exactly...does billy wang hear it? billy wang a lang a ding dong. mca|mca@troma.com|yes
David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|Yes. Although none of the questions have tempted me to be dishonest.

This question brings back the 'ethnography' question to my brain again... But you are a virgo (even if sloppy), so I guess you must be thorough in your questioning. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|Absolutely and completely honest. Jesus Christ|jesus@heaven.com|I died for your sins. You were not honest. Damn you to hell! Kai Williams|Kai_williams@loomis.org|Yup, your site is well made bubba|I don't think I have lied yet, my name is obviously not Bubba...Hey wait, your site freaks me out.

I have nothing to hide Jesus-The other white meat|I have said the most honest things on here than i ever have in the past