James|jamesfry@aol.com|I feel 12. I look 25. I just turned 31. Jenny|jenny@aol.com|I'm 22 and I dread reaching 30. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|i want you age to vary based on my mood. Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|I am 27. You are in the 25-30 range. But that is just a guess of course. Then again age really isn't measured in years anyway. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|I'm 21. i feel that you are round about the same age. i'd like you to be 21 also... Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|I'm 24....you're in your early twenties...I want to be 5 and know what I know now. long hair|23 nocturne|nocturnedesign@hotmail.co|32 benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c|i am 21 and i will be 22 in a little under 3 months, judging from the small glimpes of you throughout this site, i would estimate you to be in your mid to upper 20's, oh i dunno say 28, 27 as for the last line in that question, it isnt a matter of how old i want you to be, age has very little relevence in my life, except if i want to rent a car, then i am shit out of luck a|I am 2. How odl are you. That doesn't matter, because someone like you that has a site like this has absolutely no life. wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|i'm 16 years old. you are 25 al|today, i feel very old and tired. inside and out. your age is a mystery. i want you to be as old as you want. johnny|14 ashley|25 fuzzybutt|I'm 21 though I've felt both older and younger at times. you could be anywhere from your twenties on up. Anyone younger is either into britney spears or is a christian god|375,458,678 years Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|I am 22
I think you are 24
I want you to be 24
Orlock|Ever since the "incident", the courts require me to want you to be over the age of 18. jimmy jone|21 Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|I'm 19. Even though I'd like to lie on this one, I won't. I'd like you to be 19 as well and living in my home town.

Maybe I've become too caught up in this. sillydogs|I don't think I know. Or really care :( Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|I want you to be the age you're happiest at. Hopefully that's about the same as the number of days you've been here.

I am about the same age, maybe a little older. blah blah|blah@hotmail.com|23 brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i am 16, if i had to guess i'd put you around 20. i want you to be as old as you want. age is all internal Greg|I am 19...from the little I can see, I would guess that you aren't very old. Maybe in your teens through no older than 25 fdg|19 d. snuts|19 lk,jg|22 joe|joebloggs@joebloggs.com|19 pjroo|i am 17, i think you are somewhere in the range of 19-33... yet i am very unsure. benjamin|does it matter? Benjamina|crowbe@hotmail.com|Well Jessam (Can I call you Jessam?), I really don't have a desire for you to be any age. I do think what you've thought up here is rather clever and I hope that you're young enough to bring more cool ideas to the web. blarg|17, twenty-something, robk|you can be as old as you want to be, mr. different poop|25 Mourn|mourn@hotmail.com|22 Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|I am 18 years old.
You seem to be very young at times, while others you seem older. Whatever your age, you are obviously very mature and thoughtful beyond your years...I would think you have much to teach me, and I would want you to be about my age so it would be easier for you to understand my point of views. troy|troye_22@hotmail.com|23 and you are too rob|rob@eunwound.com|24 jim smith|jim@aol.com|26 billy wang|billy@thewang.com|Albert Einstein said "The important thing is never to stop questioning." billy wang finds this interesting & tends to agree with Albert. billy wang really doesn't care how old you are. billy wang has friends of all ages. billy wang thinks a more important question is how old do you think billy wang is? biff|18 1|Are you even here? Do you read these or are they just things to get people to write, not so much for your entertainment but for the release of their own jammed up thoughts that no one would possibly ask them about or give two shits about I they tried to explain their beliefs. 23 and naked user|24 andy|34 David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|I'm 27.

I'd guess from the photos you are mid to late twenties, also.

I don't give a fuck about how old you are at the moment...

Are you baiting me? Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|I dunno... old enough to understand what im saying and not to judge me. aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i'm not that old. i don't want you to be that old either. Curious|Old enough to know and young enough not to know everything...what fun would it be if you knew everything and couldn't experience it while you learn? aaron|aaron2k@swbell.net|i'm 26. i hope you are no older than 17 or i am totally embarassed for you. plus i like 17 yr old girls. Jon|26 robertdee|12 robertdee|12 robertdee|not 12 lou |blue-lou@usa.net|age is not important, rather experience or perceived experience. I am old enough to know right from wrong yet young enough to still learn & experience things as though these events have never happened before. Jesus-The other white meat|you are...18