James|jamesfry@aol.com|A woody. Guy|greenbean@aol.com|A relatively interesting conversation with myself unless you email me personally. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|community Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|Nothing keeps me here but my own curiosity. And I am just now discovering new things. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|i see that im getting a bit of self gratification and exploration out of this dialogue...I stay because, like you, im interested in this, just on the other end of it. Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|a visual treat....the visual treat. alex|khaos1313@hotmail.com|actually procrastination and a slight interest. This activity puts off my homework for a slight amount of time and anything that keeps me from something I dont want to do, keeps me happy. And we all just want to be happy. benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c|i guess i hope to get a better understanding of myself out of this as well as a better understanding of the millions around me, though i know a lot about myself, at the same time i know very little, and the same goes for everyone i meet and know friends and aquaintences Eddie|Friendship carmen|carmen@hotmail.com|finding out whether there is deeper meaning in me going through this place wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|i really have no fucking idea. The webpage design maybe. al|dialogue. bubba|shit@shit.com|fyi, i just touched your breast to get here. Jewish Bastard|What is important to one, is death for us all. fuzzybutt|I don't know what I'll get out of this. I stay because I like not knowing some things. god|i like answering questions Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|intrigue is keeping me here
maybe a nudie shot of you
Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|What's keeping me here? The fact that I like to talk about myself. That and the vain hope that in being honest to this site, I'll add some depth to the net. Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|I'm interested in the next question. And the next. And eventually, the last. I started this path, and though I don't know where it's going, nothing on it has sent me elsewhere either. Greg|tryin to figure out what's up with this site brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i think this is fun... meby i hope to get a response, but i'm too cynical for that. i just think its interesting to put ones thoughts out safely Bob Williams|Bwilliams@yahoo.com|absolutely nothing biteme|fuck@spam.com|cuz it's well made
Michael|Curiosity and the look of this site. pjroo|i doubt i'll get anything from this. this is an innovative site, and i feel that i should contribute as there should be more places like this. benjamin|why waste an opportunity, be it life, or something lesser? turd|i poop on you poop|insomnia Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|I hope that you will be able to provide a deeper understanding of life in general. Matt|blackout43@eudoramail.com|what is keeping me here is that im trying to figure out exactly what this site means billy wang|billy@thewang.com|Billy wang was just wondering that himself. Is this some bizarre plot to throw billy wang for a loop? Have you nothing better to do that ask billy wang questions? By the way, do you know where billy wang can get free internet access, companionship, instant gratification? billy wang thought not becaure only billy wang has all of the answers. 1|perhaps a chance to see some tits...nice tits adrian brown|adri3an@hotmail.com|blah David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|I like the atmosphere you've built here, and I think you're kind of intreguing. I enjoy the layout of the site, and can tell you put a lot of effort into this. I will follow this enigmatic path of questions until the end. If it pleases you to think I may be dying to know more about you, then be as you wish. ambush|nothing... Big Jayce|Very interesting Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|I like to type and i enjoy sites like this. i like it when people read what i have to say. aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|at the very least i should have nice dreams in a little while. if i could get what i wanted i would get an email from you. Kai Williams|Kai_williams@loomis.org|the design, but im going to leave Curious|curiousity
Silence|ease my curiosity Ron Simmons|my own lack of motivation Jesus-The other white meat|What keeps me here is my quest for knowledge and need for useless things to argue Johnny B. Goode|jbgoode31@hotmail.com|This isn't a dialog... you are asking all the questions... I think I would like to ask you a few questions...
You are obviously educated and intelligent... does this website have a purpose? Are you in search of a mate? companionship? love?
Are you looking for a male, or, a female companion? What is it you seek here, enlightenment? Look at the responses to your questions... not much hope of enlightement here...
This must be your little project for school, then... Is the Jerry Springer phenomenon the reason? Do you think people just like to take a peek into someone else's life, get a glimpse of their reality?
Can you hope to draw any real conclusions from these responses?
Good Luck...