Guy||A bang. My part in this is that I lived a life I wanted with little regret. Jenny||What role? The world is not over. todd||i hope to help drum up a bang. Rob||A wimper. It has been doing so since it's creation. My part in it is living here. PSCHLUGO||will the world end? maybe human existance will end as we know it wiping us from the face of the planet like a squeegie wiping grime off of a windshield. i have a very little part in the whole scheme of things. but does that matter. no. I'm happy. I've come to terms. Dustin||I don't think it'll be like the Energizer battery. shannon||I think the world will end with a slightly exasperated sigh. alex|i think it'll all end slow. I have no significant part in this, nobody does. Theres a book I read where theres a machine that shows you your significance in the whole scheam of things in the universe, and you come out of it suicidal, or insane, or both, because we could all die and mean nothing. frederick murphy|the idea that the world will end at all is a propagation of the human obsession with the unknown. this world will outlive us like a horse outlives a fly on its back. wooP||a bang hopefully. fire spawns new life. bunnymud|It will end with a long, drawn out howl for mercy. Jewish Bastard|i hope so. fuzzybutt|The world wont end, humanity will and they will go in any variety of ways. god|i will more than likely not have a part in it Bryan||it will go out with a wimper

I will be dead before the world ends.
Josh||I expect the world to end with a monotone cheer, much like the Monty Python "and there was much rejoicing, yeaaaaaaaaaaa" Orlock|Remember kids - in 8 billion years the sun will have reached its "Red Giant" phase, and, desperately seeking further fuel for its' nuclear fires, will grow so massive its' radius will swallow the Mercury, Venus, and the Earth! And nothing we can EVER possibly do will change this scientific fact!

Not to worry though, all life on Earth will die slow, horrible deaths from massive, undavoidable solar radiation in the next 1.1 billion years anyway! Hooray! Dave||I don't know how the world will end, but if I have a part to play, I'll be shouting it on... Knackos|The world won't end, we will end. The world will be fine.

My part in this ? Laughing at the sheeple. brendan||i think the world will end in a deep sigh

i will be part of this end, just as will everyone else al|depends on the sun i suppose. as far as humanity goes, either way it'll be self inflicted. pjroo|i feel it will end with both. a bang to the human race, yet a wimper in time. my part in this is to prolong it however i may. Freya|a whimper, like fading out in to the darkness, everyone would be at peace, i think if it was a bang everyone would just become frazzled, benjamin|how could the end of the world be anything but dramatic? it's something important no matter how it happens.

i'm just here for the ride. Mourn||Won't be in my lifetime so I don't care. Fuuten||With a bang. I don't know what my part in it is or will be...but who knows? Maybe I'll do something stupid enough as to bring about the end of the world as we know it. billy wang||Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) once said "Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new." billy wang thiks what he meant to say was Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the billy wang. 1|The world has already ended. We are just to insecure to let go of that notion of humanity's immortality through religion, my part is the opening of others eyes to see the truth, there is no world. David Earl||The world will end with a whisper.

The human race might end with a bang. Jamee||Quite personally i really dont like to think about the world ending. But in my opinon if everyone knows about it, itll go out with a bang. if no one realises its coming the world will die with a pathetic whimper. aaron burke||the world will end with a bang. i will have no part in the end of the world. Curious|Hrm...depends on what you mean by the "end" of the "world"...what world are you talking about? Earth as a planet or world as in the world that we have created? I think the world has been dying even before the first day that a species or animal became a civilization grows, no matter how much it learns and advances, the decay and "uglier" things of a civilization grows as well, and sooner or later, that's what pulls the rug out from under you.. Jesus-The other white meat|The world will end with a sneeze- and i will be the pepper that irritates the nose