Guy||Organized religion is evil. Having no back hair is good. James||Evil is all things our culture assumes is bad. Good is when you can smile at the end of the day. todd||love is good PSCHLUGO||It's all relative. I believe that evil feels like total consumption without regard of consequence. Selflessness is good. Except...if one doesn't have a grip of one's life how can one be Selfless? its a form of evil. Dustin||Evil is anything that causes harm to someone else...physically, emotionally, spiritually. shannon||Both are relative, no? shannon||I agree, back hair is fairly evil. mike|i am good wooP||Control is evil. Death is good. Death gives birth to new life. bubba||love is good, money-grubbing-bitches are evil. why does it always have to be you can't have one without the other? fuzzybutt|Evil and good are matters of perspective and the values we adopt. There are no absolutes here. god|hamster food, hamsters Bryan||you got me stuck on this question, I can't answer it.
alex|the Emperor in Jedi was evil. Vader started out evil in Star Wars but by Jedi he was good. Can't think of anything else. Josh||I don't know. I just hope I'm somewhere inbetween. Brian|= Dave||Evil doesn't exist, and good is highly overrated. For arguments in support of the first, consider how many times you've ever known right from wrong, yet come up with a reason to do what you called wrong. In support of the second, consider how little difference your choice made. brendan||i am good... i am evil... that is the truth of life. we are all what we want. love is a great power indeed... but i learn that true love hurts a lot sgdg|e v i l is everything witch harms something or somebody with a bad intention
g o o d is everything else.. :) bob999|Evil and good are a matter of perception. Bunghole|:P al|evil and good are a human invention. love is a state of being. do you honestly think hitler thought he was the bad guy? joe||Mcdonalds is evil. is good. pjroo|Evil and good are predetermined notions that cannot be measured, or even identified as they do not exist. Society determines what is evil and what is good. in general terms, what benefits society is good, what harms it is bad. Kain||evil is hypocracy- the greatest evil in this world is those who honestly believe that the evil they do is good...racists, some "Christians" (a true Christian wouldn't do this- I am speaking of the so called "Christians" who persecute others) OvarE|Control and evil are the same thing. Death is good. Death spawns new life. Benjamina||I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me...
Evil and good are concepts that are fundamental to any view of the world. Everyone lives by their own code and within that code there is good and evil. Is eating other humans evil? Only if you kill them I reckon, but its part of some cultures. benjamin|people can be evil and good. it's interesting that nothing else can be. perhaps there is something about us, beyond a creature supposedly evolved from primates. Fuuten||The Stand is a very powerful novel. It portrays the struggle between good and evil, and how love could tip the balance for good. But your perception of what is evil and what is good may differ from those who oppose you. A so-called evil man doesn't see what he is doing as evil. He believes in his cause because he belives it's a good cause. billy wang||Billy wang is evil, billy wang is good, billy wang is going on & feeling strong. Do you doubt billy wang? it is best not to doubt billy wang. Ziggy|A great big jaggety tooth ead|I am evil.
Good is dead. David Earl|| There is no evil, and there is no good. These are both illusions. There is no heaven, and no hell; Earth is stuffed with both.
I believe in compassion.
Jamee||Everybody has their takes on good and evil. For me evil is simply doing things that are immoral, to an extreme, good is helping others and being kind.... but then again if you think about it there can be a fine line.. and how does one define morals? aaron burke||evil is to stand in the way of progress. good is the courage to be who you are. Mike|evil and good are abstract
concepts that allow us to codify
that which aides us or our
belief system and that which
goes against us and our belief
system into black and white.
This allows for simplicity of
decision making and makes life
easier, if not more fulfilling.
Good and evil, therefore, are
creations by humans to make their
existences easier and to make life
require less actual thought. Curious|Two concepts...perspectives.. opinions...views...what one might see as good might be considered evil by another person. Jesus-The other white meat|evil is ignorance
good is knowledge Jesus-The other white meat|evil is what makes good feel better