James|jamesfry@aol.com|I haven't created or invented anything, but I have discovered that women don't ever know what they want. Guy|greenbean@aol.com|I'm the guy who invented the little umbrellas used to accessorise tropical cocktails. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|i have invented a new way to look at the world through the computer carrie|carrie@yahoo.com|I created the umbrella Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|I have discoverd that there is alot out there that I need to experiance. As for an ephiphony, I hope one day soon. you could say I am still searching. Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|Actually I have been sort of reviews of the websites I have visited recently. Websites that have struck me in some way. this one included. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|I realized that this is it. This is all that there is. There's not much beyond what ive achieved. on that basis, i feel we all need to let go of our petty differences because we're all grown up now. as far as creativity ive been doing a bit of image editing lately. some very personal stuff using pics of my friends as basises Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|a website or two....I've had a few acid-induced ephiphanies...and a few legitimate ones as well. benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c|i havent created anything recently, my writing has hit a major brick wall, well, thinking about it now, i guess i wrote a poem about a week ago, so nevermind.
as for discovering things about myself, i have truly found the depths of my insanity lately, maybe it is the flu i have, but i feel as if i have lost my mind, and looking out at the small view of the world that i have, through chatting with other people online and reading the news online, i see a world that frightens me, a world that, to me, is very bleak and on the verge of massive change, possibly through war, possibly through major disease, possibly through tremendous scientific breakthrough, and it leaves me wondering what i can do to help, to make a differece, to enact change for the better.
ephiphany, ya, i have them damn things all the time, i call them sudden glimpses of undilluted truth. wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|my mind has created a new obsesive compulsive disorder. Jewish Bastard|Life is lost. god|i have discovered i want to join the army, dont think so Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|I don't think I have invented anything lately.

I have discovered the world sucks.

Don't know what an ephiphany is. Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|I inventes a neat world in my mind that I'm writing stories about. Orlock|I have recently pioneered a brand-new form of sodomy (of my own invention, 'natch) that will revolutionize the world of hardcore perversion and sex crimes!

I'm still in the testing phase, so if you're a Swedish boy with blond hair and grey eyes between the ages of 8-12, feel free to give me a call! I'm sure I can put your enthusiam to good use!

thedude|yes, i created hundreds of cheeseburgers just yesterday Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|The most important skills in this world today are creativity and learning ability. This is not a new discovery, it's more of an engine that makes invention and synthesis possible, and it is one of my essential tools. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i have rediscoverd that i can be a real asshole.

who hasnt had an ephiphany... we all have moments when we say "oh my god, how did i not see this?" leify|everyday biyatch...you wish id tell your f'n company my inventions. Daniel|no al|as of late, i don't want to create anything. i've learned the truth behind the saying "the more things change, the more they stay the same". yes, i have had my share of ephiphanies. and yes, it is all good. , fuck me|I have discovered that I hate the human race. pjroo|i have created knowlege and understanding in my own mind. I have discovered that there is so much more to the world than there seems to be, and so much less to people than there seems to be. My life is a constant ephiphany. Kain|KAIN46@aol.com|I have discoverd my calling, and I have discoverd that I am more capable of love than I thought... benjamin|i paint, i write. that's creation. how about cream cheese slices for bagels? that's an invention.

i'm constantly learning about myself and the world.

yes. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|I learned that I have the tendency to NOT use my brain in situations where I should think through before acting. billy wang|billy@thewang.com|lately, billy wang has re-invented billy wang. Infact, billy wang reinvents billy wang on a daily basis. The world is about to discover billy wang... Atleast those whom have not already discovered billy wang. today billy wang likes iced tea. David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com| I've discovered that people lie because they are afraid of the consequences of telling the truth, most of the time.
I believe in epiphanies, but I think most people are incapable of having them. I believe a true epiphany is so rare, it may never happen to most people. It is such a radical understanding, such a total blowing open of the doors, it requires a person to be still enough to keep from running away with it before it has even fully unfolded. sergey|Yeah, I've got an epiphany for you.

This site is nothing but a pretentious, artsy Mahir I Kiss You clone.

Hope you find what you're looking for. I'm done wasting my time here. God|if God were alive he would hate you anyway Gas Huffer|I invented a device to allow me to pee while driving, therefore eliminating time consuming rest stops to to excessive beer consumption
David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|I've released some music, and I'm preparing a C.D. for mass distribution I'm very proud of for a friend of mine. A labour of love. Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|cant say i have... aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i discovered that i am more susceptible to feeling sad from music and books now. for epiphanies i remember when i realized that i didn't think like my parents do. jooeo|wired@aol.com|no Curious|Have I ever had an epiphany? Hrmmm...yes, some things it seems come clearer all of a sudden, it's almost like you're looking at life through a glass and some things look blury, but in time, that subject or view will become clear...as to what have I discovered? I have discovered fear and yet I"m still curious...it seems like the Bible prophecies are coming true and if things keep on coming true, then that means that the Bible is true and if so, how will I be judged? I guess I have realized that I haven't been the best kind of human person that I should have been... red|I like to eat parsley. robertdee|www.twistedtherapy.com lou |blue-lou@usa.net|I've not invented anything, but I've created many things for myself & others. You may have seen them on screens or in the form of video.
What I've discovered about myself is that I have limitations & I rediscovered that sometimes the world is a very unforgiving place or is it me that is very unforgiving? Every waking moment is an epiphany. Johnny B. Goode|jbgoode31@hotmail.com|Your eyes and your lips are an epiphany...