Elise|edieron1@aol.com|I like foreign men who are well traveled and worldly. Jenny|jenny@aol.com|I like men with sandy brown hair, about 5'11'', white teeth and green eyes. I am female. I don't care if they went to college. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|i enjoy people who are as motivated as myself PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net| I'll have to describe a female. one that i can get together with and forget just about everything about life that bothers me. someone that can go out and have a good time with me whether we're walking around a lake at midnight in the freezing cold, or sitting in a room doing nothing. this is my perfect girl Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|I'mattractedtoanyonewho'stheirownperson shannon|ssims@machinedreams.com|I like dark women. Dark complexions and dark spirits. I love women who can draw or dance or cook. I like women who are good at things. benny|derelictmindset@hotmail.c| i am attracted mainly by personality, and intelligence, and the soul of a person, the eyes are windows into the soul, and looking into them and seeing what i see, is how i am attracted to a person or repelled from a person. and that goes for both men and women, no i dont date men, but you can truly learn a lot about a person from their eyes. Harry Q airconditioner|I tend to be attracted to other carrier brand air filtering products derek|ii like women that are ddifferent. women that would rrather be hated for what tthey are than loved for what tthey are not. al|everyone is flakey, to some degree. i find intelligent humor attractive. a real smile. t & a. Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com| Physically I am attracted to petite ladys. In the 5'5" to 5'7" range. Hair color or eye color really does not matter. She doesn't have to have the perfect body, close is close enough.
Then there is the personality, she has to have an open mind, be willing to try different things, in life and yes in the bedroom also. I beleive the sexual compatibility is just as important as anything else. She should have a sense of purpose in whatever she does, a sense of humor is always good. She has to be a good listener and communicator. She has to have a kind heart. She is not afraid to be treated like a lady, but she can be tough also. Likes the outdoors and nature. god|someone real, female Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com| I am attracted to Women.
Funny, Sensitive, cute, nice body Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|WWhile I'm attracted to physical bueaty as much as anyone else, finding a woman who is single and has good taste in men would drive me out of my mind. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i want someone who i see as attractive, who cares about life and about themself, someone i can talk to, someone i can trust, someone that understands pain and joy

female brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|and by the way, us guys tend to be flaky Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|I'm attracted to solidly unconventional kooks, with near-perfect internal consistency.

The unknown is also attractive, but I'm not sure what form of attraction that is. I'm not sure if I always like what I'm attracted to. pjroo|I am attracted to beauty, though not society's image of beauty. Beauty is knowlege of one's self, one's environment and the constant need to understand and grow.
This is to describe anyone, male or female. Freya|aa guy that would never breaky my heart would be great, someone who would love me for who i am and take time to do the little things like cuddling and kissing and holding hands benjamin|i don't want to describe anyone - i'll do them an injustice. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|I am attracted to those women who understand me, and aren't afraid to share their thoughts and feelings, their ideas and creativity...those who are beautiful in mind and body... billy wang|billy@thewang.com|Why is it you feel billy wang is interested in what type of men you attract? billy wang does not care. billy wang is attracted to billy wang. One can feebly attempt to emulate billy wang but it does not make him/her any less flakey. billy wang is in no way nor will he ever be flakey. billy wang is the man with the master plan. billy wang is no trained monkey. billy wang is a superstar. billy wang is not like all the rest. billy wang likes ice cream. billy wang likes hula dancers. billy wang does not like folk dancers. billy wang does not personally dance as he feels it is the root of all evil. billy wang knows what the score is. billy wang is sexy...but you already knew that. Gas Huffer|my screen is screwed so I'm going to have to guess what I'm typing. I like chicks with dicks. David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|I'm actually attracted to really crazy women. Actually, I'm not sure if I'm attracted to them, or if they just flock to me. In any case, they are usually very sexy, witty, and completely insane. I've never dated a flake before. The women I've dated have been very intense. Intense people, it seems, tend to be very punctual and have their ducks in a row. The problem is, I'm very, very energetic, but also have this side of me that likes to meditate...watch grass grow...stare at a picturesque sunset...and many of these women would go do these things with me, but could not be still and appreciate what was going on around them. I gues a lot of people have the tendancy to let their monkey mind run away with them. It's the human condition.
I dated a Virgo woman once who could not handle my intensity, and I wondered if maybe all those other relationships had rubbed off on me.
I'm a good listener. The problem with this sometimes, though, is it appears good listeners are hard to find, so i find myself being the figure to rely on for emotional support exclusively, and that is a heavy burden to bear. It can also deepen relationships, but sometimes i get the bends. Whether male or female, this is a constant... Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|Im personally attracted to the cute teddy bear type. Pretty crazy but intelligent and with morals. They couldnt be too much of a wild drinking party animal either, since i dont do the drinking thing (im permanently drunk as is). And despite the fact that id like to think that looks dont matter, they do. A little. He cant be totally gross. If i were to name a celebrity that most closely resembles my dream guy. Id have to say Bradford How the muchmusic VJ (all you canadians should know who he is) aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i like people who are very honest.
i am attracted to people who don't feel the need to constantly be filling the air with chit-chat, and people who don't change their personalities from one on one conversation to a group setting.
i like people who give more complements about things that someone has control over rather than constants.
this could be either a male or a female, but sexual attraction is higher towards females. red|A little green plant. I LOVE PARSLEY! robertdee|People with eyes in their face - femal anotherperson|Ok, I must admit this - I am attracted to Billy Wang. I love you Billy Wang! Are you still around? Will you respond to this again? Will you let me know that you are still here??? Ross|I am attracted to females who understand me, or even females who accept me for who I am. I am especialy attracted to females who are attracted to me. lou |blue-lou@usa.net|SHE - is strong, articulate, focused, beautiful, ageless, graceful, gentle, powerful, intoxicating, inspiring, intelligent, sexual,tasteful, charismatic, seemless, in motion - she is my lover, my life, my best friend, my guide, my peer, my defender, my Goddess, my wife, my girlfriend, my teacher, my student, my woman.