Elise|edieron1@aol.com|I'd rather not. I am not sure what we would do. James|jamesfry@aol.com|I would love to meet you. I'd take you out of your bottle or vase or whatever the hell you live in and we'd enjoy a killer night in the city. todd|todd@evl.uic.edu|i feel like we have allready met carrie|carrie@yahoo.com|Yes, I would be very interested in meeting you. bob|never bob|we would go out for dinner Rob|robertwi@aqssys.com|Sure meeting you would be an adventure. As for what we would do? We would just have to play that one by ear. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|After the last question i had a feeling that this question would be coming up for some reason. i'd like to meet you sure. I couldnt say exactly what we'd do because ive been having problems finding out what to do with myself latley. i'd say we'd prolly sit somewhere and chat over a plate of food or soemthing. PSCHLUGO|pschlugo@charter.net|I'd be afraid that i wouldnt be able to come up with any neat ideas though... :) Dustin|dustinwl@telusplanet.net|sure...hang out....meet the crew. Airman|big brother is watching... shannon|ssims@machinedreams.com|(I love the image with this question). Sure, email me. I think we'd get you out of the house. Eeddie|This chick really freaks me out. sdfg|sfg kissii|kissii3.0@home3.0.com|Yes, I would like very much o meet you.
I'd want to just listen to you. spencer|not really because girls make me sad and then angry and then i have no more money and i have to stop eating until i have more money. wooP|sadfd@sdf.com|something pretty fucked up i'm sure :). Well judging by this site anyway. |i would love to meet you,
in a word FUN Jeff Blunted|david@cookdandbombd.co.uk|um, get very drunk for starters... god|yes
watch my hamster Bryan|blueberry_93@hotmail.com|Sure, I wouldn't mind meeting you.

I would ask you a bunch of questions!
Will|Sure, I'd like to meet you. We'd have a little chat about why you chose to use Quicktime as your home page navigation and why you are asking these strange questions. Josh|j_rh@hotmail.com|Yes I would. I'm flying into Las Vegas tomorrow (1/10/01) meet me at the airport with a sign that says "josh Stonecutter" and we'll get married that night.
I'll be flying southwest and coming in from Cleveland OH. brendan|pain_junkie@hotmail.com|i would like to meet you.. we would talk and hang out... just like normal people... ive always wanted to be a normal person Dave|drs@ramassociates.com|Haven't we already met? You've met me now, certainly. I'd appreciate the same small pleasure, and I'm sure it will somehow happen...

And we would do what we've been doing, only more so, and with an awareness that we were doing it. Max|I don't know what we'd do, but it would definitly be artsy and weird, in an interesting sort of way. cghmgh|zzzxxoxoxxozzz al|of course. laugh! Polas|Polas@drunkenbastards.com|Polas welcomes all opportunities. pjroo|I do want to meet you actually, as you seem to want to know about everything, and i feel that your questions are quite inspired to the effect of that all of the questions that you have asked have been deep, and thought provoking. I think that we would talk, for a long time, and i would want you to explain your motives and driving forces. Although i did not provide my E-mail address at the beginning i wish to do so now, so that you may contact me if you wish.
knowjack007@mailcity.com turd|I AM CORNHOLIO!
I NEED TP FOR MY BUNGHOLE! benjamin|i have a slight desire to know a little about the person who made this site, so yes.

most likely, we'd talk. Fuuten|shattered82@hotmail.com|Now I saw that one coming...I definitely want to meet you, especially since you've got me so curious as to who you are. I think we would spend long hours talking, since I have millions of questions to ask you, if I could actually get over shyness and remember any of them... billy wang|billy@thewang.com|This is crazy, why would billy wang wish to meet you? what do you have to offer billy wang? You probably wish to meet billy wang. But do not worry, you are not alone, masses wish to meet billy wang. billy wang is working on organizing a world tour as we speak. Perhaps, if you are lucky, when billy wang gets to your pathetic town, you can come see billy wang. But please, when you do FINALLY get your chance to meet the world famous billy wang, be sure to take it. Who know if billy wang will ever be back your way. A wise man once said... "roses are red, violets are blue, a chance to meet billy wang...Wooohoooo!!! May billy wang smily upon you. Alan Thicke|Jason@Seaver.org|fuck like monkeys David Earl|David_g_earl@yahoo.com|Sure. Except I would feel rather strange, knowing that a bunch of other people have read this question and are going to answer it too. I guess inside I feel like I'm being interviewed now, and if we were to meet, I would feel the same....

We'd go someplace around here, in S.F.,(hope you like coffee) and talk about these questions you've posted here. Judging from the questions you've posted, i imagine you'd be a lot of fun to talk to. I like real, tangible, human interaction, anyway. In this environment you've created, you've somewhat veiled yourself, also. I'd like to know what you're hiding. I'd also like to know what you're discovering.

Jamee|psycho_death_b1tch@hotmail.com|If i met you now that would seem kinda weird and/or stalkerish.....we'd have to get to know each other better. and plus I dont wanna scare you ^_^ aaron burke|aaronburke@minibosses.com|i do want to meet you.
as for what we would do, when we met, i think we would talk, since i know little about you. but i would want to show you things that meant a lot to me, and i would want you to do the same. aaron|we could talk about, you know, our favorite websites and pop culture stuff and music and all your hoity-toity plans for the future like moving to london or vermont and i'd compliment your stupid clothes and basically you'd bore the shit out of me like all the rest of you bitches and hoes! fatty mcfat|yes i want to meet you. first i would run my fingers through your hair, ever so gently. then i would caress the sides of your face with the back of my hand. then i would show you to my room, where i would get to know your body with my penis. i would rub it all over your ears. through your thick hair, and over your lips. after that i would bend you over the bed, and with one swift thrust of my hard on, i would penetrate your anus.
after i cum on your back, i would tell you to leave, and to not wake me up on the way out. then i would come back to your website, and wonder why i did what i did. and then i would remind myself that the only reason i found this site, was because i was reading some other article on some other website, who didn't know what it was about. and then i would kill myself because i don't know what possessed you to create such shitty art.12888799 please write. |dunno dreadless|dreadless@bluntkarma.com|each other Ross|No I don't want to meet you.
And we would probably talk. Jesus-The other white meat|I would like to meet you, we could get some pizza, and walk around town Jesus-The other white meat|Turd is a fag Jesus-The other white meat|me=malachai86@hotmail.com Johnny B. Goode|jbgoode31@hotmail.com|I would love to meet you... to understand why you did this... and to tell you that you're ok... you are talented, creative, sensitive, beautiful, intriguing, sensual, hot, sweet, sexy, stimulating, thought provoking, and that you need not worry so much. You're gonna be OK.