"Never wake up”

Flash movie created by media artist Agricola de Cologne.
It is based on the artist's poem of the same name.

Loss of identity: Soldiers become distorted, veterans of war are not able
to be reintegrated in society.

The poem/movie uses some fundamental images:
The soldier= metaphor for the human individual
War=metaphor for life, respectively the fights of all day life
Veteran of War=the human being who can not rid of the Shadows of the Past.

The work is developed according the principle of SAMAC
(Simultaneous Associative Media Art Composing) which describes Agricola’s individual way of experimental electronic writing: words, sound, images, animation, music and voice performance are developed simultaneously –depending on each other – in one long single process.

Voice and sound performance by Agricola de Cologne.
The movie is developed in Flash, directed and produced by Agricola de Cologne.

Copyright © 2001 by Agricola de Cologne. All rights reserved