1985 Transferred from Binghamton to Windsor High School
1986 Got my learner's permit
1987 Decided I was anti-nuclear weapons
1988 Started college at Rutgers Became political activist
1989 Discovered sculpture
Left Rutgers after 3 semesters Started teaching pre-school

Travelled X-country first time Moved to Boulder, CO
Became vegetarian

1991 Moved to Nederland in the mtns
Got my tonsils removed
1992 Transferred to University of CO
1993 Started making installations
1994 Graduated BFA in Sculpture
Hand surgery to repair nerve and artery damage
1995 Cocktail waitress in Nashville
2 month backpacking tour of Euroep/N. Africa by myself
1996 Moved to NYC
"Real job" in graphic design
1997 Applied to grad school 1st time
Trip to Wales
1998 Moved to current apt in Bklyn
1999 Freelance graphic designer
5 weeks in India/Nepal
2000 Made 1st short film
Art Students League: collage
Solo show at ArtLand
2001 Artist in residence: Costa Rica
Grad school: Brooklyn College
