

<title>The Book after the Book - Directions or Gramatology</title>


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<param name="AUTHOR" value="Sondre Skaug Bjoernebekk, sondre@webmagi.no">

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This web site would like to be part |of Jorge Luis Borges' Book of Sand. | It is a visual and hypertextual essay| on the reading/writing net_condition| It turns around a bookshelf. | It is impossible to move between its shelves | by means of the browser | You will always return to an interval. | To move between shelves, | use the navigation bar. | On selecting one of the works, | you will leave this site. | From any point of the site| you can go back to | The Book after the Book index.|Nevertheless, the index does not send| the reader to all pages.|After all, again recalling Borges,| is there a better place than a forest | to lose a leaf?#">

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