The magnifying glass was purchased at the prescription
counter at K-Mart, Astor Place for the knock-out price of $4.99.
Product information
I can't recall the name of the manufacturer. The magnifying glass turned out to be a very important tool for the expedition. I used it at practically all excavation sites, when I was fortunate enough to locate treasure crumbs. I used it to carefully observe the crumbs in their habitat before collecting them into my special containers. I also used the magnifying glass to read. The ROI (Return on Investment) was over 100%. Who would have thought $4.99 would go such a long way. After I made the purchase I went home. I was walking down 7th street in a regular fashion: hopping over an occasional stream running from the corner of a building across the sidewalk, eventually pouring into the city gutters on its way to the ocean, I presumed. When I just arrived in New York, I used to spend hours walking around the streets, acquainting myself with the city and wondering what those streams where all about. Somehow I concluded that it was the drainage coming down from the rooftops. Later I learned it was drainage coming from dogs and men. On notoriously hot and soggy days, I pretended it was the heavy perspiration of the city drooling into the gutters. A friendly piece of advice: When you come over for a visit, remember to skip the streams that cross the sidewalks. You don't want to step in wee-wee. Did I tell you how I used the magnifying glass to burn some of my letters to you? I burnt them on the dead tree trunks at the excavation sites. I believe I mentioned this before that according to Moo at each location of the lost treasure there is a dead tree trunk. Sometimes the sun wasn't strong enough and all I managed to burn was half a word or a part of a letter. Despite the obstacles, you know I'll always keep writing. [ Related topic: File
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