![Dow and Verio respond to attack](img/dow.gif)
![The Yes Men impersonate the WTO](img/yes.gif)
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![Les votes aux enchères](img/voteauctionfr.gif)
![Nov. 5 press release](img/voteauctionpr.gif)
![Articles about Voteauction.com (open)](img/pressvoth.gif)
![Diagram explaining Voteauction.com (makes new window)](img/voteauctionschem.gif)
![Voteauction: (makes new window)](img/voteauctionsite.gif)
![The etoy Fund](img/etoymain.gif)
![The Presidential Exploratory Committee](img/bush.gif)
![The World Trade Organization](img/gatt.gif)
![The Archimedes Project](img/archimedes.gif)
![Project LOFT (Art Inspection)](img/loft.gif)
![Deconstructing Beck](img/db.gif)
![Phone In Sick Day 2002](img/sick.gif)
![The Zapatista Floodnet](img/zapflood.gif)
![The Secret Writer's Society hack](img/swsintro.gif)
![Popotla vs. Titanic](img/popotla.gif)
![The Barbie Liberation Organization](img/blo.gif)
![The SimCopter hack](img/simcopter.gif)
![The Threat of Millennium](img/y2k.gif)
![Other past projects](img/miscprojs.gif)
![Articles without project focus](img/pressgen.gif)
![Selected archive of recent press](img/allpress.gif)
![A few ongoing projects](img/otherprojs.gif)
Project OBIT: Add Afghan dead to 9/11 obituaries
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- Voteauction press archive (much more complete than the RTMark list)
- Vote auctions page on Open Directory
- Wired, Nov. 9, 2000: Lawyers Are Cheap at Vote Auction
- CNN (half-hour legal show, Burden of Proof), Oct. 24, 2000: Bidding for Ballots: Democracy on the Block (streaming here)
- California Secretary of State press office, Aug. 22, 2000: Jones Issues Warning Against On-line Vote Buying Schemes
- (related) Indymedia.org, Nov. 7, 2000: ACLU Charges Political Censorship, Challenges CA's Shutdown of Votexchange.com
- (related) New York Post, Nov. 10, 2000: W. SIDE MAN BUSTED FOR SELLING HIS VOTE: COPS
- Board of Election Commissioners of the City of Chicago: Legal documents
- Disinfo, Nov. 7, 2000: Capitol Punishment: Does Voteauction.com Subvert Democracy?
- BBC, Oct. 18, 2000: US votes up for auction
- Salon, May 18, 2001: Will culture-jam for food
- Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 18, 2000: A Web site offering to sell thousands of votes...
- Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 20, 2000: An Illinois judge ordered...
- Berliner Zeitung, Nov. 6, 2000 (in German): Wahlkampf im WorldWideWeb
- Berliner Zeitung, Nov. 6, 2000 (in German): Wählst du meinen, wähl ich deinen
- The Industry Standard, Oct. 19, 2000: Voteauction to Lose Domain Name
- The Industry Standard, Aug. 21, 2000: Wanna Buy My Vote? Fuhgeddaboutit
- USA Today, Oct. 11, 2000: Chicago acts to end online sale of votes
- Kuro5hin (discussion list), Nov. 3, 2000: Dot com ruled by US law?
- Cluebot (discussion list), Nov. 3, 2000: Internic Pulls Plug on Vote-Auction.com
- Wired, Oct. 30, 2000: Selling Votes or Peddling Lies?
- Wired, Oct. 26, 2000: Vote-Auction Sidesteps Legalities
- Wired, Oct. 21, 2000: Voteauction Booth is Closed
- Wired, Oct. 12, 2000: Chicago to Sue Vote Auctioneers
- Wired, Sept. 6, 2000: Austrian Takes Bids on U.S. Votes
- Wired, Aug. 22, 2000: Voteauction Bids the Dust
- Wired, Aug. 17, 2000: Close Vote? You Can Bid on It
- Wired, Sept. 22, 2000: Thousands Sign Up to Sell Votes
- CNN, Aug. 24, 2000: Vote-selling Web site to be revived, possibly offshore
- CNN, Aug. 24, 2000 (in Japanese)
- CNN, Aug. 23, 2000: Web site offering to sell votes shut down
- CNN, Aug. 18, 2000: Web site offers to sell U.S. presidential votes
- The Denver Post, Oct. 20, 2000: Legal threats darken vote-buying Web site
- Dagens IT, Oct. 15, 2000 (in Swedish): "Vi funderar på röstauktioner i Europa"
- Cluebot.com, Sept. 29, 2000: Americans Sell Their Votes for $10 Each (this is actually an old tradition!)
- Chicago Sun-Times, Sept. 18, 2000: Web vote sale all about buzz
- technodemocracy.org, Oct. 22, 2000: VoteAuction.com & The Whack-A-Mole Defense
- Transfert, Aug. 22, 2000: Votes aux enchères : suite et... fin (subscribers can click here)
- USA Today, Aug. 23, 2000: Votes up for auction draw official inquiries
- Berliner Zeitung, Oct. 20, 2000 (in German): Voteauction.com muss vom Netz
- NY1 News (TV), Aug. 22, 2000: Top Story: Website to Make It Possible to Sell Your Vote Online
- AP, Aug. 18, 2000: Web Sites Offer Votes For Sale
- ABCnews.com, Aug. 18, 2000: Personal (Campaign) Finance
- Minnesota Public Radio, "Future Tense," Aug. 25, 2000 (RealAudio): Selling Your Vote (local copy here)
- Slate, Aug. 23, 2000: Buy This Vote! The Web puts democracy on sale.
- Washington Post, Aug. 23, 2000 (same as above)
- The Salt Lake Tribune, Aug. 30, 2000: Auction Gives New Meaning To 'Check Here' (click here for a copy of that day's front page)
- Metroland, Aug. 31, 2000: How Much Is That Voter in the Window?
- Voting Integrity Project, Aug. 23, 2000: GOING, GOING... GONE! (click here to learn about the Voting Integrity Project)
- AuctionWatch, Aug. 18, 2000: Straight Talk from Voteauction.com
- Fox news, Aug. 23, 2000 (not online)
- Transfert, Aug. 18, 2000 (in French): Voter, c'est facile et ça peut rapporter gros! (subscribers can click here)
- CBS TV, Aug. 18, 2000 (not online)
- NBC TV, Aug. 20, 2000 (not online)
- ABC radio, Aug. 27, 2000 (not online)
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