Angel hair grows in the right place - on the angel's chest - Rosie notices as she puts her arms round him. She has yet to get used to not having a body. She puts her legs round him too - she sits down on his back and flies with him to heaven. The landscape below them fell away fast into the clouds. An aeroplane flies by - could the passengers see them? The plane takes a slow right turn....they accelerated. „Why do I have to go to heaven so young?", Rosie thinks, but the words come out aloud. Ghastly. Thoughts are no longer private property...
"You could've escaped your murderer, if you'd known that in such a situation weakness is a better weapon than strength," thought the angel aloud. "Thanks," says Rosie, and tries to stop thinking about it.
Planets flew past. All around them a thick darkness perforated by stars.
An approaching gate with angels. And silence. Or fact you can hear a soft humming. A chiming. Pleasant. Really.
Slowing down...they fly through the opening gates. Voices can be heard, raised in notes of bliss.