"As a response - a response - to the OUTrageous theatrical demonstrations of Lysistrata throughout the land(s), I, George W. Bush, will dress, re-dress and NOT undress the Nation in a jaw-breaking speech - a jaw-breaking - speech. If you are a patriot, you want to hear me - hear me - hear me!"
a 12 hour period between March 3rd-4th 2003, Avatar Body Collision
presented four performances of 'Dress The Nation' in our Palace chat
room environment as part of the global Lysistrata
Project (protesting against the possible war against Iraq). Following
each performance, spectators were invited to don Women in Black avatars,
and join us in a series of silent interventions (demonstrations) in various
public Palaces. The diverse reactions and outcomes that occurred during
these interventions, together with a brief account of the genesis of this
style of cyber-demonstration can be found in the text
log extracts.
Dress the Nation on Neural.it"The scripted dialogues between 'bubba bush' and 'the women in black' are irreverently counterpointed by unscripted audience interventions. The interplay of scripted and spontaneous speach and the incongruity of violent world leaders in uninhibited conversation with civillians (consisting of manga style characters and smileys), reveals a truer reflection of chaotic world politics than we currently see presented in our propagandised news media." Ruth Catlow, Furtherfield. "I'm from America, and I love this country and every good police office who defends it, but what this country is turning into is scary as hell and most people are buying it hook, line and sinker." |