Wed Oct 01 00:35:55 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Morad
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
[salam my dear,
i'm just beginning to understand. apparently, living in the west has slowed my brains. i'm very tired now and i must get myself to bed. i just wanted to say hi until tomorrow when i can write more.

take care of yourself.

tonight i'll go with your dream for a walk on the hills behind velenjak.
kiss you,
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Sat Oct 04 10:12:12 1997
Received: from ********.*** ([]) by ******.*****.ca (9.5.6/9.8.3) with SMTP id DCA73617 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Sat, 4 Oct 1997 04:31:16 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 1997 11:46:52 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Lila Morad
[i love you little dear m,
i'm waiting.
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

Sun Oct 05 00:03:02 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Lila Morad
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
It's the tail of the mouth and having said "I love you nazanin".
Forgive me for not writing earlier. I thought I should be patient to see where the sun will rise from. Apparently the sun still rises in the east because that's where your messages come from. Of course, with three days' delay!

In any case, tonight I saw a documentary film about people in one of the provinces of India. A woman said something which I thought I should write for you. This illiterate peasant woman said: "If we women try to show our affection for someone they label us as bad, but we always find a way to sustain love and life."

Be well my friend, my sister, my dear.]
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

Sun Oct 05 02:05:28 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Lila Morad
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
[Salam again.

The reason that I'm writing is to ask you if it is possible for you (timewise and emotionally) to contact Said if it becomes necessary?

The problem is that he must enter America the latest in 9 days from now or his medical visa (which was acquired with a lot of hassle and much effort) will expire. But, unfortunately, it seems like his emotional state is not very good, and, because he's alone, the practical aspects (like packing away his appartment) have become so big for him that he's giving up. Now we all have reached a dead-end and don't know what to do. I don't exactly know why I'm writing this for you except to ask if you can think of anything? I think you can better understand his emotional conditions and perhaps you can say something to clear the way.

I don't want to add this to your problems. Perhaps all of this is useless because there isn't much time left.

Take care of yourself.]
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

Received: from ********.*** ([]) by ******.*****.ca (9.5.6/9.8.3) with SMTP id DCA73617 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Sun, 5 Oct 1997 10:19:14 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 1997 17:38:39 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Lila Morad
first to answer the question. i don't know where Said is, and i don't know what his attitude may be. considering the particular stubbornness of your family. so i'll do anything you say but can't take any innitiatives. i'll wait for an answer to this tomorrow. the university is closed on thursdays and fridays and this was the reason for delay.

and now you and i, mina, do you remember that in the past too i behaved instinctively and irrationally and responded only to my emotions at particular moments? i haven't been able to solve this problem yet and i'm tired of myself.

-sorry, the seniors have work to do and i must leave
,till tomorrow
,till tomorrow morning.]
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

Sun Oct 05 15:06:02 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Lila Morad
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
Thank you for your message.
About Said, I'll talk to him tonight and ask him if he needs any help. He didn't want to talk at all last night and I didn't get anywhere. If he agrees, I'll give you his telephone number so you can contact him. Perhaps you can make him understand that he is loosing an opportunity which may never be repeated again. I think the solitude of these years has somehow paralized him. Unfortunately, all of our lives too have been affected by this and will remain so. But I don't know what to do for a person who doesn't want help. Leave it. If it becomes necessary, I'll contact you and give you his number.

I don't know why you are tired of or angry at yourself. Of course this is not an unfamiliar feeling for me. But I've arrived at the conclusion that, despite what they say, I am human and subject to all that is human. Sometimes, because I can't do anything about what goes on around me, I blame myself. And with this I add another problem to all the other problems. That a person respond to her emotions or be aware of them is not a failure. But there is something about keeping in mind the particular circumstances of our environment. Because I don't know what specifically bothers you, I can't say anything other than these general words. I know that these too aren't good for anything. If you can be clearer.

Take care of yourself and say hi to the seniors. Love,]
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Wed Oct 08 08:48:15 1997
Received: from ********.*** ([]) by ******.*****.ca (9.5.6/9.8.3) with SMTP id DCA73617 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Wed, 8 Oct 1997 04:05:06 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 11:34:23 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Mina
[salam Mina joon,
This can be my address too.
For the past three days the previous address hasn't been working, but this one is alright,
Please send the messages here. I'll try to come and check this afternoon.
Bye for now.
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

Wed Oct 08 08:53:39 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Saha Gharibian
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
[I sent this message on Sunday. Because you said the old address doesn't work, I thought you may not have received this.
Thank you for your message.
About Said, I'll talk to him tonight and ask him if he needs any help. He didn't want to talk at all last night and I didn't get anywhere. If he agrees, I'll give you his telephone number so you can contact him. Perhaps you can make him understand that he is loosing an opportunity which may never be repeated again. I think the solitude of these years has somehow paralized him. Unfortunately, all of our lives too have been affected by this and will remain so. But I don't know what to do for a person who doesn't want help. Leave it. If it becomes necessary, I'll contact you and give you his number.

I don't know why you are tired of or angry at yourself. Of course this is not an unfamiliar feeling for me. But I've arrived at the conclusion that, despite what they say, I am human and subject to all that is human. Sometimes, because I can't do anything about what goes on around me, I blame myself. And with this I add another problem to all the other problems. That a person respond to her emotions or be aware of them is not a failure. But there is something about keeping in mind the particular circumstances of our environment. Because I don't know what specifically bothers you, I can't say anything other than these general words. I know that these too aren't good for anything. If you can be clearer.

Take care of yourself and say hi to the seniors. Love,]
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Sat Oct 11 10:05:13 1997
Received: from ********.*** ([]) by ******.*****.ca (9.5.6/9.8.3) with SMTP id DCA73617 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Sat, 11 Oct 1997 02:07:15 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 09:36:53 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Lila Morad
dear mina, I haven't been able to have anything from you for three days.
if you sent anything to the previous address send it here again.
bye for now.
i'm waiting.]
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

Sun Oct 12 00:36:59 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: LilaMorad
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
>dear mina, I haven't been able to have anything from you for
>three days.
>if you sent anything to the previous address send it here again.
>bye for now.
>i'm waiting.]

your messages keep getting smaller.
i have a cold and i can't write any more.
will write again.]
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Tue Oct 14 09:49:47 1997
Received: from ********.*** ([]) by ******.*****.ca (9.5.6/9.8.3) with SMTP id DCA73617 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Tue, 14 Oct 1997 07:27:02 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 14:56:26 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: LilaMorad
your messages keep getting smaller.
i have a cold and i can't write any more.
will write again.]

this was the last mail i'd got.
I'm waiting about Said.
I can't continue now,someone is here.
now bye
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

Tue Oct 14 09:56:39 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Lila Morad
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
Said is on his way.
i think by now he should have arrived.
i'm sorry i didn't write more before.
i had a cold.
and i wasn't sure if it was you writing because of a mail that i got last week from this address and it wasn't by you.

parvaneh's sister helped Said collect himself and leave.
please write when you can about how things are for you now with Soheil and everything else.
i'm fine but very busy.
i think i've only slept 3-4 hours each night for the past week. and i have to leave for school now.
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence