From ???@??? Wed Sep 17 09:47:49 1997
Received: from ********.*** ([]) by ******.*****.ca (9.5.6/9.8.3) with SMTP id DCA73617 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Wed, 17 Sep 1997 02:02:11 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.*********.****** (1.x/SGI-SVR1) id AA03413; Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:18:38 +0430

Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:18:38 +0430 (IDT)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Mina
salam Mina,
I hope you are present. I had lost your letter and your address as in it. Our classes has been begining for a weak and I can recive your messages almost everyday.I've post a letter to you yesterday. This symester I have four courses in pure math and a cours about islamic revolotin. Soheil will be in ****** this year.
I'm waiting four your messages. My name will be Ebrahim.
Now be helthy and happy.
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Wed Sep 17 09:52:59 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Ebrahim
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
I hope you are well. It's good that you're back at school and we can keep in touch this way. Four courses in pure math sound like a lot. They should keep your mind very busy. My classes started last week too and this year promises to be a very heavy one. We're still working on the idea we'd told you about although some things about it have changed. I'll tell you more when I know that this address is correct and you actually receive my e-mail. Be well. Kiss Amir for me. Say hi to everyone. Bye for now.
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Sun Sep 21 10:04:52 1997
Received: from ********.*** ([]) by ******.*****.ca (9.5.6/9.8.3) with SMTP id BAA08324 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Sun, 21 Sep 1997 01:07:48 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.*********.****** 1.x/SGI-SVR1) id AA05380; Sun, 21 Sep 1997 08:23:40 +0330

Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 08:23:39 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Ebrahim
I'v got your mesage just now.
You can be sure about this address.
I'm waiting hard!!
khoda hafez. [Goodbye]
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Sun Sep 21 18:35:35 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: EBRAHIM
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
I'd like to know what Soheil's being in ****** means in your life?
Aside from that, I'm also curious to know what year you're in at the university?
Okay, questions done, I don't know where to begin. I think what I need from you is a promise that you will not disappear on me again. It takes a lot of mental and emotional energy to deal with not knowing what's happening.
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Mon Sep 22 10:07:21 1997
Received: from *****.***.*********.****** ([]) by ********.*** ( with SMTP id BDA18474 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Mon, 22 Sep 1997 01:25:05 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.*********.****** (1.x/SGI-SVR1) id AA06147; Mon, 22 Sep 1997 08:36:28 +0330

Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 08:36:27 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: EBRAHIM
Well about Soheil, it will be a grate deel of "dardesar" [hassle], but don't worry.
About the year, I can't get your idea,now we are in 1376, I'm in the 7th symester, at least three symester remain, i'v some friends in the university to keep this way to comunicate, and dont worry my dearest.
You can use our common known names, like these two, for example Mina, lila, parichehr,...
Now i'm going to my class, I'll be waiting tommorow again.
deltangam ,,,,,,,,,,, [I miss you]
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Mon Sep 22 10:16:07 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Ebrahim
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
>Well about Soheil, it will be a grate deel of "dardesar" [hassle], but don't worri,

I can't help worrying.

>About the year, I can't get your idea,now we are in 1376, I'm in the 7th
>symester, at least three symester remain, i'v some friends in the university
>to keep this way to comunicate ,and don't worry my dearest.

What I meant was how long more do you have to go before you finish university. You answered it.

Do you have classes every day? How is Amir?
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Sat Sep 27 12:24:58 1997
Received: from *****.***.*********.****** ([]) by ********.*** ( with SMTP id BDA18474 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Sat, 27 Sep 1997 04:23:32 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.*********.****** (1.x/SGI-SVR1) id AA01780; Sat, 27 Sep 1997 11:41:37 +0330

Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 11:41:37 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Ebrahim
Mina Mina
I talked with Shahin two nights ago.
He has three doughters, a wife, and he is Shahin yet.
He invited me.
Amir is good.
I have class everyday.
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Sat Sep 27 12:36:15 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Ebrahim?
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
Salam Saha jan,
I'm curious to know why we keep using Ebrahim.
I'm glad you're in touch with Shahin.
I've thought about him and Narges a lot.
How is Narges?
Three daughters?
They are a good couple for raising daughters.
They will be strong and smart.
Please say hi to them for me when you see them.

I have a question for you:
Goli and I are still working on that project which we were going to do together. It will have to be finished by the end of October. We want your permission to use some parts of the letters I have received from you over the years.

I know this is a big thing to ask. We are asking you to trust us when you don't even know what we're doing. So we respect any decision that you make.

Please write soon.
My address has changed to ******@*******.com
You write very little about yourself.
I'd like to know what is going on in your mind.
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Sun Sep 28 10:14:23 1997
Received: from *****.***.*********.****** ([]) by ********.*** ( with SMTP id BDA18474 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Sun, 28 Sep 1997 00:48:13 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.*********.****** (1.x/SGI-SVR1) id AA02115; Sun, 28 Sep 1997 08:08:00 +0330

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 08:08:00 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Ebrahim?
salam Mina
It's only an answering.
I'll write more to you later, I'm going to my class.
you are "mokhtar" [you have permission] to do what you want.
I may be back two or four hours later.
now, bye.
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Sun Sep 28 22:30:11 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Ebrahim
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
>you are "mokhtar" to do what you want.

thank you for being so generous.
we would have very much liked you to be directly involved in this project. i still think you can if you want to and if you have the time. the fact that you are back in school and can get on the system every day can make things easier than they were in the summer. but it's up to you.

goli and i want to say though, that anything that we produce for this project will be the best we can do to honour our friendship, our love, and our shared history.

away from 'vatan' [homeland] memories are very important for survival. they become the inspiration, and the pain, of the daily life and they become the source of the struggle for future. i think you know exactly what i mean because, in your own way, you too have been away from 'vatan'. this is why we wanted us to work together.

i think about you a lot especially as i think about myself. you are a part of me _ as i know i am a part of you _ whose 'faragh' [separation] i have suffered _ as i know you have.
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Mon Sep 29 07:29:15 1997
Received: from *****.***.*********.****** ([]) by ********.*** ( with SMTP id BDA18474 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Mon, 29 Sep 1997 00:55:20 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.*********.****** (1.x/SGI-SVR1) id AA02842; Mon, 29 Sep 1997 08:07:53 +0330

Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 08:07:52 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Ebrahim?
At first, you my have a mesage from mortazavi, I gave him your address yesterday.
Second, do you want to have some "hand-written !" from another woman age 35? I can send it in 4 weeks.
"Soheil resid! Va man ba vei be sakhti daava kardam." [Soheil arrived and I had a bad fight with him.] Don't worry.
Do you need your own letters? I can send some of them to you.
I must go, realy don't worry, I think I can "sare Soheil ra be sang koobidan." [I can wrestle him down.] I'm waiting.
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Mon Sep 29 22:20:06 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Ebrahim
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
>At first, you my have a mesage from mortazavi, I gave him your address yesterday.

Great. I'll be happy to be in touch with him.

>Second, do you want to have some "hand-written !" from another
>woman age 35? I can send it in 4 weeks.

Yes, if she wants to send it. But does she know anything about us? Would she be comfortable if we take her stuff and use them?

>"Soheil resid! Va man ba vei be sakhti daava kardam." [Soheil arrived and I had a bad fight with him.] Don't worry.

I wish worrying could do something vali negarani-ye man kari ra dorost nemikonad, na? [...but my worrying doesn't help anything, no?]

>Do you need your own letters? I can send some of them to you.

Yes, later. There is no hurry because we have had to change the work and we are using the stuff I have in my journal. But if you send them, I think you should send photocopies. I would like you to keep the letters the way I'd like to keep yours.

>I must go, realy don't worry, I think I can "sare Soheil ra be sang koobidan." [I can wrestle him down.]

Saha, lotfan movazebe khodat bash. Alan bayad roye darsat tamarkoz dashteh bashi ta betavani zodtar be nahvi esteghlal-e khodat ra peyda koni. Midanam ke ehtemalan harf-e man az vaghe'iyat-e to kheli faseleh darad. Vali in ra ham midanam ke baray-e to zaroori ast ke az vabastegihaye mokhtalefi ke geerat andakhte-and khalas shavi.

[Saha, please watch out for yourself. This is the time to concentrate on your studies so you somehow find your independence soon. I know what I say is probably very far from your reality. But I also know that it is necessary for you to cut the various dependencies that have trapped you.]

_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Mon Sep 29 22:19:01 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Ebrahim
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
[Salam dear Saha,
I just read your letter. Nothing was silly and I neither got angry nor laughed. I just smiled at the image you hold of me.

I'm still not sure that I understand what you had written about the e-mail. No, I take that back, I read it again and now I understand. And this to prove that I too sometimes understand.

About the work that we were going to do together, I had sent you a lot of messages with detailed information. I don't know if what I had written was not clear or you didn't get my messages. Probably the latter because I had no news from you for a long time. In any case, now it's a bit too late to do the work in its previous format. At least for the present project which must be finished by the end of October. But our interest in the work hasn't decreased. If you have the time and the interest, we can start something together which doesn't have to have a deadline. In any case, I think getting used to talking to each other every day is a great first step. I think once our connection is normalized, we'll be more open with each other and we will be able to start something that works for us.

Kiss you,
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Tue Sep 30 21:49:02 1997
Received: from *****.***.*********.****** ([]) by ********.*** ( with SMTP id BDA18474 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Tue, 30 Sep 1997 01:27:26 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.*********.****** (1.x/SGI-SVR1) id AA03639; Tue, 30 Sep 1997 08:46:38 +0330

Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 08:46:38 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Ebrahim
[My dear mina
You don't know what a day it was today.
3 letters arrived at the same time from you and this means a feast.
To be honest, I have to read them all again so I can respond adequately. I will send you Mahbobe's handwritten letters, and if you have something for her, I will give her your exact message. If I find another suitable person, I'll do the same.

Other student's need this machine, I'll come back tomorrow.
I love you,
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence