From ???@??? Tue Aug 26 08:13:09 1997
Received: from ********.***.**.ir ([]) by ******.*****.ca (3.3.2/3.2.5) with SMTP id CAD60742 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Sat, 9 Aug 1997 01:22:45 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.sci.******u.**.ir.sci.******u.**.ir (3.y/SBU-SVR1) id FF30434; Sat, 9 Aug 1997 05:25:23 GMT

Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 09:36:23 +0430 (IDT)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Saha Gharibian
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Pardon me, we couldn't connect for 10 days and I'v gone to Esfahan three weeks ago for one week instead of two days. Soheil "montaghel shod" [was transfered] to ******, he will come to stay in my mothers house.
We can have mails, now I can't continue.
Be well, don't worry.

On Fri, 25 Jul 1997 *******@******.*****.ca wrote:
> Salam Saha,
> I haven't heard from you in about 20 days now. Where are you? Did you get
> the messages I've sent? Please let me know what is going on because I am
> worried. I haven't been able to reach you by telephone either. I hope you
> are well. Let me know? Love,
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence