From ???@??? Tue Jul 01 09:32:59 1997
Received: from ********.***.**.ir ([]) by ******.*****.ca (3.3.2/3.2.5) with SMTP id FAA60738 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Tue, 1 Jul 1997 05:56:04 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.******u.**.ir.***.******u.**.ir (3.y/SBU-SVR1) id AA10434; Tue, 1 Jul 1997 13:15:14 +0430

Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 13:15:14 +0430 (IDT)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Mina
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-UIDL: a4eab5267525e2a5aeac1625eab643d4
salam Mina;
I'v gotten your mail two hours ago, at 10 AM, but we can't compose a message all the time. To now i'v not gotten a warning about your mails. This acount is for all students and I can use if others don't, but having a print has a littel difficulties. So i'm waiting for your next mails.
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Tue Jul 01 09:32:58 1997
Received: from ********.***.**.ir ([]) by ******.*****.ca (3.3.2/3.2.5) with SMTP id FAA60738 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Tue, 1 Jul 1997 05:13:13 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.******u.**.ir.***.******u.**.ir (3.y/SBU-SVR1) id AA10461; Tue, 1 Jul 1997 13:27:06 +0430

Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 13:27:06 +0430 (IDT)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Saha Gharibian
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-UIDL: a4eab5267525e2a5aeac1625eab643d4
Mina I'm here again.
I need some information about your view about my situation in this project. Please discus it more.
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Wed Jul 02 00:05:27 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Saha Gharibian
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
Salam Saha.
I got both of your e-mails. Thank you.
Just a reminder: Please write the date and time of sending the message in the body so we can calculate the time it takes for the messages to go back and forth.
It is now 12 PM, Tuesday, July 1st, our time = 8:30 AM Wednesday, July 2nd, your time.

I would like to give you all the information about the project but Goli thinks we should wait until we have established a reliable communication.

In short, your involvement in this can be in any way you prefer. We've talked about the goal of it being self-heAmirng: As we revisit our life events of these past sixteen years, we get to look at them anew and, in the process of acknowledging the pain, we gain the power to leave them behind. Think about it as claiming and establishing a space for yourself and your feelings. Obviously, I do my best so that our privacy will not be violated.

Please read my previous e-mails carefully and see if you can answer the technical questions that I've asked. This is really important if we want this to work smoothly because, as Goli says, the technology is our tool.

Also, please think about setting up a schedule.

Also, remember to back up the e-mails you send me and what you receive from me on a disk.

Also, don't let all my questions stress you.

Without the technical information, it will be hard for Goli to know what to do to make it easier for you. Think about this like a math problem that you have to solve. This way, you can control the emotions. The trick is to establish two planes: the emotional and the intellectual. And then you have to find a way to move from one plane to another as you need. This is the basic rule and the most important value of creating art. And this is why the process of making art is often more helpful than therapy.

Most importantly, you have to tell me what your concerns and worries are. We are in the dark, help us out.
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Sat Jul 05 09:31:47 1997
Received: from ********.***.**.ir ([]) by ******.*****.ca (3.3.2/3.2.5) with SMTP id FAA60738 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Sat, 5 Jul 1997 08:53:41 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.******u.**.ir.***.******u.**.ir (3.y/SBU-SVR1) id AA13187; Sat, 5 Jul 1997 12:06:56 +0430

Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 12:06:56 +0430 (IDT)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Saha Gharibian
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-UIDL: a4eab5267525e2a5aeac1625eab643d4
Mina salam
Today is saturday. I'v been waiting for your message for four days. After tommorow I'll come to our department at most two days a week. I'll tell you which days. Tommorow I'll take my last exam and it will be good for learning some thing about inter net and latex also.I may go to Esfahan and comeback after 10 days, now I'm not sure when. Now I must diconnect.
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Sun Jul 06 10:59:12 1997
Received: from ********.***.**.ir ([]) by ******.*****.ca (3.3.2/3.2.5) with SMTP id FAA60738 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Sun, 6 Jul 1997 02:32:28 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.******u.**.ir.***.******u.**.ir (3.y/SBU-SVR1) id AA14001; Sun, 6 Jul 1997 10:48:45 +0430

Date: Sun, 6 Jul 1997 10:48:45 +0430 (IDT)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Saha Gharibian
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-UIDL: a4eab5267525e2a5aeac1625eab643d4
Salam Mina;
I'm worry! Send a message soon, at least a line please. I'll be back here at 3 pm(after 4 hours).
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Sun Jul 06 11:07:59 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Saha Gharibian
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
Salam Saha.
What are you worried about? You told me in your last message that you were going to be in your department for 2 days a week and you were going to tell me which days and also that you were going to Esfahan. I thought you meant that I shouldn't send an e-mail until I hear from you. Anyway, I'm sorry if I made you worry.

Answer me this: Have you been saving the our e-mails on a disk? Or have you been able to print them?

What are you going to Esfahan for? Are you going with Amir? Tell me what is going on with you and Soheil? Please don't stay quiet about this. If I cannot help you make a decision, I'd like to at least know what is going on.
It is Sunday, 11 AM now. Write soon.
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@??? Tue Jul 08 10:18:38 1997
Received: from ********.***.**.ir ([]) by ******.*****.ca (3.3.2/3.2.5) with SMTP id DFA60738 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Tue, 8 Jul 1997 02:49:09 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by *****.***.******u.**.ir.***.******u.**.ir (3.y/SBU-SVR1) id AA16125; Tue, 8 Jul 1997 11:02:58 +0430

Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 11:02:58 +0430 (IDT)
From: Students
X-Sender: students@*****
To: *******@*******.ca

Subject: Re: Saha Gharibian
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-UIDL: a4eab5267525e2a5aeac1625eab643d4
Pardon, I thuoght I could tell what I wanted. Travelling to Esfahan is to checking the situation, we'll go together, I and Amir. Soheil is going to work in ****** and we'll stay in my mother house, (in a part of the house). This make me too nurves ,but I,d decide to cuntinue this to the end, its end means "adamshodan'e" [making him human] Soheil or findin a good position to gettin free.

And now about our work: yes I can have your messages on a discket or print them, but i haven't done yet.

Mina jan, I know that my writing need a lot of correction, but I wish I can send my mind, I forget words which I need.

I'll be here in your saturday night and tusdaay night. I wont go to Esfahan until 15 days.
Be happy.
_ mina's reply _ saha's next _ saha's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Tue Jul 08 11:07:39 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Saha Gharibian
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
Salam Saha-ye delam [my heart's Saha]
Thank you for letting me know what's going on.
I didn't know you had decided to get together with Soheil again. I have too little information to want to pass a judgement. But I think I should warn you abuot the notion of "adam shodan" [becoming human]. My friend, don't fool yourself. People at our age don't change unless they dedicate their life to it. This is not to blame anybody. I just think you should be aware that, ultimately, it is your energy that's going to be drained.

I know you've been struggling with this for a long time, so the following questions are for you to double-check with yourself for the answer:
Can you afford the time and energy that this is going to take from you?
Have you thought about alternatives before you all come together in the same house again?
Have you thought about a trial (a test) period?
Have you sat down and clarified what your conditions are?
Have you decided on a bottom line that should not be crossed?
And have you made sure that he understands where that bottom line is?

Saha jan, I haven't ever been married, but I've gone through a similar process with a lot of people. I think marriage is like a business contract, you have to make sure that your terms and conditions are fair and agreeable to both sides and that they are stated clearly and understood by both. It's also important to keep people to their word FIRMLY. If you let things slide once, you've given the permission to not observe the terms of the agreement. YOU, dear sister, have to be constantly on top of this, even if you're only staying until you can get free. Otherwise, you will be watching your talent, your energy, your soul slip away from you in the daily grind that you're subjecting yourself to.

Anyway, I wish you peace and success. You know that I'm here and you can talk about things when you need.

About our work, I don't want to have to repeat everything that I've written before. Now that I know you can save the stuff on diskette and get them printed, I think that's exactly what you should do if we want to move forward. There are some technical questions that must be answered. There are also some issues that you must think about. I know you have a lot to deal with in your life. But think about this as a time for you. Think about this as openning spaces.

I think we have already started the work because I see all of these as part of that work. All of the problems that we seem to be having in establishing a regular communication and the fact that we're persisting to overcome them, as far as I'm concerned, are part of our work. We just have to make sure that we set some goals for ourselves and we agree on a timeline. Setting the goals is something we have to do together. To do that, we must make sure that we understand each other and that we are having a dialogue. I need to know what you are thinking. Tell me your concerns, questions, ideas. Please.

Please answer this: Would you prefer to write in Farsi? I think you should feel free to do so. I am writing in English because you are and I'm used to it. But I don't mind at all to switch to Farsi. Tasmim be ohde-ye tow. Agar ham mikhahi az makhlooti az farsi va engelisi estefadeh koni aanham eshkAmir nadarad. Mohem in ast ke ancheh ra keh dar zehn va ehsasat migozarad bayan koni, be har zabani keh rahat-tar bashad. [You decide. And if you want to use a combination of Farsi and English, that's fine too. The important thing is to express what is happening in your thoughts and feelings, in any language that's more comfortable.]
Salem va khosh bashi.
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Tue Jul 08 11:12:18 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Saha Gharibian
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
Salam-e dobareh.
Yadam raft dar peyam-e ghabli tarikh va sa-at ra benevisam. An ra chand daghighe ghabl ferestadam. Alan sa-at yazdah-e sobh-e seshanbeh ast beh vaght-e ma.

[Salam again
I forgot to write in the previous message the date and time. I sent it a few minutes ago. It is now eleven o'clock, Tuesday morning, our time.]
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Mon Jul 14 21:06:08 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Saha Gharibian
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
Salam Saha,
I don't know if you received my last 2 e-mails which were sent to you last Tuesday. I have not received anything from you in response. I am trying to find out whether the problem is with my server or yours. I think it may be my Internet server this time. I am following up on it. Please send me a short reply as soon as you get this. It is now 9 PM, Monday, July 14. Be well. Love,
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence

From ???@???
Fri Jul 25 10:44:55 1997
To: Students
From: *******@******.*****.ca

Subject: Saha Gharibian
Message-Id: < l03102800cdc52b226759@[301.205.74.211] >
Salam Saha,
I haven't heard from you in about 20 days now. Where are you? Did you get the messages I've sent? Please let me know what is going on because I am worried. I haven't been able to reach you by telephone either. I hope you are well. Let me know? Love,
_ saha's reply _ mina's next _ mina's previous _ the evidence