Fools Paradise: Composition  

  Introduction    Artists     Libretto    Composition    VR Design  
  Intermedia    Diagram    Database    Hardware    Software  

Software Development for Fools Paradise

Sound processing software controlled by the VR environment is instrumental in making VR a "performance medium."

Fools Paradise is being developed using the CAVELib, developed at the Electronic Visualization Lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago and distributed by VRCO, and the Ygdrasil scripting environment that talks with the CAVELib and OpenGL Performer. MaxMSP is used for sound processing.

In the early stages of Fools Paradise, Paul Hertz saw the necessity of creating sound processing software that would be controlled from the VR environment. He developed sound spatialization software for Ygdrasil using MaxMSP and Open Sound Control. The effort was supported by the Center for Art and Technology and the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts, Northwestern University, and aided by the Electronic Visualization Lab, University of Illinois at Chicago. The Ygdrasil nodes to interface with MaxMSP were written by Joseph Tremonti, at EVL, in 2002. Nathan Wolek, a recent recipient of a PhD in Music Technology from Northwestern, provided invaluable support and code for MaxMSP. Alex Hill, who is currently finishing his PhD at EVL, provided invaluable assistance with coding in in Ygdrasil and with VR software and hardware in general. He provided revised code for the Ygdrasil OSC nodes.

The sound processing software handles sound spatialization via scripts from Ygdrasil more or less automatically, but can be customized to handle any desired form of audio signal processing with a VR control interface. In effect, it turns a VR environment into an instrument for musical performance. The alpha release of the ygMaxTools software is currently available for download. Future releases will be posted on the web site of the Center for Art and Technology. The Ygdrasil OSC nodes will be available sometime soon from the Ygdrasil web site at EVL.

Please contact Paul Hertz for information on the sound spatialization software.
View alpha release notes.

You can see a screen capture of one of the "mini-applications" for sound spatialization available with the ygMaxTools (2004).