REg original skins Workshop

Workshop in Asagaya Collage of Art and Design, April-July 2002
Lecturer: Hidenori Watanave
The official website of RhythmEngine is here.

This workshop was held at DigitalMediaDesign class for the third grader's in the first semester. Students make their original plans with using the RhythmEngine application. After the planning they make necessary materials for create their original skin. At the end they carry out a presentation.

The students picked up a theme like [Bonsai - a traditional performing arts of Japan], [Gatyagatya - Japanese children's basic goods toy], and [Information-space of the intenet], etc...

After the presentation (in two days, July 8 and 15,2002 / jury; Tom Saito, Ryuichi Nogami, and Hiroshi Moriyama), these three students as below were awarded as the creator who produced the most attractive skin.
| Ai Tanaka | Kotomi Tomioka | Hiroshi Nakayama |

Their works were also introduced in SIGGRAPH2002.



This work express the network space where an information signal that comes and goes around by using globular form of space, an inorganic characters and the icons that flies inside of the space. The character does not move but discharges an information signal toward a specific direction. The character of an information signal changes its disposition when it strikes into other characters. This work is very interesting as a project. [return]


[Gatyagatya Orchestra] (Kotomi Tomioka)

For this work, a popular Japanese goods toy picked up as the motif. It just very pretty work, apparently though, it has a considered concept inside such as a planning for the session rule of characters, Audio-Visual which used the hieroglyphic character design and ethnic music picked up from many countries in the world. The problem is the lack of the universality for the character design. [return]


[Bonsai Spirits] (Hiroshi Nakayama)

He picked up a motif of Japanese traditional performing arts "Bonsai - the potted plant" and tried to create a collaborative community space for the users. Players cut or cultivate a vegetable leaf moving freely in the space. A variety of forms of the leaf growth are seen by the Action of the players. A form will be inherited to the next logon. Although a quality of graphic design is high, a definite plan lacks. [return]

All comments by Hidenori Watanave, July 20,2002

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