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Thursday, November 28
· Happy Thanksgiving, The History You Know Never Happend (0)
Wednesday, November 27
· Ashcroft's changing views on privacy and the internet (0)
Tuesday, November 26
· Government Deleted Website Material to Push Abstinence (1)
Sunday, November 24
· Pollution Rules Relaxed by Bush Administration (1)
Friday, November 22
· Researchers attempt to Play God (1)
Thursday, November 21
· Garrison Keilor Goes Off, and its a Beautiful Thing to Watch (1)
· Innovative ideas with corn (0)
· Reagan felon is back with a vengeance; Privacy Eradicated (0)
· Geography Lesson (0)
Wednesday, November 20
· Yanqui U. X. O (0)
· A Harsh Blow for Gortbusters Everywhere (1)
· Boycott Conspicuous Consumption on 11/29 (0)
Tuesday, November 19
· Ashcroft 's Power Broadened Under Patriot Act (0)
· Oil Tanker Breaks Up and Partially Sinks off of Spain (1)
· It's Not Easy Being Green (0)
Monday, November 18
· In Lighter News: Urban Myths (0)
· How the US Plans to Maintain Submission (1)
Saturday, November 16
· Not everyone is on the same page for new Web-based rehab program (0)
Friday, November 15
· Does society breed illness? (0)

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Welcome to Gort Busters!

Welcome. You may be wondering what a Gort is... click here to find out. Don't forget to check out the journals to see what the gortbusters themselves think. Enjoy!

  Dow Cchemical Hoax Revealed!!!
Interesting News Absolutely fascinating and amazing. A giant PR firm is now suing a college Sophmore, while Dow Chemical has gone off the deep end in response to the parody site that officially "apologized" for killing 20,000 people in Bhopal. They shut down one domain, but just as quickly, 5 mirror sites popped up. You need to read this - these people at RTMark are doing the real work. This stuff is brilliant, and the corpos are freaking out and doing the only thing huge bohemoth companies can do, sue, sue, sue. Just creating more bad PR for themselves - but its only bad PR if their actions are publicized - so Please READ MORE!!!
Posted by kurt on Friday, December 13 @ 08:51:28 EST (2 reads)
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  Windsurfing the Arctic?
Mother Earth Anonymous writes "Arctic Ice Is Melting at Record Level, Scientists SayDecember 8, 2002, NYTimes Conitnuing evidence that we'll all be swimming everywhere soon."
Posted by kurt on Friday, December 13 @ 08:33:58 EST (0 reads)
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  Lumberjack Bush
Environmental Awareness Anonymous writes "Rollback on Forest LawDecember 9, 2002, NYTimes The Bush administration's anti-environmental agenda hasbeen gathering steam since the November elections. First itweakened rules governing industrial air pollution. Then itproposed a major revision in the rules governing managementof the national forests. The revision could undermineprotections for fish and wildlife. Read more..."
Posted by kurt on Friday, December 13 @ 08:31:29 EST (0 reads)
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  Peace is for Pussies
Editorial Anonymous writes "Read this letter from a professor:
U.S. Not at fault for all that has gone wrong... I see the gutless peacemakers are at it again. Sme of the same professors and some new ones along with brainwashed students are out to cause us to lose any war with Iraq like similar people did in Vietnam. I am disgusted to see and hear professors and students who live in the best country in the worlk and live at taxpayers expense blame the US for all the evils in the world. And to think I gave four years of military service from age 19 to 23 for these ingrates. Sincerely, Joseph V. Ellis Professor of Histroy
This is not a joke! This letter was submitted to the school paper last week after an anti war rally by a professor in the history department. I have not changed any of the wording."
Posted by ajb on Thursday, December 12 @ 20:48:07 EST (10 reads)
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  Treesitter Weblog
Mother Earth A young woman with the codename "Remedy" has spent the last 8 months living in an old growth tree in California in order to prevent it from being logged. Recently some "hactivists" set her up with a wireless connection to the internet so she could start keeping a web log of her situation in the tree. Although it is short right now, It's pretty interesting. For a full article from Wired on the process of setting up the wireless connection, Go here
Posted by kurt on Thursday, December 12 @ 10:04:27 EST (0 reads)
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  Spain's Oil Spill Could be Second Worst in the History of the World
Environmental Awareness Excellent article here on the possible 20.6 million gallon leak that is still occuring off the coast of Spain. The oil tanker Prestige (what a great name) sunk off the Spanish coast on November 19th and may continue leaking oil until 2006. Local officials have been paralyzed by indecision as to how to handle the disaster, meanwhile, the local fishing communities have been cleaning the beaches WITH THEIR HANDS.
Posted by kurt on Thursday, December 12 @ 09:18:03 EST (0 reads)
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  Clash of The Titans: Executive vs. Legislative
The Courts The executive and legislative branches went head to head this week in what can only be described as a serious lesson in "Nothing that is so, is so." It was hard to find this article on the big news sites, though a UK news site and an environmental news site had a short article on the decision.  For more than a year, the Bush administration had resisted requests from lawmakers and environmentalists to release the names of energy industry executives consulted by Cheney's task force in formulating its energy policy last year. Would you believe that the deciding judge in this clash of government branches was appointed by President Bush?  Read on for the gory details.
Posted by ajb on Wednesday, December 11 @ 15:09:17 EST (40 reads)
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  New Forums Available
Announcements For all those who never click on the forums link, we now have four Gortbuster forums: general discussion where you can discuss the news, philosophy behind gortbusters, or anything else you want.

The dream discussion forum you can post your dreams (note we also have the journal... soon the journal feature will have a 'Dream journal' check box, and if it's a public post it will also post it to the forum for comments.

Stump the Aborigine forum is one of our latest forums for a classic game: Your mission is to convince the aboriginal person (you know, native american, tibetan, etc) to move from their peaceful life with nature to your expensive materialistic life with all the benefits of our society.

Finally, where would we be without The Funny Stuff forum. We all have thoes flash movies, funny picture links, stories, etc... this is a good place to share them. The funniest, we'll post links up on the front page!

Stay tuned for more changes coming in the next few weeks!
Posted by ajb on Wednesday, December 11 @ 10:06:08 EST (9 reads)
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  Homeland Security Bill Protects Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Medecine crippe writes "It seems that due to political cronyism a large pharmaceutical firm (Eli Lilly) is being protected from lawsuits brought on by its unsafe products by slipping in a provision to the new Home Security Act. Of particular concern is a White House-backed provision that gives pharmaceutical companies immunity from liability for adulterated products--such as drugs and vaccines--even if the manufacturer is willfully negligent in using adulterated products! "
Posted by ajb on Monday, December 09 @ 01:16:00 EST (21 reads)
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  Bush looking for new Buddies
The Government Bush in a rousting-fest ejected Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and economic adviser Larry Lindsey from their jobs Friday in a Cabinet ho-down designed to control political damage from the ailing economy.  Critics say this is an admission of the Bush administration's poor handling of the economic situation.  Already a couple years into his term, just like ole slick Willy, the top priority on the President's mind now... even more than Iraq, is his re-election.  The writing has been on the wall for these two gentlemen since early October when things were "quitely" relayed to them that they should be searching for a new job.
Posted by ajb on Saturday, December 07 @ 11:02:14 EST (18 reads)
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  Ask Gortbusters: Anyone Remember?
Questions oldharmony asks us, anyone remember? Anyone remember the 1930s?  A freak and cross-dresser who, when in drag, called himself Mary and managed to get himself appointed head of the FBI. He later made America suffer through one of the most brutal secret police witch hunts in history.  His name was J. Edgar Hoover.
Posted by ajb on Thursday, December 05 @ 12:01:02 EST (48 reads)
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  Peaceful Protesting
Around the Globe As the US prepares for war, there are people out there who are taking more amicable way of displaying their disagreement with the US's position in the middle east. Muslims in Australia are protesting one of Bush's less publicized laws to identify Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in official documents. How do they protest -- with a nice boycott.
Posted by ajb on Wednesday, December 04 @ 11:07:45 EST (26 reads)
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  DOW Chemical Latest Target of Activist Prank
The Media I recently recieved the email pasted below. At first, I though that it was for real - that Dow Chemical was admitting killing over 5,000 people in Bhopal when one of their Union-Carbide pesticide plants sprung a leak - which has never been cleaned up and has been poisoning groudwater ever since. But it looks like some culture-jammers have gotten a hold of www.dow-chemical.com and sent out their own version of a DOW press release. This is pure brilliance. Read the letter and check out the site. I've got a hunch that this was pulled off by the boys and girls at RTMARK.
Posted by kurt on Tuesday, December 03 @ 12:49:38 EST (42 reads)
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  Get Your War On and Other Humor
Humor crippe writes "Click here for some great comics by David Rees. David Rees is the author of a new book of anti-war comics entitled Get Your War On. Click here for more info about him. He is donating all proceeds from the book to (fili's boys will find this funny) MDC team 5. MDC stands for Mine Detection & Dog Center, not the other thing you were thinking. These guys clear landmines and unexploded ordnance in Afghanistan. click here for more info on them.

rubbersoul submits this funny link. Nothing like starting off your work week with some good humor!"
Note: If you have something funny, link to a picture, joke or otherwise that doesn't really have a story just post it in the forums.
Posted by ajb on Tuesday, December 03 @ 00:15:17 EST (14 reads)
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  Kissinger the head of 9/11 Panel
The Government Terrence writes "This is rich! Henry Kissinger has been named the head of the panel investigation the events of September 11. That's right, Henry Kissinger, one of the biggest war criminals of the 20th Century, the one who is responsible for countless deaths in Vietnam, East Timor, Chile...oh, jeez, it's too depressing to list. Read The Trials of Henry Kissinger by Christopher Hitchens.This thing gets more amusing by the day.Oh, and at the press conference naming Kissinger the head of this panel, Bush said, We must uncover every detail and learn every lesson of September the 11th. September the 11th? Who talks like that?

Don't forget to check the site for the Trials of Kissinger. Read on for a more in-depth look.."
Posted by ajb on Sunday, December 01 @ 10:58:06 EST (48 reads)
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